2012秋人教版英语七上unit8《when is your birthday period 1》word教案1.doc

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2012秋人教版英语七上unit8《when is your birthday period 1》word教案1.doc_第2页
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1、Unit 8 When is your birthday? (Period 1: Section A 1a 2d) Teaching aims and language points: 1. Learn these words and expressions, and be able to say, read and write them: when, month, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December the ordinal number

2、s from first to thirty-first 2. Be able to talk about ones birthday by using When is your/his/her birthday?来 My/His/Her birthday is October tenth. When is Alices birthday? Her birthday is Teaching steps: 1. Warning-up and revision (课 堂 热 身 和 复 习 ) (1)Daily greeting to the students( 日 常 问 候 ) (2)Revi

3、sion( 复 习 ) : Revise the cardinal numbers and some nouns by translatin g the fol lowing phrases. 11 个 足 球 14 个 西 红 柿 28 双 红 袜 子 15 顶 帽 子 31 个 乒 乓 拍 12 条 短 裤 26 个 学 生 18 个 毛 衣 2. Presentation (呈 现 新 知 识 ) Present the new words: month, January , February, March, April, May, June, July, August, Septemb

4、er, October, November, December T: Whats this in English? (showing a picture of a Calendar) . Its a calendar. How many months are there in year. There are 12 months in a year. (Get the Ss to guess what month and year mean. Then, teach the Ss the names of 12 months.) 3. Working on 1a. (1) Listen and

5、repe at. (2) A sk some individual Ss to read the new wo rds again. Correct their pronunciations when necessary. 4. A song. Teach the Ss to sing the song of months. 5. Ordinal Numbers(序 数 词 ) (1) Present the ordinal numbers from firs t to twelfth. T: When is January? (Help the Ss to answer.) Ss: I ts

6、 the first month of the year. (Repeat the questions and answers for the other months and present the ordinal numbers from seco nd to twelfth.) 2. 用年历引出月份的名称,通过 看图,简单明了。由于单词多, 拼写复杂,所以音标和单词直接 出现,引导学生观察读音与拼写 的关联,反复教读,让学生迅速 上口。 教学设计说明 1. 由于本课时要教学序数词,所以 通过汉译英练习迅速复习基数词和 前几个单元的一些名词,加强教学 的前后联系。 3由于单词多,拼读较难,

7、 注意让学生跟录音反复朗读, 检查学生的语音是否正确,及 时纠错。 4. The Months 这首歌简单易学, 学生们通过唱歌来巩固这些单词 的读音是一个很好的办法,也可 以帮助学生更快记住它们。 5. 序数词的学习也是本课时的一 个重要内容,有了基数词的学习 做基础,多数序数词的变化是有 规律的,所以要让学生们在较短 的时间掌握这么多的序数词,就 要让学生注意总结基数词与序数 词的变化规律。 (2) Present some other ordinal numbers. (3) Read the Students Book P81. (4) Work on 2a. Listen and r

8、epeat. (5) 基 数 词 变 为 序 数 词 的 顺 口 溜 6. Working on 1b. (1) Students listen and number conversations. Check their answers quickly (2) Listen and repeat. (3) Practice the conversations in pairs (4) Practice reading some dates. 7. Group work. (小 组 活 动 ) Ask the Ss to ask and answer about their own birt h

9、days. Ask them to collect the birthdays of their group members and fill in the chart. 8. Listen ing practice. (听 力 练 习 ) (1) Work on 2b. Listen and circle the numbers you hear in 2a. (2) Work on 2c. Listen and match the names, months and dates. (3) Listen and read the conversations after the record.

10、 9 . Pair work. (两 人 活 动 ) Work on 2d. (1) T alk about the childrens birthday in 2c like the sample in the box. (2) Ask your partner about the bi rthdays in his or her family. 10. Homework( 家 庭 作 业 ) 1. Re member the ne w words we learned today. 2. Look at the chart below and write a conversation between you and Mike like 2d. 6. 听读 1b 的对话是为进一步让 学生模仿对话做准备,所以跟录 音朗读,模仿录音中的语音语调 很重要。 7. 给学生一个任务:收集小组成 员的生日。这样使句型练习有了 交际的目的,对话更有意义。学 生能学以致用,也就更有学习兴 趣。 8. 2d 的对话练习出现了名词所有 格和第三人称的物主代词。要提 请学生注意,让学生简单模仿运 用。名词所有格在后面的课时再 作详细的讲解。


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