2013外研版必修一module 3《my first ride on a train》word学案(有答案).doc

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1、Period Module 3 My First Ride on a Train Sep I. Vocabulary 1. Match the words in the box with the pictures. 2. Answer the questions (1) , , and travel on roads. (2) and travel on rails. (3) and travel in the air. (4)We can use a or a to travel a long distance. vehicle n. (meaning) motor vehicle (mea

2、ning ) 3. Fill in the blanks ( (meaning)in activity Some of the verbs can refer to more than one means of transport. refer to eg. What I have to say refers to all of you. get on (off) get into / out (of) ride drive take off land fly . Speaking Describe the first time you travelled a long distance. S

3、ay how old you were, where you went and who you went with. . Reading Comprehendsion 1. Match the main ideas of each paragraph Paragraph 1. what happened to the camels Paragraph 2. the advantages of camels Paragraph 3. what I saw on the train Paragraph 4. the reason why the train is called the Ghan P

4、aragraph 5. Introduction of my first experience on a train Paragraph 6. what I did on the train. 2. The central part of Australia can be described as . A. hot and dry B. warm and damp(潮湿) C. a place suitable for living D. a land for farming 3. The last paragraph mainly tells us . A. it was since the

5、 1920s that the Afghans began to use camels B. people had no rights to kill the camels C. there were few camels left at that time D. camels had been a very serious problem 4. On the whole, . A. the writer enjoyed his first ride on a long-distance train B. the writer showed no interest in the trip at

6、 all C. the writer didnt tell the readers anything about the trip D. the writer didnt want to travel at all 5. From the passage we can know . A. the scenery along the railway was unchangeable B. Australians used camels from Afghanistan for meant C. horses were better for traveling a long distance D.

7、 the conditions for transport were very hard for Australians in the past 6. The main idea of the passage is A. a train ride to Sydney B. taking the train to Australia C. traveling to the central part of Australia D. a child visiting her grandmother 7. Translate the following sentences (1) For many y

8、ears, trained camels carried food and other supplies, and returned with wool and other products. (2)In 1925, they passed a law which allowed people to shout the animals if they were a problem. Period Module 3 My First Ride on a Train Sep Language Points giv e sb. to s.p a ride 1. a ride on a horse a

9、 lift in/on a train 2. What a ride! 将下列句子变为感叹句。 It is hot today. It is a hot day. They are good students. It is fine weather today. 3. Im 18 years old. =Im an 18-year-old boy 一座 100 米长的桥 一堵 20 米高的墙 一眼 50 米深的井 一条 30 米宽的街道 4. We ate great meals cooked by experts. We saw abandoned farms. Trained camels

10、 carried food 过去分词短语必须作后置定语 e. g. clothes made of this cloth 被父母抛弃的孩子们 从网上买的东西 发达国家 有组织的活动 a paid holiday a used book 5. We spent two days and nights on the train 在农村度过的日子(days) 他每月花很多钱买衣服。 two ways: spend time / money on sth (in) doing sth 6. dark red 暗/深红 dark adj. 黑/暗/ 深/隐密的 黑眼睛 深绿 a dark secret

11、keep sth dark at (before, after) dark a dark horse in the dark 7. Why is the train called the Ghan ? 该句为含主补的句式,下列单词可跟名词作宾补或主补:make think find consider call name elect (选举)choose made London the base for his revolutionary work make / choose him monitor Translation: 他被选为大会主席(chairman) 我们经常称他为老王 表独一无二的

12、官职的名词在句中作宾补,主补或同位语时,不加冠词。 e. g. He was elected president of American for the second time. 8. be short (for ) 简略的,缩写的 His answer was short and to the point. Doc is short for doctor. 比较:be short of 缺少=run short of in short 总而言之 9. supply vt. n. supply sb. with sth. =supply sth. for /to sb. 农民们给我们提供大量的

13、食物和蔬菜。 food or medical supplies 粮食或医药供应 a good supply of fish /meat /fruit 鱼类/ 肉类/水果供应 10. .did this until the 1920s 今天下午一直睡到三点。 昨天晚上我直到 12 点才睡。 11. allow doing sth. sb. to do sth. 我们老师不允许任何学生在课堂上说话或吃东西。 教室里不准抽烟。 12. the police in a town shot the police /people /cattle 集合名词用作复数 The police are search

