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1、HLLYBQ 整理 供“高中试卷网(http:/sj.fjjy.org) ”1吉林重点学校协作体 2012 届高考适应性模拟测试英语试卷(五)本试卷分第卷( 选择题) 和第卷(非选择题)两部分。共 150 分,考试时间 120 分钟。第卷第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)略第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分)第一节 单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)从 A、B、C 、 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21_ to pass the 2010 college entrance examination made our whole famil

2、y unhappy.AMy son failed BMy sons failingCMy son failing DMy son having failed答案与解析:B 考查动名词的复合结构作主语的用法。句意:我儿子未能通过 2010 年大学入学考试,这使得我们全家人不愉快。根据句意和选项可知这里应该用动名词的复合结构,即“名词所有格( 或形容词性物主代词)动名词”,故选 B 项。22When I was twenty, I had to drop out before graduation and work in a clothes shop to help _ my family.Asu

3、pply BsupportCsuppose Dstop答案与解析:B 句意:20 岁的时候,我不得不在毕业前退学到一家服装店工作来帮助家里维持生计。support“ 养活;支持;扶持”;supply“ 供应”;suppose“假定”;stop“停止”。23It is said that Chen Shuibian is _ to flee from Taiwan because of the campaign against him.Apossible BperhapsCprobable Dlikely答案与解析:D likely 的主语可以是人,也可以是物,可用于 sb. be likely

4、 to do sth.结构。possible 和 probable 不以人作主语; perhaps 是副词。24He feels relaxed and even begins to whistle because _ of the distance _ covered.Athree fifth; wereBthree fifth; wasCthree fifths; have beenDthree fifths; has been答案与解析:D 考查分数表达与主谓一致。 three fifths 表示“五分之三”;“分数、百分数HLLYBQ 整理 供“高中试卷网(http:/sj.fjjy.

5、org) ”2of名词”作主语时,谓语动词与 of 后的名词保持数的一致,此处 of 后的名词 distance 是不可数名词,谓语动词应用单数,因此选 D 项。25_ in a famous university is what most students wish for.ATo educate BEducatedCBeing educated DEducating答案与解析:C 考查动名词作主语。该结构的逻辑主语为后面的 most students, 所以应用被动语态,排除 A、D 两项;过去分词不能作主语,排除 B 项。26There are certain _ when you mu

6、st interrupt people who are in the middle of doing something.Aconditions BsituationsCoccasions Denvironment答案与解析:C 句意:有些时候,你必须在别人正在做事情的时候打断他们。occasion“ 场合;机会”,符合题意。condition“情况,条件”;situation“ 位置;形势”;environment“环境;外界”。27The number of people in the world _ about 6 billion and large quantities of wast

7、e _ each year.Atotals; has been producedBtotals; is producedCtotals; are producedDtotal; are being produced答案与解析:C 考查主谓一致。当主语为 the number of复数名词时,谓语动词用单数形式,所以先排除 D 项。而 quantities of 之后无论跟可数名词还是不可数名词,谓语动词一律用复数形式,所以排除 A、B 两项。从 each year 可看出用一般现在时,所以选 C 项。28If you buy our goods, our company will _ the

8、goods to your door.Adeliver BpassCshow D work答案与解析:A 句意:如果您购买我们的商品,我们公司将送货上门。deliver“ 递送”,符合题意。pass“传递 ”;show“显示”;work“工作”。29My good friend Rose went to the party with her husband, _ a happy evening of wine, food and song.Aexpecting Bto expectCexpected Dhaving expected答案与解析:A 考查非谓语动词作状语的用法。由 “去” 和“

9、期盼”两个动作之间无连接词出现HLLYBQ 整理 供“高中试卷网(http:/sj.fjjy.org) ”3可知,此处应用非谓语动词,又因为两个动作同时发生,所以要用现在分词作伴随状语。30_ the working efficiency, the boss allows the employees to have a coffee break.AImproving BTo improveCHaving improved DImproved答案与解析:B 句意:为了提高工作效率,老板允许员工们休息一下喝杯咖啡。to do 不定式表示目的。31If we expect _ much cleane

10、r world, we should attract _ worlds attention to protect the world.Aa; a Ba; /Ca; the D the; /答案与解析:C 句意:如果我们期盼一个更加清洁的世界,我们需要得到世界对于保护地球的关注。第一空泛指一个更加清洁的世界,故用不定冠词 a; world 为专有名词,其前需加定冠词the。32Its not surprising that Mr. Johnson suddenly fell ill dying. _ he is already at the age of eighty.AAbove all BI

