2013冀教版(三起)六上《lesson 17 seasons》word教案.doc

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1、Lesson 17: Seasons 教学目标: 1、知识目标: (1)能听说读写单词:winter ,spring,summer,fall,put on,take off . (2)能听说并认读读单词:sandals,sweater,boots jacket,scarf,pants,winter boots,umbrella,rain,different,same。 2、能力目标: (1)培养学生的听说读写单词的能力。运用所学进行交际的能力。 (2)能根据所学,会用 I put on _. I take off _. 说出一年 四季穿什么衣服,脱下什么衣服。 (3)能根据所学,让学生能够用英

2、语描述自己最喜欢的季节,并能简单说出 理由,如:天气,服装等。 3、情感目标: 让学生了解不同的季节穿不同的衣服,培养学生对日常生活知识的了解。 教学重难点: (1)能听说读写单词:winter ,spring,summer,fall 短语 put on,take off . (2)能根据所学,会用 I put on _. I take off _. 说出一年 四季穿什么衣服,脱下什么衣服。 (3)能根据所学,让学生能够用英语描述自己最喜欢的季节,并能简单说出 理由,如:天气,服装等。 教具学具准备: 录音机、衣服卡片、季节卡片、天气卡片、学生用书。 教学方法与步骤: 1、 Greeting:

3、 T:Hello,boys and girls.Nice to meet you. How are you today? How do you feel today? T:Yes,today is cold ,winter is coming. Winter is beautiful,look!,this is winter .I like winter,oh!spring is beautiful,it has flowers. Ss: Okay. (设计意图:通过问答和对话,引起学生的兴趣。) 2、New concepts: T:Very good! Thank you. There ar

4、e 12 months in a year. Now look carefully, I divide them into four groups. Here are four seasons in a year. Do you know what are they? Look at my pictures. (设计意图:介绍一年 12 个月,为新课“四季” 做准备,帮助孩子建立新旧知识 之间的联系。) T:There is ice. Snow is white. How do you feel ? Ss: I feel cold. T: Hows the weather?Who can te

5、ll me? S: Its cold and snowy. T: Yes, its cold and snowy. This is winter. Winter,follow me,please. Ss: Winter. T: Who can read it? S: Winter. S: Winter. T: Who can spell it? S:W-i-n-t-e-r, winter. S:W-i-n-t-e-r, winter. T: Can you say a sentence with winter? S: I like winter. S: Winter is cold. S: I

6、 like the snow in winter. (设计意图:通过图片让学生掌握 winter 这个单词,并通过教师的描述,让学 生感知冬天的气候特征,并由单词过度到句子,引导学生说出完整的句子。) T:Very good! After winter,the weather get warm. Look!The flowers Bloom.(出示春天的图片,并板书 flowers.) T:How do you feel? Ss: I feel warm. T: Hows the weather?Who can tell me? S: Its warm and rainy. T: Yes, i

7、ts warm and rainy. This is spring. Spring,follow me,please. Ss: Spring. T: Who can read it? S: Spring. S: Spring. T: Who can spell it? S:S-p-r-i-n-g, spring. S: S-p-r-i-n-g, spring. T: Can you say a sentence with spring.? S: I like spring. S: Spring is warm. S: I like the flowers in spring. S: The f

8、lowers bloom in spring. (设计意图:通过图片教授 spring,让学生反复拼读,并让学生掌握, 通过教 师的描述,让学生感知春天的气候特征,并由单词过度到句子,引导学生说出 完整的句子。) T:After spring,summer is coming. Summer,read after me. Ss: Summer. T: Who can read it? S: Summer. S: Summer. T: Who can spell it? S:S-u-m-m-e-r, summer. S: S-u-m-m-e-r, summer. T: Look!Whats th

9、is?(出示 sun 的单词卡片) Ss: Its the sun. T: How do you feel? Ss: I feel hot. T: Hows the weather in summer? Ss: Its hot and sunny. T: Can you say a sentence with summer? S: Its hot in summer. I like summer. I like to eat ice cream in summer. (设计意图:通过图片教授 summer,让学生掌握, 通过教师的描述,让学生感 知夏天的气候特征,并由单词过度到句子,引导学生说

