2012秋外研版七上module10《spring festival》word教案.doc

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1、 Module 10 Spring Festival Unit1 Are you getting for Sping Festival? 题目 Unit1 教材分析 本模块话题是“节日” 。要求学生掌握描述节日的表达方式,同时加强学生对中 外节日的理解与认识。通过使用现在进行时,对该话题展开听、说、读、写的 语言实践活动。使学生加深能够谈论或写出对该节日的介绍,并了解英语国家 中重要的节假日及其主要庆祝方式。有助于学生了解世界,提高学习效率,形 成自主学习的能力,为学生的终身学习奠定基础。教学中教师应随时随地以课 本为出发点,灵活利用各种素材组织教学过程和内容。 学情分析 学生英语水平参差不齐

2、,因此课堂教学设计要低起点, 多层次,满足不同阶 段学生的学习需求。 知识 目标 1、能正确运用词汇:Spring Festival , ready, get ready for, learn, dragon, dragon dance, lantern, sweep 2、现在进行时的问与答;一般现在时。 能力 目标 1、To hear and understand the conversation about the Sp ring Festival 2、To ta lk about the Spring Festival with given information 教 学 目 标 情感

3、目标 乐于接触并了解世界不同地方人们的节假日,乐于参加相关英语实 践活动,提高对英语的学习兴趣,培养对异国文化,生活习俗的兴趣, 提高对本国文化的认识。参加各种英语活动,克服困难,在新环境中 进一步树立准确的语言学习观。 教学重难 点 vocabularySpring Festival , ready, get ready for, learn, dragon, dragon dance, lantern, sweep structures - What is LingLing doing ? Shes getting ready for the Spring Festival. Is you

4、r mother working? Yes, she is. /No, she isnt. 文化意识 了解英语国家重要节假日及其主要庆祝方式,鼓励学生了解世界,加强交流。 教 学 过 程 教 师 活 动 1、 Show the lucky money. Say: This is lucky money. We can get it at Spring Festival. Teach “Spring Festival”. You know people are very busy before the Spring Festival. What do we often do? 2、Show so

5、me pictures and say: Look at the pictures. The people are very busy. They are getting ready for Spring Festival. Teach “get ready for”. Present the title of this lesson. 学 生 活 动 Student1: Student2: Student3: Student4: Warm-up 目 的 由图片和实物引出讨论的话题。 教 师 活 动 1. Ask students “What are they doing? ” “What c

6、an we do for Spring Festival?” 2. Ask “What are the people doing?” 学 生 活 动 1. Learn the phrases: Spring Festival , ready, get ready for, learn, dragon, dragon dance, lantern, sweep 2. Answer: Theyre cleaning the house. Pre- listening 目 的 根据幻灯片,直观形象的将新词汇展现给学生,为新语法的引入做 好铺垫。根据新词汇, 呈现现在进行时, 进一步练习现在进行时。

7、教 师 活 动 一听:Listen and match What are the boys doing? They are 二听:listen and check 1.Cleaning the house ( ) 2. Cooking the meal ( ) 3. Getting ready for Spring Festival ( ) 4. Learning a dragon dance ( ) 5. Making lanterns ( ) 6. Sweeping the floor ( ) 三听:Listen and answer. 1. How many people are the

8、re in the dialogue? 2. How many people are there in Linglings family? 3. What are Lingling and her mother doing ? 4. Where is Linglings father? 学 生 活 动 Students listen and answer the questions . What are they talking about? While- listening 目 的 一听,培养学生捕捉整体信息的能力 二听,培养学生捕捉整体信息的能力 三听旨在巩固词汇,培养学生捕捉具体信息的能

9、力。将信息具体表 化,为下面的说打下坚实的基础。 Post- listening 教 师 活 动 Ask students to work in pairs according to activity4 1. Ask students to read the dialogue and find out “be doing” sentences. 2. Summary 现在进行时的意义 现在进行时的构成 3.Competition(ask students to make sentences according to the pictures) 4. Read in roles clean th

10、e house shop for Spring Festival make dumplings learn a dragon dance make lanterns cook a meal sweep the floor 学 生 活 动 Students read, find and discuss. 目 的 为了更好地掌握信息,增加了输出性活动, 进一步巩固现在进行时。 运用现在进行时提高口头表达能力 Homework 1.Finish P9-3、4 2. Translate into Chinese. 林玲你好。怎么了?你正在为春节做准备吗? 是的。 男孩们正在做什么? 男孩们正学习舞龙。