11、n allCAt all DAfter all答案与解析:D after all 常用于句首或句中,起加强语气的作用,常译为“毕竟;终究”,有时还可译为“别忘了,应该记住”。above all“首先” ;in all“总共 ”;at all“丝毫,根本”。33The stadium _ by workers now will be finished by the end of 2012.Ato build BbuiltCto be built Dbeing built答案与解析:D 句意:现在正在建的那个体育场将于 2012 年底完工。根据句意判断此体育场现在正在建造,同时 built 与 s

12、tadium 为动宾关系,故用现在分词短语的被动式作定语。34My father _ my brother for driving but he wanted to pick _ the knowledge of the computer during his spare time.Aadvised; up Bpersuaded; outCintended; up Dmanaged; out答案与解析:C 句意:父亲打算让哥哥学驾驶,但是他想在业余时间学点电脑知识。intend sb. for doing sth.“打算让某人做某事” ;pick up“学会”,均为固定搭配。35Mum, wh

13、at are you getting me for my birthday?_youll have to wait and see.HLLYBQ 整理 供“高中试卷网(http:/sj.fjjy.org) ”4AI think so BIll tell you whatCI wouldnt say no DIm not telling you答案与解析:D 句意: 妈妈,你会给我什么生日礼物呢?我不会告诉你的,到时候你自己看。D 项意为“我不会告诉你”。A 项意为“我想如此”,不符合句意。B、C 两项与句意相矛盾。第二节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)阅读下面短

14、文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。A businesswoman got into a taxi in midtown. As it was the rush hour and she was in a _36_ to catch a train, she _37_ a quick way to reach it. “I have been a taxi driver for 15 years!” the driver said _38_. “You dont think I know the best way to go?”The woman tried

15、to explain that she hadnt _39_ to annoy him, but the driver kept _40_. She finally realized that he was too annoyed to be _41_, so she changed her _42_. “You know, you are right, ” she told him. “It must seem _43_ for me not to think you know the best way _44_ the city.”_45_, the driver glanced at h

16、is _46_ in the rearview mirror, turned down the street she wanted and got her to the train on time. “He didnt say another word the rest of the ride, ” she said. “_47_ I got out and paid him. Then he thanked me.”When you find yourself _48_ with people like the taxi driver, you will always try to _49_

17、 your idea. It can lead to longer arguments, lose job chances or _50_ marriages. I have discovered one simple _51_ extremely unlikely method that can prevent the disagreement or other difficult situations from _52_ in a disaster.The _53_ is to put yourself in the other persons shoes and look for the

18、 _54_ in what that person is saying. Find a way to _55_, and the result may surprise you.36. A. hurry B. rush C. moment D. way37. A. chose B. made C. found D. suggested38. A. jokingly B. angrily C. anxiously D. curiously39. A. supposed B. expected C. meant D. decided40. A. apologizing B. driving C.

19、asking D. shouting41. A. reasonable B. thoughtful C. normal D. practical42. A. road B. mind C. direction D. manner43. A. strange B. wrong C. terrible D. stupid44. A. across B. in C. through D. along45. A. Surprised B. Worried C. Annoyed D. Disappointed46. A. rider B. speaker C. helper D. comerHLLYBQ

20、 整理 供“高中试卷网(http:/sj.fjjy.org) ”547. A. until B. after C. because D. since48. A. satisfied B. concerned C. crowded D. faced49. A. give up B. turn down C. stick to D. point out50. A. combine B. destroy C. suffer D. divide51. A. and B. that C. but D. though52. A. lying B. resulting C. setting D. leadi

21、ng53. A. problem B. importance C. key D. reply54. A. fact B. meaning C. expression D. truth55. A. agree B. argue C. explain D. escape答案与解析:36A 考查对上下文语境的理解。因为是交通高峰期,她急于赶火车,于是向司机建议了一条能最快到达目的地的路。in a hurry to do sth.“急于做某事”。37D 考查对下文语境的理解。此题易误选 A 项,但从下文来看,此处并未选定走哪条路,只是建议而已。38B 考查对上下文语境的理解。从司机所说的话来判断,他一

