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1、1高中英语宾语从句 对宾语从句应注意以下三要素: 1. 引导词 2. 语序 3. 时态 1. 引导词 1)that 引导一般疑问句意义的宾从(that 可省) eg. He says (that) the boy is a little weak in Chinese. 2)疑问词引导特殊疑问句意义的宾从 eg. .Do you know who will give us a talk? .I dont know whose book that is. .Could you please tell which gate we have to go to? .I wonder when he w

2、ill come back. 注意:此类宾从的主语与主句的主语(或宾语)相同时,可替换为“疑问词 + to do” eg. .I havent decided where I will go =I havent decided where to go .He asked me what I bought = He asked me what to buy. 类似短语:how to do _what to say_ what to do _where to go_ 3)if/whether(是否)引导一般疑问句意义的宾从 eg. .“Do you like this book?” she ask

3、ed me. =She asked me _ I liked this book. .“Have you visited the Great Wall?” Could you tell me? =Could you tell me _ you have visited the Great Wall? 注意以下几点: .区别 if 当作“是否”,还是“如果” eg. I dont know if he _ (come)if it _(rain) tomorrow. .用 whether 不用 if 的几种情况 1)后接不定式 eg. I cant decide whether to go to

4、Beijing. 2)与 or / or not 连用 eg. I want to know whether you will go to the park or not. 3)在句首时 eg. Whether this is true or not, I cant say. 24)whether 还可以引导让步状语从句,意为 “不管,无论” eg. Whether it rains or not, we are going to the park tomorrow. 2.语序:宾从用陈述句语序 eg. 1)I dont (A) know whether (B) will he (C) com

5、e (D) tomorrow. _ 2)He asks (A) me when (B) will you (C) come back (D). _ 3)Could you tell (A) how many players (B) are there (C) in (D) a football team? _ 3.时态 主句 宾语从句 一般现在时 一切时态 一般过去时 过去范畴的某一时态(一般过去时;过去进行时;过去完成时;过去将来时) 但当宾语从句是指客观事实、普遍真理、自然现象时,则只能用一般现在时。 eg. She said (that) the sun rises in the eas

6、t. 练 习 ( )1.Alice wanted to know _ her grandma liked the dog . A. that B. if C. which D. what ( )2.Can you tell us _ ? A. where have you gone B. where have you gone C. where you have been D. where have you been ( )3.Do you still remember _ ? A. that he said B. what he said C. did he say that D. what

7、 did he say ( )4.The weather here changes very often and we cant tell _ it will be like tomorrow. A. that B. how C. what D. whether ( )5.What did the scientist say? -He said he wondered if _into space by spaceship one day. A. he had to fly B. he could fly C. can he fly D. could he fly ( )6.Do you kn

8、ow_from Wuhan to Xian ? A. how far it is B. how far is it C. how long it is D. how long is it ( )7.Could you tell me _? A. where do you live B. who you are waiting for C. who were you waiting for D. where you live in ( )8.Is the lake there beautiful? - This photo will show you _. A. how does it look

9、 like B. what does it look like C. how it looks like D. what it looks like ( )9. I dont know _ bought the present for me. Is it Jack? A. which B. who C. whose D. what ( )10.Could you show us _ a bike ? A. how to mend B. what to buy C. where to go D. how many to buy ( )11.I dont know _ Jane was late

10、for school this morning. A. who B. what C. whom D. why ( )12.Do you remember _ he came? -Yes, I do. He came by car. A. that B. if C. how D. when ( )13.Mike said he _ a cold for a few days. A. has caught B. had caught C. has had D. had had 3( )14.I dont know if he _ here. If he _, Ill tell you. A. wi

11、ll come, comes B. comes, will come C. comes , comes D. will come, will come ( )15.Could you tell me _ best? A. which one you like B.which one do you like C. do you like which one D.you like which one ( ) 16.The teacher told the children that the earth _ around the sun. A. moves B. moved C. had moved

12、 D. was moving ( )17.Nobody knows which factory _. A. does he work B. he works C. does he work in D. he works in ( )18.He said that no one knew _ with him.A.what is the matter B.what was the matter C.what the matter is D. what the matter was ( )19.Im interested in _ or not he is coming. A. whether B

13、. if C. when D. why ( )20.Im sorry that I _ you were here. A. didnt know B. dont know C. wont know D. cant know ( ) 21.I dont know _ he will come tomorrow. _ he comes, Ill tell you. A. if; Whether B. whether; Whether C. if; That D. if; If ( ) 22. I dont know _ the day after tomorrow. A. when does he