14、ing for the murder. try 13. to do 努力去做 doing 试着做 你们必需努力学习提高自己的英语。 你最好试着用另一种方法解决这个问题 Period Module 3 My First Ride on a Train Sep Grammar 、一般过去时 表示过去某时间发生的事,存在的状态或过去反复发生的动作。 Eg. He saw Mr. Wang yesterday. He worked in a factory in 1986. 注意与过去进行的区别 过 去 进 行 时 表 示 过 去 某 一 时 刻 或 过 去 某 一 段 内 正 在 进 行 的 动 作

15、 , 句 中 常 有过 去 的 点 或 动 作 陪 衬 。 Eg. In 1980 he was studying in a university. He was reading a novel when I came in . 注意与现在完成时的区别。 现在完成时所表示的动作在说话之前已完成,而对现在有影响,一般过去时表示过去 发生的动作但对现在不产生影响。 eg. He cleaned the blackboard, just now. He has cleaned the blackboard. 现在完成时还表示动作开始于过去,持续到现在,也许还会持续下去。常用 for 和 since

16、表示一段时间的状语或 so far, today, this week 等包括现在时间在内的状语。 eg. He has studied English for 5 years. He studied English for 4 years when he was at college. 、练习 1. Why didnt you go to yesterdays meeting? Im sorry but I too busy working on the important experiment. A. had been B. was C. were D. am 2. Oh, its you

17、! I you! Ive just had my hair cut and Im wearing new glasses. A. didnt recognize B. hadnt recognized C. havent recognized D. dont recognize 3. Shirley a book about China last year, but I dont know whether she has finished it. A. has written B. wrote C. had written D. was writing 4. The window is dir

18、ty. I know. It for weeks. A. hasnt cleaned B. didnt clean C. wasnt cleaned D. hasnt been cleaned 5. I must leave, too. I having tea with you, Bill. A. was enjoying B. am enjoying C. enjoyed D. enjoy 6. I my face when suddenly someone at the door. A. washed, knocked B. washed, was knocking C. was was

19、hing; was knocking D. was washing; knocked 7. I at the station half an hour ago, but now the train yet. A. arrived; hadnt come B. was arriving; hadnt come C. arrived; hasnt come D. had arrived; didnt come 8. Im surprised to find you here looking well and playing tennis, Jim. Ann said that you sick.

20、A. are B. were C. would be D. had been 9. The discussion alive when an interesting topic was brought in. A. was coming B. had come C. has come D. came 10. May I remind you that a Mr. Wang is waiting outside, sir? Oh, thats right. I about it. A. forget B. had forgotten C. forgot D. have forgotten 11.

21、 Mr Smith is one of the foreign experts in China. A. who works B. working C. who is working D. worked 12. You will see this product made in this factory where you go. A. to be advertised B. advertising C. advertise D. advertised 13. Dracula and Frankenstein are film characters. A. frighten B. fright

22、ened C. frightening D. frightenly 14. Linda worked for the Minnesota Manufacturing and Mining company, as 3M. A. knowing B. known C. being known D. to be known 15. Prices of daily goods through a computer can be lower than store prices. A. are bought B. bought C. been bought D. buying 16. From the d

23、ates on the gold coin, it is confirmed that it was made five hundred years ago. A. marking B. to be marked C. marked D. having been marked 17. Mr. Smith, of the speech, started to read a novel. A. tired; boring B. tiring; bored C. tired; bored D. tiring; boring 18. Have you ever read any book writte

24、n by Samuel Clemans? Samuel Clemans? The famous American writer Mark Twain? Of course. I have! A. known to B. known as C. knowing to D. knowing as 19. I took a picture of you just now. Really? I with attention. A. didnt B. wasnt looking C. am not looking D. havent looked 20. The little boy while wat

25、ching TV. So his mother sent him to bed at once. A. had fallen asleep B. fell asleep C. was falling asleep D. falls asleep 21. Congratulations! I understand you a job when will you start to work? A. A got B. have got C. will get D. had got 22. He his leg when he in a football match against another s

