2013人教版必修二unit 3《computers》word教案.doc

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1、河北省康保一中英语组高一年级集体备课教案 主备课人: 殷桂雁 参加人: 王培珍 杨静慧 安秀云 马艳丽 郝康 李纬 周燕娜 备课时间: 2010 年 11 月 17 日 知识目标: Topic: Information technology ; history and basic knowledge of computers; robots New words: calculate universal, simplify, sum, operator, logical, logically, technology revolution artificial intelligence intel

2、ligent solve reality personal personally tube total totally network web application finance mobile rocket explore anyhow goal happiness download virus signal type coach arise electronic appearance character mop nice Phrases; fromon as a result so.that human race in a way with the help of deal with w

3、atch over Sentence patterns ; 1 making decisions I think /I dont think that I believe that Ive decided that Lets decide lets make a decision 2 Reasoning The advantage/disadvantage is I agree/dont agreebecause Give me your reasons: Firstsecond. What makes you think so? As/since,I think Grammar :现在完成时

4、态被动语态的建构和用法 Over time I have been changed quite a lot. First as a PC and then as a laptop , I have been used in offices and hones since the 1970s Since the 1970s many new applications have been found for me I have also been put into robots and used to make mobile phones as well as help with medical

5、operations 能力目标: 让学生学习用英语表达自己的观点并进行简单的理由阐述及做出决定,并能按时间先后顺 序来描述某事。 情感目标: 通过本单元的学习,使学生了解计算机的发展历程及其在当今社会的广泛应用;明确高科 技在当今社会发展和国际竞争的重要地位,从而激发其热爱科技,奋发进取的决心,时刻 准备用自己的知识为祖国服务。 课时安排:本单元教学可分为 10 课时 第一课时:New words learning ;Warming up 第二课时:Pre-reading ;reading; comprehending; 第三课及第四课时:Important language points 第

6、五课时:Learning about Language (discovering useful words and expressions) 第六课及第七课时:Learning about language (discovering useful structures );Grammar 第八课时:Speaking and Reading 第九课时:Writing, Summing up and Learning tip 第 十课时 Revision and Exercises 人教版新课标必修二 unit3 Computers The first period New words learn

7、ing and warming up 学习目标: 1 语言目标:Read all the new words and phrases , paying attention to the pronunciation and stress 2 能力目标 1) Master the usage of the word “common” 2) talk about the development of computers 3 课前自主学习: I 英汉互译: 1 _adj.共同的 2 _ n.发展 3_n. 计算机 4_n.机器人 5 calculator n._ 6. laptop n. _ 7 ab

8、acus n._ 8 the development of computers _ 9 和有共同之处_ Suggested answers: mon 2. development 3. compuer 4. robot 5. 计算机 6.手提电脑 7. 算盘 8. 电脑的 发展 9. havein common I 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词 10 The twins have a lot in c_ 11 Schools should pay more attention to the healthy d_ 12 Our maths teacher asked all of us to b

9、uy c_ Answers: mon 11 development 12 computers Teaching procedures: Stept 1:Learn the new words and expressions 识记下列单词的发音和同源词: 1.calculate v.计算-calculator n计算器 2. universe n.宇宙-universal adj.普遍的,通用的 3. simple .adj 简单的,朴素的, simply adv 简单地,仅仅,简直,simplif y v.简化 4. operate v.操作,手术 operator n.操作员,接线员,ope

10、ration n. 操作,手术 5. logical adj. 合乎逻辑的,- logically adv. 合乎逻辑地 ,有条理地 6. technology n. 科技,技术,-technological adj. 科技的 7. revolution 8. artificial 9. intelligent adj. 智能的,聪明的 intelligence n. 10. reality 11. personpersonalpersonally 12. tube 13. total totally 14. apply v .应用-,申请-, application n. 用途,申请 15.