11、 你也在学习舞龙吗? 不,我没有。我在做灯笼。 你的妈妈正在做什么? 她正在打扫房间。 那你的阿姨在做什么?她在帮忙吗? 是的。她正在扫地。 你的奶奶正在做什么? 她正在做饭。 你的爸爸在帮忙吗? 不,他没有。他正在上班。 Blackboard Arrangement Key points: Whats happening? get ready for learn a dragon dance make lanterns clean the house sweep the floor cook the meal at work Key structure: present continuous

12、 (affirmative): Theyre learning a dragon dance. Shes cooking a meal. Reflection Unit 2 My mothers cleaning our house and sweeping away bad luck 知识 目标 1. 能正确运用下列词汇:tradition, bad, luck, paint, mean, decorate, decoration, paper cut, everyone, haircut, New Year, New Years Eve, dumpling, sweet pudding,

13、fireworks, few, a few, week, round, all the year round, bring, colour, something, cut, Christmas. 2. 能读懂对正在发生的事情的描述。 3. 能描述正在发生的事情。 能力 目标 1. 能读懂对正在发生的事情的描述。 2. 学会写明信片。 3. 学会描述自己或他人正在做的事情。 4. 学会用 and 连接句子。 教 学 目 标 情感 目标 通过对其他国家或地方人们生活的了解, 培养对异国文化、生活习俗 的兴趣,提高对本国文化的认识。 教学重点 1. 能读懂对正在发生的事情的描述。 2. 学会写明信片

14、。 3. 学会描述自己或他人正在做的事情。 4. 学会用 and 连接句子。 教学难点 1. 学会写明信片。 1. 学会描述自己或他人正在做的事情。 3. 学会用 and 连接句子。 教 学 过 程 教师 活动 Review what they have learned from last lesson. 1. Ask Ss to do some actions. The others talk about what they are doing. 学生 活动 Some students would be asked to do some actions. Then the others ta

15、lk about what they are doing. Warm-up 目的 以旧引新, 激发学生的兴趣。 Pre- reading 教师 活动 创设情境, 学习部分新单词 tradition n. 传统 bad adj. 坏的 ; 不好的 luck n.运气 paint v.涂; 绘画 mean v.意思是 ; 意味 decorate v. 装饰 decoration paper cut 剪纸 everyone pron. 每个人; 每一个 haircut n.理发 give v. 给 New Year 新年 New Years Eve 新年前夜 dumpling n. 饺子; 团子 s

16、weet adj.甜的 pudding n.布丁; 甜点心 fireworks n. (复)焰火 few n.不多, 很少 a few 一些 want v. 要; 想要 week n.星期 round adj.圆的 adv.在周围 all the year round 一年到头 bring v. 带来 colour n. 颜色 something pron. 某事; 某物 cut v. 剪; 切 Christmas n.圣诞节 学生 活动 连线巩固学习新词汇。 目的 根据幻灯片,直观形象的将新词汇展现给学生,为课文学习做好铺垫。 While- reading 教师 活动 (一)Fast-Rea

17、ding: Match the photos and the paragraphs Match the questions and the paragraphs 1. What do you do at Spring Festival? 2. When does Spring Festival finish? 1.happy and good things 2.make hair shorter 3.the show of explosive devices to make smoke, fire and noise for amusement. 4.a kind of food people

18、 in South China eat during the spring Festival 5.make things more beautiful 6.people use scissors and knife to cut shapes in paper and use them to decorate houses. 7.sad and bad things 8.twelve oclock at night 9.the kind of food people in North China eat during the Spring Festival a. good luck b. mi

19、dnight c. dumplings d. bad luck e. sweet rice pudding f. paper cut g. fireworks h. decorate i. haircut 3. What do you do on Spring Festivals Eve? 4. What traditions do you have at Spring Festival? (二)Careful-Reading: Answer these questions: Paragraph A-D: 1.Why do we clean the house for Spring Festi

20、val? 2. What does red mean? 3. What do we usually decorate the doors and windows with? 4. What do our parents and grandparents usually give us for Spring Festival? 5.Do we eat jiaozi at Spring Festival? 6.When does Spring Festival finish? (三)Ask students to read the passage loudly and talk about wha

21、t they dont understand. (四)Retell: (work in groups) 学生 活动 Students read, answer and retell. 目的 通过阅读,培养学生捕捉整体信息及细节信息的能力。 教师 活动 (一)Fast-reading: Read and fill in the blanks. We have lots of traditions. First, we clean our houses and_, and then we_. It means good luck. We usually _the doors and windows

