1、防虫整理剂 PBS8300防虫整理剂 PBS8300 是用于棉、丝、毛、涤纶、锦纶及其混纺织物的高效持久型防虫整理剂。主要成分是从天然除虫菊花中提取的最安全且高效的物质拟除虫菊酯类化合物,采用纳米胶囊包裹技术,通过固着剂在织物表面形成防蚊虫药膜,对蚊、蝇、蚤、虱、蛀虫等有高效、快速的击倒灭杀效果,并具有良好的驱避作用。整理后的织物可广泛用于蚊帐、帐篷、睡袋、马具、迷彩等户外用品及宠物用品等,能够有效抑制西尼罗河病毒、疟疾、日本脑炎等因蚊虫传播而引起的疾病,保证人类的健康。试验证明:整理后的织物对蚊虫的驱灭率可达到 90%以上,洗涤多次后蚊、虫的死亡率仍达 75%以上,且对皮肤无刺激、无过敏现象
2、,对人体无毒,穿着舒适。HERST 公司主要产品有:防紫外整理剂、抗紫外线整理剂、抗菌整理剂、抗菌助剂、纺织抗菌剂、纳米银抗菌处理剂、吸湿排汗整理剂、吸汗速干加工剂、 纳米香味微胶囊整理剂、香味加工剂、织物面料抗菌剂、纳米维生素微胶囊加工剂、阻燃整理剂、 防火整理剂、纺织阻燃剂、阻燃涂层胶剂、阻燃助剂、甲壳素整理剂、防螨抗菌整理剂、抗菌防霉防螨整理剂、皮革防霉抗菌剂、防霉整理剂、抗静电整理剂、防静电剂、防蚊加工剂、 防虫加工剂、防油防水整理剂,含氟拒油拒水防污整理剂、芦荟丝素胶原保湿剂、无甲醛免烫整理剂、纳米银抗菌剂、羽绒抗菌除臭剂、纺织品防霉剂、纳米负离子加工剂、纳米远红外加工剂、远红外负离
3、子发生剂、高发泡印花浆、珠光印花浆、金粉印花浆、银粉印花浆、 仿活性印花粘合剂、富锗整理剂、天然物(丝素蛋白、绿茶、艾蒿、卵磷脂、仙人掌 )整理剂、舒适性(凉感、调温、唐辛子暖感、自发热)整理剂等精细化工产品。周帅Insect-repellent finishing agent PBS8300UseBesides the flystrike like bitting and sucking blood , the insect may transmit disease. While the mosquitos sucking, many kinds of bacteria flow into
4、humans body and lead tohelopyra, yellow fever, breakbone fever and encephalitis which do harm to health. PBS8300 process excellent effect on drive out and eliminate insects, such as mosquito, fly, louse, flea etc. It is suitable for cotton, polyester, polyamide, T/C etc. The fabric treated by PBS830
5、0 ,which can resist West Nile virus, helopyra, Japanese encephalitis by mosquito. The treated fabric can be used in bedclothes and textile for army, such as carpet , mosquito net , drape ,camp, sleeping bag etc.PropertyComposition pyrethroid compound Appearance Light yellow liquidPH-value 6-7Solubil
6、ity Can be dispersed in water Compatibility Compatible with non-ion and positive ion Features and advantagesFeatures AdvantagesExcellent in insect-repellentAfter treated by PBS8300, the inhibition rate of fabric can be up to 99%.Resist to washingAfter washed many times, the insect-repellent rate of fabric still can be up to 75% or more.Safe to body Non-toxic, non-irritating to skin and comfortable to wear