11、 mobile 16. rocket 17. explore exploration 18. virus 19. signal 20. electricity n .电. / electrical adj. 关于电的 / electric 带电的,用 电的,/ electronic 电子的 21. appear disappear ,appearance 22. character-characteristic 23. niece Step 2. warming up 1. lead in T :This unit is concerned with a little more of the

12、history and development of computers and their applications. Computers are very important in everyday life and we need to know about them. understanding the history of computers will help us to see that there will be many changes ahed in the development of comprters. Now look at the pictures and let

13、s talk about the development of computers. 2.Free talk of computers Questions: Have ever gone surfing ? Do you have a computer of your own ? And do you often go surfing ? What do you usually do online? What do you think will happen if we dont have a computer? 3. language points 1. Discuss what they

14、have in common. have a lot / much / little / something /nothing in common with 有许多 /几乎没有/ 一些 /没有/ 共同之处 What do the two pictures have in common? 这两个图片之间有什么共同之处? 他们彼此毫无共同之处. They have nothing in commom with one another. common people 老百姓,普通人 common sense 常识 common knowledge 总所周知的事 common interest 共同的兴

15、趣 近义词辨析: common 多表示 ”普通的;常见的 ;共有的”指符合或具有全体所共有的特征. normal 多表示”标准的;正常的”强调在正常范围内. ordinary 多表示”普通的;平淡无器奇的 ”,强调无特别之处 . usual 多表示” 习惯性的;遵守常规的” general 多表示 ”公众的;普遍的” 1. It has become a _ flower. You can find it here and there.(common) 2. It is _ to start a speech by introducing oneself.(usual ) 3. Althoug

16、h she was rich, she was always in _ dress.(ordinary) 4. The _ temperature of human body is 37.(normal) 5. The _ public believed that it was unfair to refuse a disabled young man to do the job.( general) 6. I havent a thing _ common _ my father.( B) A. in, about B. in , with C. on, of D. with, in 2.

17、What do you think will be the next development? 本句中的 do you think 为插入语,插在特殊疑问句的中间,前后不必用逗号隔开,除 think 外,作插入语的动词有 believe , imagine suppose suggest consider say suggest 等。 注意: 1)疑问句在句中作主语时,将插入语放在疑问词后谓语动词前,其他不变, 如将插入语撤走,原句式部变。Eg. Who do you think ate the cake ? 2) 疑问词在句中不作主语,将插入语放在疑问词后,think 其他成分要成为 的宾语

18、从 句,即要用陈述句语序。Eg. Why do you think she was late again ? 拓展:常见得插入语还有:I think , I hope , I guess , I m afraid , I believe, you know, you see 等。这些插入语常用逗号分开。 Eg. The diet , I think , will do good to your health. 1. _ be sent to work there?(A) A. Who do you suggest B. Who you suggest that should C. Do you

19、 suggest who should D. Do you suggest whom should 2. - We havent heard from Jane for a long time.(C) - What do you suppose _ to her? A. was happening B. to happen C. has happened D. having happened 3. _ is going to marry Lily?(A) A. who do you think B. Do you think so C. who you think D. Does you th

20、ink who Homework 1. Read the new words and expressions 2. Preview the reading part The second period : Pre-reading ;reading; comprehending; Teaching goals: 1. To have a better understanding of the main idea of the passage. 2.To enable the students to grasp the progress of computers Teaching procedur

21、es: Step 1. Lead-in Step 2 Pre-reading 1. Do you know in what ways computers are used today? Suggested answers: 1.) use a computer for school work 2. )play games on the computer 3.) send e-mails to friends 4. )download music and films 5. )surf the web for fun 6.) take part in chat groups 7.) use the

22、 Internet to search information for school tasks 8.) buy things on line 9.) look at photographs on the computer 10) read news both at home and abroad, read books and magazines 2. try to put the right order of page 17 Step 3 Skimming . Who am I ? ( A computer ) Step 4. Fast reading 1. . check the ans

23、wer of pre-reading (put the right order) Suggested answer : 1. calculating machine 2. analytical machine 3. universal machine 4. PC 5. laptop 6. robot 2.What is the main idea of the passage? (the development of the computer ) Step 5 Reading again Please fill in the table 1642 The computer began as a