22、定是“很生气”的。下文中的annoyed 一词也是暗示。39C 女商人试图向司机解释,她并不是想要惹司机生气的,因此本题选 meant。40D 结合上下文语境可知,司机不断大喊大叫。41A 考查形容词辨析。她意识到他恼怒得已经不讲道理了。reasonable“讲道理的,有理性的”符合语境。thoughtful“沉思的,思考的”;normal“ 正常的,平常的”;practical“实际的,实践的,实用的”。42B 考查词组搭配。change ones mind“ 改变主意/ 想法”。女商人见此情景,她改变了想法。43B 考查形容词辨析。女商人对司机说自己似乎犯错误了,居然认为司机不是对城市道路

23、最熟悉的人。可知答案为 B 项, stupid 语气太重。44C 考查介词辨析。through“从的一端到另一端,穿过,贯穿”,符合题意。45A 考查对上下文语境的理解。对女商人的突然转变,司机自然是感到“惊奇”的,他不再跟她争论,居然开车送她了。46A 坐在出租车上的自然应是 rider“乘客”。47A 考查句型。直到女商人下车付车费,司机一句话也没有再讲。本句考查了句型:not.until.“直到 才”。48D 考查词组搭配。be faced with“面临”。此处意为:当你发现自己面对像这位出租车司机那样的人时。49C 考查动词短语辨析。结合下文内容可知,此处意为:当你遇上像上面那位出租

24、车司机HLLYBQ 整理 供“高中试卷网(http:/sj.fjjy.org) ”6那样的人时,你常常试图坚持己见,但是这样只能引起更多的争执,由此可知应选 C 项,stick to“遵守,坚持” 。50B 考查动词辨析。此处指固执己见的后果之一是破坏婚姻。destroy 指“毁坏,毁灭,破坏”。51D 易误选 C。but 强调的是 but 后面的内容,但本句强调的是 one simple method,固可将其排除。而选 though 则可,指我发现一种简单的方法,虽然不是特别容易做到,但能阻止导致危机。52B 考查词组搭配。result in“引起,导致,以为结局”,符合题意。53C 考查

25、名词辨析。此处意为:关键是要站在别人的立场上。key“ 关键”,符合题意。54D 考查名词辨析。truth 指“真理,正确的因素” 。此处意为:关键是要换位思考,要承认对方话语中的某些合理成分。55A 考查动词辨析。先设法认可对方 (的意见),你可能会得到意想不到的结果。第三部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。ALong ago, near the village of Hedley, there lived a strange and playful tri

26、ckster (骗子), known as the Hedley Kow. Sometimes it looked like an ordinary object. Sometimes it looked like a donkey or a goat.One evening, as an old woman went along the path, she saw an old iron pot lying in the ditch. “Fancy that, ” she said. “Nobody seems to want this old pot. I will take it hom

27、e and plant pretty flowers in it.”When she tried to lift it, she saw that it was full of gold pieces. “Well, now, if that doesnt beat all, ” she said. “Im rich! I can buy a fine house and fancy clothes.”The pot was heavy, so she tied her shawl around it and began to drag it home. After a while, she

28、stopped to rest. When she looked in the pot, she was amazed to see that it was full of silver pieces!“Oh, my God!” she said. “Arent I the lucky one! If it were gold, thieves would have been after me. My friends might have been jealous. But I can hide these silver pieces, take out a few at a time, an

29、d live like a queen.”On she went, pulling the pot after her. She was nearing home now. At her gate, she looked into the pot. What a surprise! The silver had changed into a lump (块) of iron. “Iron, ” she said. “Well, now! No one will be jealous or want to steal this from me. I can use this iron to pr

30、op my door open and let in fresh air and sunlight. Lucky me!”As soon as she said that, the pot began to grow and later it became a goat. Then it jumped up and HLLYBQ 整理 供“高中试卷网(http:/sj.fjjy.org) ”7ran off down the road laughing.“Fancy that!” said the old woman. “I believe I have seen the Hedley Kow

31、! Not many folks can say that, and thats a fact. Ill just sit up by my fire tonight thinking about how lucky I was to see it for myself. I truly must be the luckiest person in the world!”56. Which of the following sayings can best describe this story?A. All good things come to an end.B. The early bi

32、rd catches the worm.C. Content is better than riches.D. All bad luck goes away.57. What does “the Hedley Kow” stand for in the eyes of the old woman?A. Glory. B. Honor. C. Misfortune. D. Luck.58. From this passage we can know the old woman is _.A. optimistic B. pessimisticC. strange D. mindless答案与解析

