2013春人教版英语七下《unit12 whatdid you do lastweekend》word导学案.doc

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1、Unit 12 What did you do last weekend? Section A 1a 1c (P67) * 教师寄语:If you want to understand today, you have to search yesterday. 想 要懂得今天,就必须研究昨天。 【学习目标】【学习重点】:进一步学习过去时态的用法;学会谈论过去事件。 - What did you do last weekend? - Well, on Saturday morning, I played badminton. 【体验学习】: I、预习交流 1.根据单元标题和图片等,预测新课内容;2

2、.根据音标拼读单词并牢记; 3.自学课文,勾画出重点和疑惑。 II、翻译官 1. 做作业_ 2. 去海滩_ 4. go boating_ 5. 打羽毛球 _ 3. 去电影院 _ 6. camp by the lake_ 【课堂导学】: I、新课呈现 Step1 Review 学会用疑问词 who, what, when。 【体验学习】: I、 预习交流 1.根据图片和对话等,预测新课内容;2.根据音标拼读单词并牢记;3.自学课 文,勾画出重点和疑惑。 II、 翻译官 1. visit my grandma_ 2.备考 _ 3. work as a guide _ 4. over_ 5. How

3、 interesting! _ 6. living habit_ 7. kind of _ 8. 熬夜 _ 【课堂导学】: I、新课呈现 Step1 Review and Lead-in Quick action: The phrases in 1a or the past forms of the verbs. Step2 Presentation Show some pictures, ask and learn. eg: -What did you/he/ she/they do? -Where did you/he/she/they go?-Who? Step3 Listening 1

4、. Go through the sentences in 2a. 2. Listen to 2a and underline the words you hear. 3. Listen again. Write C for Carol, J for Jack or B for Becky next to the statements in 2b. Then check t he answers. Step4 Pair work 1. Student A asks questions with who, what or where and Student B answers. Finish 2

5、c. 2. Role-play the conversations in 2d. II、合作交流 Group work:模仿 2d 编写对话 ,谈论过去事件。 Notes:_ _ 【自主检测】: I、精挑细选 ( ) 1. - Did you have a _ at school last week? - Yes, we did. I got an A. A. test B. look C. walk ( ) 2. - How long did Helen _ in Changsha? - For a week. A. sit B. stay C. feel ( ) 3. Lucy _ go

6、to the movies. She watched TV at home. A. isnt B. didnt C. wasnt II、你来我往 A: Hi, Mike! 1. _ B: It was pretty good. A: 2._ B: I went to the Summer Palace last weekend. A: 3. _ B: I went with my parents. A: 4. _ B: It was cloudy and cool. A: 5._ B: The people there were very friendly. We had so much fu

7、n. 【快乐链接】动词过去式不规则变化之二: ia: sing sang ew: fly flew ring rang drawdrew swim swam growgrew drink drank knowknew begin began throw threw 【学习体会】 成功 if you hate somebody, also send him to New York for its Hell.” This is a famous line from the TV play Beijingers in New York in 1990s. Many people learned a

8、lot about New York City from the TV play. As the biggest city in America, New York is the biggest centre of the finance, trade and culture of the country. Its an important centre for internati onal affairs because the headquarters of the UN are also here. When you think of New York, what comes to yo

9、ur mind first? Broadway, Times Square, Central Park, Wall Street or the Statue of Liberty? Different people will give different answers. However, few people will think of its nickname “the big Apple”. Why do people call New York “the big Apple”? There are different stories about that. Which one is t

10、rue? No New Yorkers seem to care about it. They are happy to be able to have a real taste of the exciting “Apple”. 判断正误, 正确写 “T”, 错误写 “F” ( ) 1. Many Chinese people didnt know New York City in 1990s. ( ) 2. New York is the biggest city in the USA. ( ) 3. The headquarters of the UN are in New York. (

11、 ) 4. The Statue of Liberty is not in New York. ( ) 5. There is only one story about the New Yorks nickname“the big apple”. 【快乐翻译】: “如果你爱一个人,送他去纽约,因为那 里是天堂;如果你恨一个人,送 他去纽约,因为那里是地狱。”这是 20 世纪 90 年代的热播电视剧北京人在 纽约中的经典台词,很多中国人就是通过这部电视剧开始对纽约有进一步的 了解。 作为美国最大的城市,纽约是美国最大的金融,贸易和文化中心。它也是一 个重要的国际事务中心,因为联合国总部也在这里

12、当你想到纽约的时候,你最先想起的是什么?百老汇,时代广场,中央公园, 华尔街还是自由女神像?不同的人会给出不同的答案,不过很少人会想到它的 昵称-“大苹果”。 为什么人们会把纽约叫做大苹果呢?对此有各种各样的说法,究竟哪一个 才是真的呢?纽约人似乎对此并不在意,他们很开心自己可以真正品尝这个精 彩的“苹果”。 【学习体会】 成功 先把试题看一遍 , 缺页少题赶紧换; 快把听力试题看, 题目意思心中现; 此时精神要集中 , 同时心理要放 松; 关键词语要速记, 简单符号替长句; 做完听力细审题 , 须按要求心莫 急; 做题当然要认真, 多方考虑要细心; 做题先拣会做的 , 务求全对有把 握; 易题做完心放宽, 充满信心攻难关; 做完之后细复查 , 漏网之鱼要擒 拿; 英语选择比较多, 不会千万别空着; 书写一定要规范 , 卷面整洁才好 看; 百战将军喜迎考, 方寸之间展才华; 按照上面所说做 , 相信成绩会不 错。 【学习体会】 成功&收获: 失败&不足:


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