必修五 Unit 2 The United Kingdom.doc

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1、第 1 页 共 7 页 Unit 2 The United Kingdom 练 (一 ) 英语知识运用 组块专练 练准度 (限时: 30 分钟 ) .完形填空 (2016潍坊 4 月模拟 )Yesterday I popped into a supermarket on my way home to buy a few items. So there I was, in the 15 items or less line, waiting to be _1_ when I noticed a young lady with a baby in front of me. She was real

2、ly _2_ her items, which was probably what _3_ my attention to her. So there I was staring, and I watched _4_ the checkout girl told her the total. She began to search the _5_ and then looked up, her face almost white. Intuitively (凭直觉 ) I knew what was wrong. She was _6_ of money. As her total came

3、to $8.80. I assumed she was low on the _7_. So I opened my purse, reached in, and _8_ a few of my own coins, saying “ How much do you need, honey? ” She looked at me _9_ and said “Like all of it”. Without even _10_ and putting my own coins back into my purse, I told the checkout girl to add it to my

4、 _11_. The lady could barely speak. She told me she had $10 in her purse but had no _12_ what happened to it. I told her it was no accident today that of all the checkouts I could have lined up at I _13_ at this one, right behind her. I wished her a _14_ day, and paid for the total. The lady never d

5、id _15_ me or even so much as look back. She walked away _16_ digging through her bag looking for what I supposed was her _17_ $10 note. Yet it doesnt matter at all. What I love most about all this is that the checkout girl saw, _18_ the five or so other people behind me. What I hope is that they wi

6、ll _19_ what they saw. Someday, somewhere, perhaps they or the people they tell, may too be _20_ to do the same. 语篇解读: 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者在超市替一名丢了钱的女士付账,并希望大家能够把这份温情继续传递下去。 1 A.examined B served C treated D ordered 解析: 选 B 根据下文 “I watched _4_ the checkout girl .”可知, “ 我 ” 买完东西正在排队等待结账。故 B项符合题意。 2 A.showin

7、g off B looking at C struggling with D thinking of 解析: 选 C 根据下文 “search the _5_ and then looked up, her face almost white”可知,那位女士的钱包找不到了,脸色苍白。由此可推知,她在为买的东西该如何付钱而内心挣扎着。故 C 项符合题意。 3 A.paid B needed C devoted D drew 第 2 页 共 7 页 解析: 选 D 根据下文 “So there I was staring .”可知, “ 我 ” 一直站在那儿盯着看,由此可推知,那位女士如何付款这件

8、事吸引了 “ 我 ” 的注意, draw ones attention 意为 “ 吸引某人 的注意 ” 。故 D 项符合题意。 4 A.until B since C as D if 解析: 选 C 根据上文可知,当收银女孩告诉那位女士商品的总钱数时, “ 我 ” 一直在那儿盯着看。故 C 项符合题意。 5 A.purse B supermarket C counter D baby 解析: 选 A 根据下一段的 “She told me she had $10 in her purse .”可知,此处指那位女士正在找钱包。故 A项符合题意。 6 A.disappointed B shocke

9、d C nervous D short 解析: 选 D 根据下文的 “So I opened my purse . a few of my own coins”可知,凭直觉,“ 我 ” 知道发生什么事了,她缺钱, be short of sth.意为 “ 缺 ” 。故 D 项符合题意。 7 A.list B spot C change D way 解析: 选 C 根据下文 “and _8_ a few of my own coins”可知,她买的东西的总金额为8.8 美元,所以 “ 我 ” 以为她可能是缺零钱。故 C 项符合题意。 8 A.seized B selected C saved D

10、 carried 解析: 选 A 根据上文的 “So I opened my purse, reached in”可知, “ 我 ” 从 “ 我 ” 的钱包里抓了几个硬币。故 A项符合题意。 9 A.calmly B blankly C elegantly D guiltily 解析: 选 B 根据下文的 “Like all of it”可知,那位女士茫然地看着 “ 我 ” 说可能需要“ 我 ” 拿出的所有钱。 A项 “ 冷静地 ” ; B项 “ 茫然地 ” ; C 项 “ 优雅地 ” ; D 项 “ 内疚地 ” 。故 B项符合题意。 10 A.introducing B counting C

11、 hesitating D planning 解析: 选 C 根据下文可知, “ 我 ” 没有任何犹豫地把那位女士的账单加到自己的账单里。故 C 项符合题意。 11 A.total B money C fare D note 第 3 页 共 7 页 解析: 选 A 根据上文 “As her total came to $8.80. I assumed .”及本段最后一句中的 “paid for the total”可知,此处指 “ 我 ” 把那位女士的总计账单加入到自己的总计账单里。故 A项符合题意。 12 A.effect B problem C idea D access 解析: 选 C

