北师大版英语八上《unit 4 fact and story》word学案.doc

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1、Unit 4 Fact and Story【本讲教育信息】一. 教学内容:第四单元 第一部分学会使用情态动词 could 表述某人在过去某一阶 段所具有的能力,学会描述过去正在发生的事情的经过。二. 本周教学重点和难点:1. To use could to talk about abilities in the past.2. To describe past events us ing the pas t cont inuous.3. Some very important expressions.三. 具体内容:(一)Could- abilities 1. 基本用法:表示某人在过去某一时期

2、所具备的某种能力。He could play the violin when he was seven.She cou ldnt dress herself when she was three.Could they speak French?Yes, they could.2. 基本构成: could do sth.He could ride a bike when he was a little boy.He could not (couldnt) ride a bike when he was a little boy.Could he ride a bike when he was a

3、 little boy?Yes, he could. No, he couldnt.3. Complete the blanks with could or couldnt.Albert Einstein(1879-1955) was a German-born American physicist, the creator of the relativity. He talk until he was three years old.Tiger Woods, the American golf champion, was born in 1975. He play golf as soon

4、as he could walk.Horatio Nelson(1758-1805) was a British naval commander during the Napoleonic Wars. He spent all his life at sea but he swim.(二)Past continuous1. 基本用法:(1)表示过去某一时刻或某一段时间里正在进行的动作。I was watching TV at nine oclock yesterday.Last week we were working in the countryside.(2)可以表示过去预计将要发生的动作

5、,但只适用于 start, fly, come, go, leave, arrive, stay, return 等动词。No one was coming as it was a rainy day.(3)也可代替过去一般时表示赞美,厌烦等情绪。He was always working hard.The boys were making noise all the time.(4)常被用来描写故事发生的背景。Jane was dancing. When she saw me she stopped.2. 基本构成: I/He/ She wasplaying basketball.We/ Y

6、ou/ They were3. 过去进行时与一般过去时区别:前者表示“正在做某事”, 后者表示“做过了某事”。I was translating an article last night.I translated an article last night.前者用来表示较长的动作,意味着一个过程。后者表示较短的动作。I was running downstairs, when I slipped and fell.The wind blew the window open while I was writing a report.由此可见,过去进行时比一般过去时更多见于所引导的表示过程的时间

7、状语从句中。I met my cousin as/when/while I was going home.四. useful expressions:1. be good at 擅长来Ma Lin is good at math, so he likes taking part in math con tests.Judy is good at languages, so she speaks Chinese very well.2. at the age of 在岁Children go to school at the age of six in China.I will graduate

8、 from a high school at the age of 18.3. look like 像The little girl doesnt look like her father.The rock looks like a monkey.4. look at 看Look at me when I am talking to you.She looked at the blackboard but she could nt see anything.5. look for 寻找Last n ight Mrs. White looked for her pet dog everywher

9、e, but she couldnt find it.What are you looking for?Im looking for my ball pen.6. in the style of 以某种风格She likes to do her hair in the style of the 30s.in style 赶时髦,讲排场He is always in style: wearing hand-made clothes, driving a nice car, going to the best parties.7. respond to 响应How did Jack respond

10、 to your suggestion?The class responded badly to his teaching.五. 课堂练习:(一)单选。1. is knocking on the door. Whos that?A. Someone B. Anyone C. No one D. Eve ryone2. My English teacher a class when the police arrived.A. gives B. gave C. is giving D. was giving3. When Mozart was six, he could play violin.A

11、. a B. the c. an D./4. he waiting for you? Yes, he was.A. Is B. Was C. Are D. Did5. I was my homework when you called last night.A. do B. doing C. did D. does6. you use a computer when you were six?A. Do B. Can C. Could D. Does7. He wrote stories the style of Jack London.A. at B. in C. on D. to8. I

12、could ride a bicycle the age of eight.A. at B. in C. on D. to (二)选词填空。invent write play be count attend1. He a long piece of music.2. He lik es the violin.3. Albert Einstein a German-born Ameri can physicist.4. Mrs. Smith an important meeting yeste rday.5. Tom cant to 100 because he is too young.6.