14、 come B. how will he come C. if he comes D. whether hell come ( ) 23. Could you tell me _ the nearest hospital is? A. what B. how C. whether D. where ( )24. Could you tell me _ the radio without any help? A. how did he mend B. what did he mend C. how he mended D. what he mended ( )25. I want to know

15、 _. A. whom is she looking after B. whom she is looking C. whom is she looking D. whom she is looking after ( )26. Do you know where _ now? A. he lives B. does he live C. he lived D. did he live ( )27. I dont know _. Can you tell me, please? A. how the two players are old B. how old are the two play

16、ers C. the two players are how old D. how old the two players are ( )28. The small children dont know _. A. what is their stockings in B. what is in their stockings C. where is their stockings in D. what in their stockings ( )29. I cant understand _. A. what does Christmas mean B. what Christmas doe

17、s mean C. what mean Christmas does D. what Christmas means II. 按要求转换句型。 1. Does Mr. Brown enjoy living in China? Could you tell us?(改写句子) Could you tell us _ Mr. Brown _ living in China? 2. “Does the girl need any help?” he asked me.(变为复合句) He asked me _ the girl _ some help 3. Jim is not a student.

18、 Tom is not a student, either.(合并为一个句子) _ Jim _Tom is a student. 44. When does the train leave? I want to know.(改为含宾语从句的复合句) I want to know _ the train _. 5. They went home after they had finished their homework. (用 not until 改写) They _ go home _ they had finished their homework 6. Did Peter come he

19、re yesterday? Li Lei wants to know. (改为含宾语从句的复合句) Li Lei wants to know _ Peter _ here yesterday. 冠词 1定冠词the . 1 特指某(些)人或某(些)事物。The students are very good. 2 说话人与听话人都知道的人或事物。Where is the toilet ? 3 重复提到上文的人或事物。I have a cat , the cat is white and black . 4 表示世界上独一无二的事物。The moon moves around the earth

20、. 5 形容词最高级和序数词前和表示方位的名词前。I am the oldest . He is the first to school . I live in the south . 比较级前一般不加 the 但 the + 比较级+of the two /twins/parents 或 the +比较级-, the +比较级-除外 另外注意 a /an + 序数词表“又一”6 乐器的名称前常用定冠词the 。I like playing the piano / violin . 7 和某些形容词连用,代表某一类人。We should help the poor . 8 由普通名词构成的专有

21、名词前。We will go to visit the Great Wall next week . the Peoples Republic of China . 9 放在姓氏的复数形式前,表示全家人或夫妇两人。The Whites are watching TV . 10 固定词组中。 In the morning / afternoon / evening . 2不定冠词a / an . ( a/e/f/h/i/l/m/n/o/s/x)20 个元音音标前用 an an( hour /honest -/ umbrella /unusual -/unhappy-/uncle) an ( a/

22、e/f/h/i/l/m/n/o/r/s/x) a ( useful /university / usual / European-)1 指人或事物的某一种类。A horse is a useful animal. A table has four legs. 2 指某一类人或事物中的任何一个。Pass me a pencil, please. We write with a pen. 3 指某人或某物,但不具体说明何人或何物。The book was written by a peasant. Last month we were working in a factory. 4 不定冠词还可以

23、指“事物的单位”,如“每日”、 “每斤”等。 Here is a letter for you . The meat is 18 yuan a kilo. 3零冠词。 1 泛指。Man will conquer nature . 2 在专有名词前和不可数名词前一般不用冠词。China is a great country. Mr Smith is an artist. 3 在三餐饭、球棋类运动名称、学科之前不用冠词。He often goes out for a walk after supper. Sometimes I play basketball. 但三餐前有形容词时可加 a . 如

24、have a big dinner 4 在节假日、星期几、月份、季节等名词前。September 10th is Teachers Day. 但中国特有的节日前要加 the 如 the Mid-Autumn Day / the Spring Festival . 具体某一年的的季节要加 the 如 in spring / in the spring of 20095 在语言名词前,名词前有指示代词、物主代词或数词时,不用冠词。This is his book. I 5can speak English . 6 不用冠词的惯用语。 At night / on foot/ at home / in class / at work /by bus = on a bus by bike =on a bike by car =in a car4 区别in front of / in the front of on earth /on the earth in hospital / in the hospital in bed / on the bed at table / at the table in future / in the future take place / take the place of go to church / go to the church


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