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1、1高中英语作文写作说课稿金星中学 申义娟Hello everyone!Today Im going to talk about composition writing in senior high school, which is suitable for writing practice in grade two.Part1: Teaching material:This is a high school English composition course, focusing on the topic “a letter of complaint“. The main point of t

2、his class is to learn how to write a letter of complaint and the problems that should be paid attention to when writing an English composition.I expand and extend the English language according to the students actual English level and the related English content in daily life. In the light of the pr

3、actical pragmatic ability of the students, the lesson is carefully and carefully designed。Teaching aims:Teaching knowledge aims:Enable students master how to write a letter of complaint.Enable students master the statement and format commonly used in complaint letters。2Enable students to actually ap

4、ply what they have learned in situations。Teaching Emotion Aims:Let students know what should be done in their daily lives when their legitimate rights and interests are violated.Teaching important points:Writing skills for English complaint letters.Teaching difficult points:The writing methods of En

5、glish complaint letters.Teaching props: Multimedia courseware, material and exercise books.Teaching methods:Task-based teaching method, discussion method, edutainment teaching method。Part2: studentsHigh school students play a connecting role in the process of high school learning, and they have a ki

6、nd of tiredness or laziness in their study. In the face of such a learner, first ask students and life related issues with interesting pictures to attract their interest, then the classroom design should not only respect the textbooks should be specific, and is closely related to real life scene. 3P

7、art 3: Teaching procedure:Step 1 Greeting and Welcome the teachers to our class.Step 2 Lead in Ask students two questions: When you have problems with faulty goods or services.What should you do?When you are dissatisfied with your teacher.What should you do?Step 3 How to write a letter of complaint?

8、Letters of complaint usually include the following stages:第一段:开头,自我介绍,交代投诉内容,尽可能做到客观礼貌.I am writing to complain / make a complaint aboutI am writing to express my dissatisfaction / disappointment about第二段:正文,写明投诉的原因、问题的经过及产生的结果。The reason for my dissatisfaction is.In the first place,. In addition,.第

9、三段:结尾,提出解决建议并希望尽快得到满意的答复,4表示感谢。I appreciate it very much if you could.I hope you will take my complaints seriously andThank you for your consideration and I will be looking forward to your reply.Step 4 Team workAfter learning how to write a letter of complaint,lets write a letter of complaint about

10、your English teacher.Write the composition in groups of four and according to the interview.Step 5 Correct their composition with their deskmates.Step 6 Show some good compositions.Step 7 Summing up Today ,We learned what we should do when we meet with something unreasonable.And how to write a letter of complaint.We should keep those writting tips in mind.Step 8 HomeworkEnable students complete their composition.Part 4 Blackboard designPart 5 Teaching reflection.5


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