2013年小学英语PEP人教版五年级下册《Look At the Monkeys A let's learn》word版教案.doc

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2013年小学英语PEP人教版五年级下册《Look At the Monkeys A let's learn》word版教案.doc_第1页
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2013年小学英语PEP人教版五年级下册《Look At the Monkeys A let's learn》word版教案.doc_第5页
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1、Unit5 Look at the Monkeys 教学设计 翁飞飞 一、教材分析 教学内容:PEP BOOK6 Unit5 Part A Lets learn Lets play 教材分析:本节课重点句型:what is it doing? Its并 复习动物名称和动词的现在分词形式。 二、学情分析 五年级的学生已经积累了两年的学习经验,之前已经学过 动物名称,对这一阶段的学习起着承上启下的作用,在课堂上 要努力提高他们学习英语的兴趣,针对他们不甘落后的心理, 运用竞赛的形式进行教学,师生之间努力营造平等和谐的氛围。 三、教学目标 1.知识目标:能听、说、读、写动词现在分词:flying j

2、umping walking running swimming 。 2.能力目标:能够会用现在分词,并掌握句型:What is it doing? Its running. 3情感目标:通过本课内容的学习,培养学生热爱动物,保护 动物的情感。 四、教学重点和难点 1.重点:掌握动词的现在分词:flying jumping walking running swimming 并能够认读句子 Look at the tiger. Its running. The rabbit is jumping. 2.难点:动词 run 和 swim 现在分词要双写最后一个字母为 running 和 swimmi

3、ng。用新学的句型来陈述正在进行的动作。 五、教具准备 单词卡片,多媒体课件等。 六、教学过程 Step1 Warm-up (1)“Greetings and free talk” T: Good morning, boys and girls. Nice to meet you. Ss: Nice to meet you too. (2)“ Lets do ” Act like a cat. Act like a duck. Act like a panda. Act like a monkey. Act like a rabbit. Act like a dog. 第一遍:教师边领读边做动

4、作 第二遍:男女生分角色边读边做动作 (设计意图:学生通过三、四年级的英语学习,已经养成了每 节课前一两分钟简单的日常英语交流的习惯。教师通过这一活动, 可以增强师生间的情感交流,创设英语氛围,复习旧知。) Step2 Presentation “Guessing game” T: Oh, there are so many people come to the zoo today. Go! Lets have a look. Listen carefully! Can you guess who are they? (1)教师画简笔画,让学生猜猜是什么动物? Ss: bird ! T:课件呈

5、现图片“鸟” 教师点击 PPT,屏幕上飞来一只大鸟 T: What is the bird doing? Ss: They are flying. T:教师板书 flying , 让学生拼写,然后领读, flying(升调) flying(降调) ,并纠正个别学生的语音。 (2)elephant 用 PPT 引出 walking。 (3)tiger 用声音引出 running。 (4)fish 用声音引出 swimming。 (5)rabbit,用动作引出 jumping。 五个单词学习完毕,教师手指着黑板上的 running,问:How many “n”are there in it?引导学

6、生回答,swimming 也用同样的教学方 法。强调 swimming 中的字母“m”也要双写。 (设计意图:这一环节温故而知新,复习以前学过的动物单词, 并提高学生的学习兴趣,同时也为后面的新授知识做铺垫。通过 声音,图片,动画等形式,调动学生的感官,提高学生的学籍积 极性。 ) Step 3 Practice (1)T: 出示单词卡片,flying walking running jumping swimming,让学生开小火车读,大小声读,边做动作边读。 (设计意图:通过不同形式的操练,让学生能够认,读,拼写 动名词,增强课堂的学习氛围。) (2)“ Lets chant ” Walki

7、ng, walking, walking, the elephant is walking. Flying, flying , flying , the bird is flying. Jumping, jumping, jumping, the rabbit is jumping. Running running running , the tiger is running . Swimming swimming swimming , the fish is swimming. (设计意图:赋有节奏感的朗读加上动作,有助于记忆,同时也能 发挥学习各种感观的能力。) (3)Play a gam

8、e T:I will ask two students come here. One act,one guess!volunteer? (设计意图:游戏不仅可以调动课堂的气氛,还能让学生在玩中轻 松学。培养学生对英语学习的兴趣。 ) Step 4 Consolidation (1)PPT 呈现课文视频,第一遍,先让学生边听边看;第 二遍,让学生跟着录音齐读。 (2)通过两遍的课文听读,回答以下 5 个问题。 (3)T :welcome to the Animals Party. Ask and answer in pair. For example: A: Whats it ? B: Its

9、a fish. A: What is it doing? B: Its swimming. Step 5:Homework 1. listen to the tape and read the new words : flying walking jumping running swimming . 2. Draw an animals and then make a sentence . There is a sentence: Animals are our friends , we should love animals. 动物是我们的朋友,我们要爱护动物。 6.板书设计 Unit 5 Look at the Monkeys Part A Lets learn G4 G3 G2 G1 Look at the_. flying walking jumping What is it doing? running swimming Its _.


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