12、根据上下文可知,那位女士本来有 10 美元,但是不知怎么找不到了。 have no idea 意为 “ 不知道,不了解 ” 。故 C 项符合题意。 13 A.turned around B ended up C looked up D came back 解析: 选 B 根据语境可知, “ 我 ” 告诉她,本来 “ 我 ” 还得排队,但是因为 “ 我 ” 站她后面了,所以 “ 我 ” 才能提前到收款台结算了购物账单。故 B项符合题意。 14 A.humourous B valuable C warm D happy 解析: 选 D 根据语境可知, “ 我 ” 希望那位女士度过愉快的一天,所以帮

13、她付了购物账单。故 D 项符合题意。 15 A.blame B admire C thank D encourage 解析: 选 C 根据下文 “She walked away _16_ digging through her bag looking for .”可知,那位女士走的时候一直在翻她的包找那 10 美元,甚至没有回头来感谢 “ 我 ” 。故 C 项符合题意。 16 A.hardly B also C even D still 解析: 选 D 根据上文可知,那位女士没有感谢 “ 我 ” ,甚至没有回头看 “ 我 ” 。由此可推知,她还在找她的 10 美元。故 D 项符合题意。 17

14、A.missing B given C useless D returned 解析: 选 A 根据上文可知,那位女士的 10 美元不见了,所以此处指她丢失的 10 美元。故 A项符合题意。 18 A.along with B except for C including D concerning 解析: 选 A 根据语境可知,收银女孩和 “ 我 ” 身后的大概五个人 都看见了 “ 我 ” 所做的事情。故 A项符合题意。 19 A.imagine B forget C ignore D share 第 4 页 共 7 页 解析: 选 D 根据下文的 “.may too be _20_ to do

15、 the same.”可知,此处指 “ 我 ” 希望他们能够与他人分享所看到的。故 D 项符合题意。 20 A.discouraged B invited C inspired D excited 解析: 选 C 根据上文的 “What I hope is that they will _19_ what they saw.”可知, “ 我 ”希望他们记住他们所看到的,也许某一天在某个地方,人们会被这件事激励着去做相同的事情。故 C 项符合题意。 .语法填空 At my workplace there arent enough _1_(opportunity) to be different.

16、 We give care to others but sometimes we forget to care for _2_(we) and each other. So, I print _3_(inspire) messages, happy pictures, etc, and post them on a blank space _4_ Ive found in one of our rooms. I believe they add to our “emotional education” One person asked me, “ Why do you try to help

17、these people? They are not very nice? ” My answer _5_(be), “If it affects one person then its a good thing.” It doesnt matter whether it has an impact _6_ anyone else. What matters is that Im the _7_(good) person I can be. I know those _8_(print) stories and articles are read because they keep getti

18、ng moved about. So, _9_(eventual), like sandpaper against a rough surface, _10_ surface will become smooth and the messages will get through. How long it takes really doesnt matter. 语篇解读: 本文为夹叙夹议文。作者通过自己的经历告诉我们关爱别人的同时,也不要忘记关爱自己。 1 opportunities 根据空前的 “there arent”可知, there be 句型中的主语应用复数形式。 2 ourselv

19、es 但有时我们忘记了关心自己和互相关心。空处在句中作介词 for 的宾语,且主语和宾语表达相同的意思,故此处使用反身代词。 3 inspiring 根据语境可知,所填词为定语,修饰 messages,故用形容词 inspiring“ 令人鼓舞的 ” 。 4 that/which 分析句子结构可 知,空处引导定语从句修饰先行词 a blank space,且在从句中作宾语,故用 that/which。 5 was 根据上文中的 “One person asked me”可知,此处也应用一般过去时态。 6 on 此处是固定搭配 have an impact on .“ 对 有影响 ” 。 7 b

20、est 根据空前的 “the”可知,此处应用最高级,故填 best。 8 printed 分析句子结构可知,空处在此作前置定语修饰 stories and articles,且 print与 stories and articles 之间为逻辑上的被动关系,故此处使用过去分词作定语。 9 eventually 根据语境可知,此处应使用副词 eventually 作状语修饰整个句子。 10 the 此处 surface 为特指,空处应使用 the。 第 5 页 共 7 页 练 (二 ) 第 卷强化增分 组块专练 练规范 (限时: 45 分钟 ) .语法填空 (2016甘肃省第一次诊断考试 )On

21、e hot summer day, I bought a small boat when my family spent vacation _1_ (enjoy) the beaches of beautiful Gulf shores. Both of my daughters played all day in the boat. Later the little one got _2_ (tire). Therefore, I took her to our spot on the sand as my elder girl continued to play in the boat.