13、Mozart could pieces in the style of famous composers by the age of six.(三)时态填空。1. It was cold and it (rain) and there (be) no people in the street.2. We (play) games when the teacher came into the classroom.3. What you (do) at seven oclock yesterday evening?4. She (can) dress herself when she was th

14、ree.5. He (write) a letter when suddenly the phone rang.【本讲教育信息】一. 教学内容:第四单元 第二部分学习过去进行时相关的两个句型,学习副词的构成及在句子中的使用。二. 本周教学重点和难点:1. 句型:He was driving along when suddenly a woman appe ared.While I was doing my homework the light went out.2. 学习副词的构成及在句子中的使用3. 重点词组的使用三. 具体内容:(一)句型:1. My grandparents were w

15、atching TV when I left the house.某人正做某事,突然They were playing football when it began to rain.They were doing the experiment in the lab when a fire broke out on the floor.2. While he was driving along t he street he saw a woman.某人正在做某事,另一件事发生了。While he was taking the picture, the phone rang.While Tom w

16、as riding his bike home, he saw a boy fall to the ground.3. 根据提示,完成练习。(1)汤姆正在车站等车时看见一位老朋友。at the bus stop, he saw one of his old friends.(2)你到家时,你妈妈在干什么when you got home?(3)他们正在操场打球,这时候下起了雨。They were playing ba sketball on the playground (4)我做作业时灯灭了。While , the light .( 5)学生们正在说话时老师进来了。While , the t

17、eacher .(二)副词的构成及使用。副词是修饰动词、形容词、其他副词或全句的词。它也是从时间、地点、方式、程度等方面说明行为、性质或状况的词。副词分为地点副词、方式副词、程度副词、疑问副词、连接副词、关系副词等。1. 方式副词构成:(1)许多方式副词是在意思相关的形容词后加 ly。slow-slowly graceful- gracefully sad-sadly soft-softly thick-thickly different-differently difficult-difficultly hopeful-hopefully serious-seriously(2)以辅音字母加

18、 y 结尾的先变 y 为 i,再加 lyhappy-happily easy-easily busy-busily lazy-lazily(3)也有一些例外fast-fas t good-well late-late terrible-terribly fun-funnly2. 使用:副词主要是用做状语的,修饰动词、形容词、副词或全句,有时也用作表语、定语。A good student should listen to the teacher carefully in class.(修饰动词)A good student should help others happily.(修饰动词)Obv

19、iously she is wrong.(修饰全句 )I know him quite well.(修饰副词)3. 副词的 位置:修饰动词时,位置不一。修饰形容词和副词时,一般放在被修饰词之前,enough 除外。She sings fairly well.Their opinions are quite d ifferent.The boy is old enough to go to school.4. 副词的比较等级和形容词同形的单音节词 fast, slow, quick, hard, loud, high, wide 的等级变化是加er,est。fast- faster- faste

20、st quick- quicker- quickest 以 ly 结尾的方式副词的等级变化,是前置 more, most。quickly- more quickly-most quicklyslowly-more slowly-most slowly不规则变化的副词,有well-better-best badly-worse-worst much-more-most little-less-leastfar-farther-farthest /further-furthest5. 用下列词的正确形式填空:(1)This question is . I can answer it (easy)(

21、2)Tom is a boy. He often does things (slow).(3)She is a girl. She always does her homework (careful).(4)Miss White is a woman. She often talks to us (serious)(5)Mr. Smith is a m an. He often tells us stories (funny).(6)Mike is a student. He studies very (good).(三)重点词组的使用。1. have a a(special) talent

22、for 有特殊能力做某事She has a talent for writing by feet, though she has no hands.Mozart had a special talent for writing music.2. put out 扑灭The firemen helped to put out a fire.3. take care of 照顾We must take care of ourselves.四. 课堂练习。1. 汉译英。(1)他开着车,正考虑着回家,突然一个妇女出现了。He was _ _ and _ _ going back home _ sudd

23、enly a woman _.(2)他正在看书,突然电话响了。He _ _ a book _ _ the phone rang.(3)他们正在操场踢球,天下起雨来了。They _ _ football _ the playground _ it _ to rain.(4)他正寻找顾客的时候,看见了一位妇女。 While he was _ _ customers, he _ a woman.(5)他正在打扫出租车的时候发现了那位妇女的提箱。_ he _ _ his taxi, he _ the womans suitcase.(6)昨晚我打电话时,你在做什么?_ _ you doing when

24、 I _ last night?(7)有人偷他的金戒指时,艾文利先生在干吗?What _ Mr. Avery _ while _ was _ his gold ring?2. 用词的适当形式填空。(1)A good student is _(careful) with everything.(2)He goes to bed and gets up _(early).(3)He answers others questions _(patient).(4)He takes part in class activities _(active).(5)He helps others _(happy).(6)He asks questions _(polite).(7)He takes the school rules _(serious).(8)He dresses the school uniform _ (neat).(9)He does homework _ (careful).(10)He always walks into the class room _(quiet).


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