22、 _paper cuts. We also buy clothes and everyone_. (二)Summary How to write a postcard ? (Discuss with the partners) (三) Write five paragraphs describing Christmas in Britain. 学生 活动 Students read, sum up and write Post- reading 目的 1. 学生阅读回答问题, 为学写明信片打好基础。 2. 学生讨论如何写明信片, 为学写明信片打好基础。 3. 学会运用现在进行时, 及“and”

23、 连接句子,提高书面表达能力。 Homework Reading Describing Christmas Blackboard arrangement Unit 2 Unit 2What traditions do you have at Spring Festival? Key points: :tradition, bad, luck, paint, mean, decorate, decoration, paper cut, everyone, haircut, New Year, New Years Eve, dumpling, sweet pudding, fireworks, f

24、ew, a few, week, round, all the year round, bring, colour, something, cut, Christmas. Difficult sentence: Everyone is getting ready for Spring Festival. The boys are learning a dragon dance. Reflection Unit 3 Language in use 知识 目标 1.能听懂谈论正在做的事情的简短对话。 2.能谈论正在做或正在发生的事情。 3.能正确运用词汇:tradition, bad, luck,

25、 paint, mean, decorate, decoration, paper cut, everyone, haircut, New Year, New Years Eve, dumpling, sweet pudding, fireworks, few, a few, week, round, all the year round, bring, colour, something, cut, Christmas. 能力 目标 1. 能灵活运用现在进行时。 2. 学会写明信片描述节日。 3. 学会描述自己或他人正在做的事情。 教 学 目 标 情感 目标 通过对其他国家或地方人们生活的了

26、解, 培养对异国文化、生活习俗 的兴趣,提高对本国文化的认识。 教学重点 1. 能灵活运用现在进行时。 2. 学会写明信片。 3 学会描述自己或他人正在做的事情。 教学难点 学会描述自己或他人正在做的事情。 教 学 过 程 教师 活动 Review what they have learned from last lesson. Ask Ss to do some actions. The others talk about what they are doing. 学生 活动 Some students would be asked to do some actions. Then the

27、others talk about what they are doing. Warm-up 目的 运用现在进行时, 描述正在做的事情, 激活学生头脑中的信 息, 激发学生的兴趣。 Summary 教师 活动 Translate A. 1.节日 2.地板 3.有准备的 4.帮助 5.打扫;弄干净 6.做饭;烹饪 7.一餐,一顿饭 8.学;学会 9.龙 10.发生(-ing) 11.灯笼 12.打扫 13.舞龙 14.扫去 15.元宵节 16.为做准备 17.春节 18.在工作 B.Fill in the blanks 1 Everyone _(准备)Spring Festival. 2. Th

28、e boys _(学舞龙). Lingling_(做灯笼) . 3. Linglings mother_(打扫房间). 4. Linglings aunt _(扫地).Whats Linglings grandmother doing? 5. She_(做饭)._linglings father_(帮忙)? No, he isnt.He _(工作). 学生 活动 Students make phrases. 目的 总结本模块的动词词组,为口语练习做好铺垫。 教师 活动 Say what the people are doing according to the picture. 学生 活动 S

29、tudents work in groups.Speaking 目的 根据图片及所学的动词词组,练习现在进行时, 提高口语表达 能力。 教师 活动 1. 现在进行时的意义: _ 2. 现在进行时的构成:_ 3. 动词 ing 形式的变化规律 :_ 学生 活动 Students work in groups and discuss the questions.Summary 目的 通过学生的讨论,教师的点拨, 让学生对现在进行时有一个系 统的认识。 教师 活动 1. Complete the words. At Spring Festival, We p_ doors and windows r

30、ed. It means good l_. We usually d_ the doors and windows with paper cuts. On Spring Festivals Eve the family has d_ and we eat jiaozi- a kind of d_. The New Year Festival f_ at the L_ Festival after t_ weeks. Our parents and grandparents usually give us new c_ as New Year p_. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. I_(do

31、) my homework now. 2.She_(lie) in the sun at the moment. 3.Look! The boy_(run). 4. What is your mother doing? She_(put) on her dress. 5._they_(have) a good time?Yes, they_. 学生 活动 Students complete the words . Practice 目的 本活动旨在培养学生对现在进行时的灵活运用能力。通过图片 写句子, 提高学生的书面表达能力, 为学生写作做好铺垫。 教师 活动 Ask students to