33、:56C 推理判断题。尽管老妇人捡到的锅里的东西不断地改变,直至变成山羊溜走,但她总是非常知足,即知足常乐(Content is better than riches)。A 项意为:天下没有不散的筵席;B 项意为:早起的鸟有虫吃;D 项意为:乌云终将过去。57D 词义理解题。老妇人捡到一口锅,不管锅里的东西怎样变化,每次她都很乐观,并且文中多次出现 lucky 一词,说明老妇人知足常乐,在她眼里,the Hedley Kow 代表幸运,故选 D 项。58A 推理判断题。尽管老妇人捡到的锅里的东西一再改变,但她总是非常知足,保持乐观情绪。BGrammarphobia is the fear of

34、 grammar. This fear attacks almost everybody at one time or another, and its most likely to strike during English or language arts classes. Even people who love reading and writing have been known to get feverish and insecure when they are aware of the possibility of turning in homework with grammar

35、 or spelling mistakes. Though writing may be enjoyable, being corrected is definitely not!Grammarphobes, its time to put your fears behind you.Grammar isnt that dreadful (可怕的). Heres why. Lets assume you like hearing and telling stories and that you enjoy joking with friends. You probably also like

36、emailing and instantmessaging. Well, what do you think makes all these possible? Grammar!HLLYBQ 整理 供“高中试卷网(http:/sj.fjjy.org) ”8Grammar is simply the art of putting words together to make sentences. Whenever you use words to express yourself, youre using grammar. You do this all the time without eve

37、n thinking.So why think about it? Because good grammar helps you convey the ideas you intend. If your words arent right, or if they are not in the right order, the person you are talking to might get the wrong idea. This can have embarrassing results. Grammar helps us understand each other. Its like

38、 a manual (手册) for assembling the words in your head. You have to put your words together the right way if you want them to make sense. They cant do what you want if they arent put together correctly.What if everybody you know had a different manual? How would you agree on what others words mean? Pe

39、ople with different grammar manuals might be speaking different languages.Communicating is similar to playing cards. To make sense, we have to play the same game, by the same rules. What are the rules for playing the game of English? You already know most of them without having to open a book.59. Gr

40、ammarphobes refer to people who _.A. consider grammar to be boringB. are worried about grammar homeworkC. mind grammar too much in writingD. are afraid of making grammar mistakes60. The underlined word “assembling” in Paragraph 6 may mean _.A. directing B. rememberingC. bringing together D. looking

41、for61. What does playing cards have in common with communicating?A. Both need standards.B. Both can be interesting games.C. Both can be learned easily.D. Both can make sense for our life.62. What might be the main idea of the passage?A. Forgetting grammar when writing.B. Grammar is not horrible.C. I

42、mproving grammar through writing.D. What is grammarphobia?答案与解析:59D 推理判断题。根据文章第二段并结合第一段的内容可推知,grammarphobes 是指害怕犯语法错误的人。60C 词义猜测题。根据第六段第三句话的 “put your words together”可知,C 项正确。HLLYBQ 整理 供“高中试卷网(http:/sj.fjjy.org) ”961A 细节理解题。根据最后一段前两句话可知,交流和打牌同样都需要规则。rule 和standard 意义相近,即做某事的标准或规则。62B 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文

43、的中心内容是告诉大家,语法并不可怕。因此 B 项正确。CWelcome to Language upon Thames. This brochure has been designed to give you an overview of our Language School and the courses we offer. If you have some additional questions please do not hesitate to contact us for more information.At Language upon Thames, we feel it is

44、 important to be flexible, in order that students can decide what period of study suits them best.Small Group General English CoursesThese courses are aimed at students who wish to improve their speaking, listening, reading and writing skills and are offered at the following levels.BEGINNERSELEMENTA

45、RY (初级)PREINTERMEDIATEUPPERINTERMEDIATEStudying one of the above courses will enable you to use English more confidently and competently on a daily basis.Try our free online test to see which level you are atCLICK HERE.Exam CoursesThese courses are aimed at students who wish to gain academic qualifi

46、cations in English and are offered at the following levels.University of Cambridge exams:ADVANCED 1FCE (First certificate)ADVANCED 2CAE (Advanced)ADVANCED 3CPE (Proficiency)Studying one of the above courses will enable you to continue your education or enter university in this country. (Students wishing to gain admission to a British university are normally required to have the Cambridge Proficiency Certificate.)Speaking, Listening & PronunciationThis course builds on communicative confidence and competence and is aimed at students who wish to develop the important skills of speaking and list


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