1、中国 3000 万经理人首选培训网站更多免费资料下载请进:http:/ 好好学习社区动火作业程序英文版(hot work program)Hot Work Permit ProgramThis program establishes written procedures to prevent fires resulting from temporary operationsinvolving an open flame or that produce heat, sparks, or hot slag. This includes, but is not limitedto brazing,
2、cutting, grinding, soldering, thawing pipes, torch applied roofing, and welding. Thiswritten program requires the issuance of a Hot Work Permit before beginning any hot work.ScopeThis program applies to University of New Hampshire employees and contractors who performor supervise hot work activities
3、 in existing buildings, new construction in existing buildings, andnew construction attached to existing buildings.This program does not apply to areas that are specifically designed and equipped for suchoperations, e.g., designated welding areas.ResponsibilitiesDepartmentRecognize its responsibilit
4、y for the safe use of cutting and welding equipment in their area;Establish designated areas for cutting and welding;Ensure hot work procedures are being implemented and followed in other than designatedareas;Ensure that supervisors, cutters and welders, are suitably trained in the operation of thee
5、quipment and the safe use of the process2Supervisor/Project ManagerEnsure that all employees and contractors are following hot work procedure;Ensure that a hot work permit is issued prior to the start of work;Ensure that all cutting and welding equipment is in satisfactory condition and in good repa
6、ir;Ensure that employees are suitably trained in the operation of the equipment and safe use ofthe process;Ensure that contractors follow University procedures.EmployeeFollow and use hot work procedures;Obtain a hot work permit prior to starting work;Ensure that all cutting and welding equipment is
7、in satisfactory condition and in good repair;Attend and actively participate in training sessions; andProtect nearby personnel and passers by against heat, sparks, etc. when working in occupiedbuildings.Office of Environmental, Health and SafetyShall supply Hot Work Permit forms;Provide assistance w
8、ith program implementation and administration;Provide assistance in training supervisors, employees, and project managers;Update Hot Work Program as neededProceduresHot work should not be performed if the work can be avoided or performed in a safer manner.中国 3000 万经理人首选培训网站更多免费资料下载请进:http:/ 好好学习社区Wh
9、en practical, objects to be welded, cut, or heated must be moved to a designated safe location,e.g., a designated welding area.31) A Hot Work Permit must be acquired before the hot work begins (Appendix A). A HotWork Permit form can be obtained through:EHAppropriate fire fighting equipment is not re
10、adily available;Combustible or flammable materials are within 35 feet and cannot be moved or protected;Floor and wall openings cannot be covered;Cutting or welding on pipes or other metals can conduct enough heat to ignite nearbycombustible materials; orAny condition that could result in undue hazar
11、ds by performing the work.Fire WatchMust not be actively engaged in any operation or work during Permit activityEnsure proper fire fighting equipment is readily available (i.e. appropriate extinguisher fortype of operation and material)Locate the nearest fire alarm pull station;中国 3000 万经理人首选培训网站更多免
12、费资料下载请进:http:/ 好好学习社区Inspect hot work area before any hot work is conducted;Extinguish a fire ONLY when it is safe to do so and within trained capabilities.NOTE: A Fire Watch is REQUIRED to remain in the area for 30 minutes after operations ceasewhenever protective measures are necessary for the fol
13、lowing conditions:Considerable combustible material is within 35 feet of the point of operation;Considerable combustibles more than 35 feet away may be easily ignited by sparks;5Wall or floor openings within 35 feet expose combustibles in adjacent areas includingconfined spaces;Combustibles could be
14、 ignited by conduction or radiation through metal partitions, walls,ceilings, or roofs.Contractor WorkUniversity of New Hampshire project managers are responsible for ensuring that outsidecontractors follow proper hot work procedures when working on University property.6Appendix A University of New
15、HampshireCutting Welding Hot WorkPermitDate _/_/_Permit Expires _/_/_Notified Durham Fire Department Building/Location _Floor/Department _Time Started _:_ am pm Time Completed _:_ am pmWork to be accomplished _If working in the general area of a smoke detector which may be activated by this work, ca
16、ll theFacilities Support Center (862-1437) prior to beginning and at the end of this project. They willadvise the alarm contractor who can take the device out of service for the duration of the project.In case of emergency on campus, call 911.Off campus, 911 or use alarm box located at _IMPORTANTPre
17、cautions listed on the reverse side have been completed, therefore, permission is granted for this work._ _Signature TitleCampus Emergency Phone 911Off Campus Emergency Phone 911Durham Fire Department 862-1426Prevent Fires1. Prior to initiating project, advise Durham Fire Department.2. All welding/c
18、utting operations carried on in confined space shall be ventilated to preventaccumulation of toxic substances or possible oxygen deficiency. (RSA 277 LAB 1403.82)3. Where impossible to provide such ventilation, airline respirators or hose masks, labeled中国 3000 万经理人首选培训网站更多免费资料下载请进:http:/ 好好学习社区appro
19、ved by (MSHA) Mine Safety & Health Administration shall be used.4. In areas immediately hazardous to life, hose masks with blowers or self-contained breathingequipment labeled approved by MSHA shall be used.5. Where welding operations are conducted in confined spaces and welders/helpers are provided
20、hose masks, hose masks with blowers or self-contained breathing equipment, a worker shall bestationed outside confined space to ensure safety of those working within.6. Flame or spark-producing equipment has been inspected and found in good repair.7. Sprinklers are in commission and will not be take
21、n out of service while work is being performed.8. No combustible fibers, dusts, vapors, or gases of liquids in the area. Tanks and equipmentpreviously containing such materials have been purged. Absence of gases or vapors has beenverified by combustible gas detection instrument. If there is a possib
22、ility of a leak developing innearby piping, equipment or tanks, the area will be continuously monitored.9. Work will be confined to the area of equipment specified on this permit. Blanket permits may beissued for all-new construction or whole-building renovation. However, all the precautions listedo
23、n this permit must be reviewed prior to each hot work project.10. Surrounding floors have been swept clean, and if combustible, wet down.11. Ample portable extinguishing equipment, i.e., as hand hose or extinguishers have been provided.12. All combustibles have been relocated 35 feet from the operat
24、ion and remainder protected withmetal guards or flame proofed curtains or covers (not ordinary tarpaulins).13. All floor and wall openings within 35 feet of operation have been tightly covered.14. Responsible personnel assigned to watch for dangerous sparks in work area, as well as floorsabove and below (Fire Watch RSA 277.1403.81)15. Arrangements made for patrol or area, including floors above and below, during lunch or restperiod, and minimum or one half hour after work has been completed.16. Advise Durham Fire Department of project completion.