24、 calculating machine 1822 The “analytical machine” was made by Charles Babbage. 1936 The computer grew rapidly both in size and in brainpower 1940S The computer had grown as large as a room. 1960s The first family of computers was connected to each other. 1970s Many new applications have been found

25、for the computer. now Computers connect people all over the world together. Careful reading: read paragraph one and complete the chart Paragraph one Topic sentence 1. Over time I have been changed quite a lot. Supporting details 1. _machine 2. analytical machine 3. universal machine 4. pc 5. laptop

26、Read the second paragraph Paragraph two Topic sentence 1. These changes only become possible as my memory improved. Supporting details Tubes network transistors world Wide Web small chips Read pa ragraph three and complete the chart Paragraph three Topic sentence 1. Since the 1970s many new applicat

27、ions have been found for me. Supporting details 1. cmmunications 2. finance 3. trade 4. robots 5. mobile phones 6. medical operations 7. space rockets True or false 1. Step 8 H The computer began as a calculating machine in 1742.(F) 2. The Analytical Machine was made by Charles Babbage in 1822.(T) 3

28、. Computers had new transistors and became smaller in the 1960s.(T) 4. Alan Turing wrote a book to describe how computers could be made smaller.(F) 5. In the past people thought the computer was simple-minded.(T) 6. In the 1960s the first family of computers was connected to each other.(T) 7. Comput

29、ers could share information and express their feelings.(F) 8. Computers connect people all over the world together.(T) Step 6. Summary I was born as a _ calculating machine in 1642. When I was young, I was good at_ difficult sums. About 2 hundred years had passed before I could think _ and produce_

30、answers. At that time, I was called an _ machine. In 1936, I was built as a _ machine . I had the ability to _any mathematical problem. From then on, I grew rapidly both in _ and memory. After I stored my memory on _instead of in _. I became _ in size but _in intelligence. As time went by, I became

31、even smaller, for I put my memory on a very small _, which made me become PC and laptop. In the 1960s, I could be connected with other computers by a _. From then on, I was able to share my knowledge with others through the _ _ _. After that, I had many new_. Now, I am glad to serve human beings as

32、a _ _ and a pleasant _. Answers: Calculating simplifying logically quicker analytical universal Solve size transistors tubes smaller cleverer chip network World Wide Web applications devoted friend helper Homework 1. Go over the text, and try to understand the text. 2. Get ready for the discussion o

33、n P.19 Comprehending 3 3. Finish Exercise 1 in Learning about Language on page 20 4. Finish exercise of page 84 (课内基础自测 ) period three and four : Important language points Teaching aims: 1. Learn some useful words and expressions 2. Understanding the text better Language points : 1. Although I was y

34、oung I could simplify difficult sums. simplify n. / adj. + ify -v. beauty + ify beautify class+ ify classify glory + ify glorify pure + ify purify sum n. 总数,算术题,金额 in sum 总之 a large sum of 大量,许多(不可数名词) eg. He gave me a large sum of food 2. It took nearly 200 years before I was built as an analytical

35、 machine by Charles Babbage. It didnt take / was long before It will take / be long before It wont take / be long before 1) 要过 5 年我们才会见面. It will be five years before we meet again 2.) 过了很久我们才到达村庄. It took long before we arrived at the village. 3. Until in early 1960s they gave me a family connected

36、 by a network. 1). It is not rare in _ that people in _ fifties are going to university for further education. A. 1990s , the B. the 1990s ; / C. 1990s ; their D. the 1990s ; their (D) 2). In _ he began to learn Spanish, when he was in _.(D) A. 1970;the 40s B. the 1970; his 40 C. the 1970s; his 40 D

37、. 1970; his forties 4intelligence n智力;聪明 intelligent adj.有智力的;聪明的;理解力强的 He is a person of great intelligence. 他是个极聪明的人。 海豚是有智力的动物。A dolphin is an intelligent animal. human intelligence 人类智慧 intelligence test 智力测试 intelligence quotient(IQ) 智商 a person of high /low Intelligence 高智商、低智商的人 5. My real fa