32、think of a friend who you dont often see. Write a postcard saying what you are doing at the Spring Festival. 学生 活动 Students write the postcardWriting 目的 本环节是对现在进行时以及本单元所学知识的灵活运用。 Homework 1. Make notes 2. Finish the postcard. Blackboard arrangement Unit 3 Language in use 现在进行时的构成 现在进行时的意义 动词现在分词的变化规

33、律 Reflection Unit 4 Review and test 知识 目标 1. 能听懂谈论正在做的事情的简短对话。 2. 能谈论正在做或正在发生的事情。 4. 3. 能正确运用词汇:tradition, bad, luck, paint, mean, decorate, decoration, paper cut, everyone, haircut, New Year, New Years Eve, dumpling, sweet pudding, fireworks, few, a few, week, round, all the year round, bring, colo

34、ur, something, cut, Christmas. 教 学 目 标 能力 目标 1.能灵活运用现在进行时。 2.学会描述节日。 3.学会描述自己或他人正在做的事情。 4.学会用 and 连接句子。 情感 目标 通过对其他国家或地方人们生活的了解, 培养对异国文化、生活习俗 的兴趣,提高对本国文化的认识。 教学重点 5. 1.能正确运用词汇:tradition, bad, luck, paint, mean, decorate, decoration, paper cut, everyone, haircut, New Year, New Years Eve, dumpling, sw

35、eet pudding, fireworks, few, a few, week, round, all the year round, bring, colour, something, cut, Christmas. 2. 能灵活运用现在进行时。 教学难点 现在进行时的灵活运用。 教学过程 教师 活动 Review what they have learned from last lesson. Ask Ss to do some actions. The others talk about what they are doing. 学生 活动 Some students would be

36、 asked to do some actions. Then the others talk about what they are doing.Warm-up 目的 运用现在进行时, 描述正在做的事情, 激活学生头脑中的信息, 激发学生的兴趣。 教师 活动 (一) 总结语法: 1. 现在进行时的意义: _ 2. 现在进行时的构成:_ 3. 动词 ing 形式的变化规律 :_ (二)总结动词词组 (三) 总结怎样写明信片 学生 活动 Students work in groups. Summary 目的 小组内学生自主互助, 根据笔记复学巩固, 教师精讲点拨。 教师 活动 要求学生运用现在进

37、行时及复习的动词词组, 开展句子接龙比赛。 学生 活动 学生运用现在进行时及复习的动词词组, 开展句子接龙比赛。Practice 目的 进一步复习巩固学习的现在进行时及动词词组, 夯实基础知识。 Test 目的 检测学生对本单元的掌握情况, 查缺补漏, 进一步完善知识。 Homework Make notes (一)用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. I_(do) my homework now. 2.She_(lie) in the sun at the moment. 3.Look! The boy_(run). 4. What is your mother doing? She_(put)

38、 on her dress. 5._they_(have) a good time?Yes, they_. (二)按要求改写句子 1.Tom is listening to the music. (划线提问)_ is listening to the music? 2. She is cleaning the house. (划线提问 ) _ _ is _? 3. They are working. (划线提问 ) _ _ _ _? 4.They are sleeping now. (划线提问) _ are they sleeping ? 5. People are drinking in t

39、he pub.( 划线提问_)_ are People drinking ? (三)Translate A. 1.节日 2.地板 3.有准备的 4.帮助 5.打扫;弄干净 6.做饭;烹饪 7.一餐,一顿饭 8.学;学 会 9.龙 10.发生(-ing) 11.灯笼 12.打扫 13.舞龙 14.扫去 15.元宵节 16.为做准备 17.春节 18.在工作 B.Fill in the blanks 1 Everyone _(准备)Spring Festival. 2. The boys _(学舞龙).Lingling_(做灯笼). 3. Linglings mother_(打扫房间). 4. L

40、inglings aunt _(扫地).Whats Linglings grandmother doing? 5. She_(做饭)._linglings father_(帮忙)? No, he isnt.He _(工作). (四)Complete the words. At Spring Festival, We p_ doors and windows red. It means good l_. We usually d_ the doors and windows with paper cuts. On Spring Festivals Eve the family has d_ an

41、d we eat jiaozi- a kind of d_. The New Year Festival f_ at the L_ Festival after t_ weeks. Our parents and grandparents usually give us new c_ as New Year p_. (五)Writing Think of a friend who you dont often see. Write a postcard saying what you are doing at the Spring Festival. Dear_, How are you? Im enjoying school very much. Im learning English. _ _ _ _ _ See you soon. Love _


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