10、出完整的句子,锻炼学生 运用所学进行说句子的能力。) T:Fall comes after summer. Fall,read after me, please. Ss: Fall. T: Who can read it? S: Fall. S: Fall. T: Who can spell it? S: F-a-l-l, fall. S: F-a-l-l, fall. T: Look!Whats this?(出示 wind 的单词卡片) Ss: Its the wind. T: How do you feel? Ss: I feel cool. T: Hows the weather in

11、fall? Ss: Its cool. T: Yes, its cool. We can say its windy and cloudy. Read after me, please. “Its windy and cloudy.” Ss: Its windy and cloudy. T: Yes. Hows the weather in fall? Ss: Its windy and cloudy. T: Can you say something about fall? S: Its cool in fall. I like fall. I like to fly a kite in f

12、all. (设计意图:通过图片教授 fall,让学生掌握, 通过教师的描述,让学生感知秋 天的气候特征,并由单词过度到句子,引导学生说出完整的句子,锻炼学生运用 所学进行说句子的能力。给学生提供大量的口语练习机会。) 3、Do a chant: Spring, spring, spring, warm, warm, warm Sumer, sumer, sumer, hot, hot, hot Fall, fall, fall, cool, cool, cool Winter,winter,winter,cold,cold,cold (设计意图:进一步激发学生的学习兴趣,巩固刚才学习的一年四季

13、相关单词。 ) 4.设计 2: T:We know the weather is different in different seasons. Now look at these new pictures,then listen to the tape and find the weather in different season. You can discuss it with your partners. Then tell us what you listened and looked. (为了巩固刚才教学的成果,给各小组分发准备好的四季图片,让组员交流讨 论图片所描述的季节内容。并

14、且让优秀组员在教室前面表演出来。) (设计意图:激发学生的兴趣,让学生进行交际。) 5、T: The weather is different in different seasons,so we wear different clothes in different seasons. Who can say some clothes you know? S: coat, hat, scarf, pants, jacket, shoes, house coat, blouse, skirt, dress (设计意图:激发学生的思维,为新内容做准备。) 6、T: Good!It is winte

15、r now. I should put on my winter jacket. “Put on. Read after me,please.” (教师把事先准备好的衣服穿上。让学生理解“put on”的含 义。) T:Who can say it?S: Put on. S: Put on. (设计意图:找自告奋勇的学生进行拼读,加深和强化学生记忆。) T:Now I feel hot. I should take off my winter jacket. “Take off. Read after me, please.” (教师把衣服脱下来。让学生理解 “take off”的含义。) T

16、: Who can say it?S: Take off. S: Take off. (设计意图:找自告奋勇的学生进行拼读,加深和强化学生记忆。) 7、教师板书“ put on”和“take off”并引导学生用“put on”和“ take off”说完整的句 子。例如:I put on my mittens in winter. I take off my sweater in summer. etc. (设计意图:让学生练习“put on”和“take off”的用法。) 8、Student book:Now lets see what does Jenny wear in differ

17、ent seasons. Listen to the tape and fill in the chart. T:Lets check it. Who wants to say your answers? (设计意图:让学生边听录音,边填表格。通过师生的对话交流,引导学生掌握 好本课知识。) 9、T: Today we have learnt some knowledge about seasons. They are winter,spring,summer and fall. Can you tell me what is your favourite season? Ss:My favo

18、urite season is winter. My favourite season is spring. My favourite season is summer. My favourite is fall. (设计意图:引导学生说出自己最喜欢的季节。) T:I like fall,too. Do you know why? Because the weather is cool in fall. And I can fly a kite. I can eat my favourite fruit in fall, too. The leaves are yellow. How beau

19、tiful! T:Can you say something about your favourite season with your partners? (设计意图:让学生自己说一下自己最喜欢的季节,教师引导学生说出原因,并 让学生小组练习。) 10、Class closing:Draw your favourite season. And say something about your favourite season.The T can ask some Ss to come to the front of the classroom to describe their works.

20、 (设计意图:通过让学生动手,进一步巩固前面所学的描述季节的句子,训练学 生的口语表达能力,培养学生自主学习合作学习的能力,也是本课成功与否的 检验。 ) 板书设计: Lesson 17 :Seasons. Seasons weather clothes 图片 Winter cold and snowy mittens, jacket 图片 Spring warm and rainy sweater, pants , umbrella 图片 Summer hot and sunny sandals , T-shirt, shorts 图片 Fall cool and windy sweater, pants I put on my scarf,hat,mittens and winter jacket in winter. I take off my winter clothes in spring.


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