38、ther Alan Turing, wrote a book about how I could be made to work as 感官动词(see/ watch/ hear 等)与使役动词(make/ let /have)后接 do,而在被动语态中必须有 to.ge They heard the man sing a song. 6. From then on, I grew rapidly both in size and in brainpower. from .on: 从 .时起 from then on: 从那时起 from now on from now on 从现在起 辨析:

39、 from then on 多用于一般过去时 Since then 多用于完成时态 From then on ,they didnt see each other. Since then, they havent seen each other. 7. As time went by ,I was made smaller. =With time going by 随着时间的流逝, go by (时间 )过去,逝去 从 经过 遵循,以 来判断 As time goes by, my memory seems to get worse. Did you see a boy go by on a

40、bicycle? Thats a good rule to go by. (1)As time_, she became more and more anxious about her sons safety .(D) A. passing B. going by C. passed D. goes by (2)With the time_, our anxiety grew .(B) A. goes by B. going by C.has gone by D.had gone by (3)Three months_ before we knew it (.C) A. passed by B

41、. went C. went by D. past 8. As a result, I totally changed my shape He got up late. As a result, he was late for the class as a result(=therefore ) 结果 ,因此 As a result of(=because of)因为 result in 导致,结果为 result from 因为,源自 without result 毫无结果 1. _ _ _ _ his hard work, he got a pay rise.( as a result o

42、f ) 2. ) He worked hard, _ he got a pay rise.( as a result) 3. ) My friend Martin was very sick with a strange fever; _, he could neither eat nor sleep.(A) A. as a result B. after all C. anyway D. otherwise 4) . She was unable to walk _ the fall from the bike. (D) A. because B. as C. as a result D.

43、as a result of 5.) The terrible accident _ his carelessness.(A) A. resulted from B. resulted in C. as a result of D. us a result 9. Over time my memory has developed so much that , like an elephant, I never forget anything I have been told. 1)sothat 引导结果状语从句,其结构是: so+ adj adv.+that-c1ause so+ adj +

44、a (n)+单数可数名词 +that-clause so+ many few+可数名词复数 +that-clause so+ much little+不可数名词 +that-clause 2)suchthat 也可引导结果状语从句,其结构是: such-+ a(n)+ adj +单数可数名词 +that-clause such+ (adj.)+不可数名词 +that-clause such+ (adj.)+可数名词复数 +that-clause so + 形容词 (副词 )+ that.结构中 so + 形容词 (副词 )在句首时 ,句子用倒装结构 He works So hard does

45、he work that he seldom goes home. so hard that he seldom goes home. 1. _ that Morie was able to set up new branches elsewhere.(B) A. So successful her business was B.So successful was her business B. So her business was successful C.So was her successful business 2. _ about wild plants that they dec

46、ided to make a trip to Madagascar for further research. (B) A. So curious the couple was B. So curious were the couple B. How curious the couple were C. The couple was such curious 10. anyhow 无论如何,总之,反正 = anyway 管怎样,这事值得一试。 (句首) Anyhow its worth trying. 也许会下雨,但我们无论如何都要去。 (句末) It may rain, but well g

47、o anyhow 11. .provide sb with sth= provide sth for sb. This has provided police with an important clue(线索). = This has provided an important clue for police. supply sb with sth= supply sth to sb offer sb sth = offer sth to sb 提供 12. simple-minded: showing very little intelligence adj. + n + ed = adj. 复合形容词 absent-minded 心不在焉的 open-minded 虚心的,思想开朗的 narrow-minded 心胸狭窄的 single-minded 一心一意的;诚实的 strong-minded 意志坚强的 weak-minded 低能的,愚蠢的;优柔寡断的 经典句型欣赏与背诵: 1. In what ways they have in common? 2 .What do you think will be the next development? 3. Can you put


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