22、But the boat with my elder daughter in it was gradually moving far out from the shore. I called to her to come _3_ (close) to the shore and she seemed to be frightened. All she could do was to _4_ (paddle) hard to one side and the boat was just making small circles. I stood as far out in the water,

23、shouting _5_ (instruct) to her. _6_ (fortunate), some teenagers on a boat not far from her _7_ (notice) what was happening and started to head her way immediately. Im not a good swimmer _8_ I determined to have a try. I continued swimming until I no longer knew or could feel that I had legs, but I a

24、lways kept my eyes on her. Helped by the teenagers, I finally made my way back pulling her and calming her. Ive learned _9_ the experience that maybe we think we are not strong enough sometimes, but if we trust _10_ enough and take the first attempt, well have all the strength we need. 语篇解读: 本文是一篇夹叙

25、夹议文。作者带着两个女儿到海边度假,不料大女儿乘坐的小船偏离海岸太远了,她有些害怕。作者虽然不擅长游泳,但还是坚决地游向女儿并最终成功把她带回了岸边。作者从这次经历中认识到,尽管有时我们并不足够强壮,但是我们还是要相信自己,勇于去尝试。 1 enjoying spend time (in) doing sth.为固定结构,意为 “ 花时间做某事 ” ,所以此处应填 enjoy 的现在分词形式,即 enjoying。 2 tired get 后面常接动词的过去分词形式作表语,表示 “ 变得 ” ,所以此处应填 tired。 3 closer 根据语境可知,作者应该是让大女儿把船划得离海岸近些,所

26、以此处应用 close 的比较级形式,即 closer。 4 paddle 在动词不定式符号 to 后应用动词原形,且 paddle 和句子主语 “she”之间存在逻辑上的主谓关系,所以此处应填 paddle。 5 instructions shout 意为 “ 大声说出,喊 ” ,是及物动词,所以其后应接名词作宾语,故此处应用 instruct 的名词形式 instruction; 又因 instruction 表示 “ 指令,指示 ” 的含义时是可数名词,由此结合语境可知,此处应填名词复数 instructions。 6 Fortunately 空格处应用副词修饰整个句子 “some te

27、enagers .immediately”, 所以此处应填 fortunate 的副词形式。 第 6 页 共 7 页 7 noticed 根据上下文语境可知,文章讲述的是过去发生的事情,应用一般过去时。故此处应填 notice 的过去式,即 noticed。 8 but 根据空格前后的语境可知,作者并不擅长游泳,但还是决定要游到女儿身边去帮助她。空格前后之间为转折关系,故此处应填 but。 9 from learn from 为固定短语,意为 “ 从 中学到 ” ,符合语境。故此处填 from。 10 ourselves 根据语境可知,作者认为,尽管有时我们并不足够强壮,但我们还是要相信自己,

28、勇于去尝试。句子主语为 “we”, 故此处应填反身代词 ourselves。 .短文改错 (2016江西南昌十校高三第二次模拟考试 )WeChat is becoming popularly with people. I had already made a survey among my classmates about the use of WeChat. According to a result, 45% of the classmates admit they often use it because comparing with other means of communicati

29、on, WeChat has more advantages. Its cheap, convenient and easy to send all kinds of message around. However, 35% of them is against using it, saying it will affect their study. Ever using WeChat, the rest of the students have no opinion about them. As far as Im concerned, since WeChat offers us grea

30、t convenience, it should be made good use. We should not be slaves to it or let it to govern our minds and behavior. 答案: 第一句 : popularly popular 第二句 : had have 第三句 : a the; comparing compared 第四句 : message messages 第五句 : is are 第六句 : Ever Never/Not; them it 第七句 : use 后加 of 第八句 : 去掉第二个 to .书面表达 假定你是高

31、三学生李华 , 从网上获悉某国际青少年志愿者组织正在全球招募暑期志愿者 。 请写一封电子邮件申请参加 。 主要内容如下 : 1 写信目的 ; 2 自我介绍 ; 3 希望获准 。 注意 : 1.词数 100 左右 ; 2 文章的开头和结尾已给出 , 不计入总词数 ; 3 可适当增加细节 , 以使行文连贯 。 Dear Sir or Madam, 第 7 页 共 7 页 With all my best regards. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 参考范文: Dear Sir or Madam, Im writing this letter to apply for the

32、job as a volunteer that you have advertised on the Internet. In my opinion, not only can volunteer work help me enrich my knowledge and experience, but also it can help those who are in need live better and become more confident. I will graduate from senior high school in June. In the past, I took p

33、art in many social activities in which I performed well and gained rich experience. My interest and skill in English, communication and teamwork contribute to my application for the job. I would appreciate an interview at your convenience. Im looking forward to hearing from you in the future. With all my best regards. Yours sincerely, Li Hua


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