26、chool. A. broke, played B. has broken, was playing C. broke; was playing D. broke; had played 23. He gave up smoking for a while, but soon to his old ways. A. returned B. returns C. was returning D. had returned Grammar the key 1-5 BADDC 6-10 DCBDC 11-15 BDCBB 16-20CABBB 21-23 BCA。 Period Module 3 F

27、unction Sep . Read the conversation and decide what you think of the ticket inspectors attitude. (Act out the conversation) . Use the expressions in to make the conversation more polite and then act it out . Language points. 1. pardon? Eg. I met Mr. Smith on the street this afternoon. Mr. Smith or M

28、iss Smith ? I saw you talking with a girl. A. What? B. What do you mean? C. Pardon D. OK Id like to take a weeks holiday. , were too busy. A. Don worry B. Dont mention it C. Forget it D. Pardon me 2. Do / would you mind doing sth? eg. 你介意把窗户打开吗? Would you mind if(过去时态)? 如果我吸烟你介意吗? Do you mind if (一般

29、现在时)? 你介意我用一下你的英语词典吗? 注意此句型的回答 肯定回答: 否定回答: eg. Would you mind lending me your bike? A. Yes, take it please B. Yes, I can C. No, you cant take it D. No, of course not Do you mind if I keep pets in this building? A. Youd better not, actually B. Of course not, but its not allowed here C. Great! I love

30、pets D. No, you cant 3. Im very sorry but 委婉地提出拒决的理由 你想与我去散步吗? 对不起,我正在等我的一个朋友。 4. out of date up to date eg. 我的护照已经过期了。 She wears clothes that are right up to date. Out-of-date clothes / idea Reading and Speaking . Read in groups and decide which are happy and which are unhappy? . Main points. the f

31、irst visit to 第一次去某地参观 pay a visit to 拜访 be on a visit to 在访问 在 visit 做名词时,如果后面出现地点时,要加介词 而 visit 做动词词是一个及物动词,直接加宾语。 1) Last week they paid a visit their previous teacher. (改错) 2) He is the visit to New York. 3)This is the factory I visited last year. 2. I remember the day my gather tried to teach m

32、e how to ride a bicycle. 有些动词可加疑问词+动词不定式做宾语。 eg. 我不知道该说什么。 我不知道该选哪一个。 1、 你能教我如何操作(operate ) 这台机器吗? 你能告诉我怎样去邮局吗? 3. Im much faster than my father. Much, a lot, a little, still , even, far, by far, any 等,可修饰比较级 eg. 这幅画比那幅画漂亮得多。 女孩们比男孩们学习用功得多。 你感觉好点了吗? 4. I only know one of them, a boy who lived in the

33、 apartment next door. (定语从句) eg. 那个站在树下的女孩是我妹妹。 那个穿红裙子的老师是王老师。 The key III 1 C C 2 Do you mind opening the window? Would you mind if Ismoked? Do you mind if Iuse your English dictionary? 不介意的回答 No, of course not .Not at all. Certainly not . 介意的回答 I am sorry,but. You had better not. D A 3 Would you l

34、ike to go out for a walk with me? I am sorry,but I am waiting for one of my friends. 4 过时的 时新的 My passport is out of date. 她穿着最时新的衣服. 过时的衣服/陈旧的思想 Reading and spesking 1 to 1) paid a visit to their 2) on 3) which/that 2 I do not know what to say. I do not know which one to choose. Can you teach me ho

35、w to operate the machine? Can you tell me how to go to the post office? 3 This picture is much more beautiful than that one. Girls work much /a lot harder than boys. Are you feeling any better? 4 The girl who is standing under the tree is my sister. The tercher who is wearing a red skirt. Period Mod

36、ule 3 Listening and Everyday English Sep . Listening 1. Answer the questions: (Page 27) 2. Match the questions and answers (Page 27) 3. Listen to the tape again and fill in the blanks with the words you hear. Who you to go to America? Who for your ticket? , I cant remember. Interviewer: , Mary, Wher

37、e were you born? Mary Lennon: By plane? No, ! we travelled by ship. Interviewer: ! How long did that take? Interviewer: And what happened when you arrived in Los Angeles? Mary Lennon: . I did nothing for weeks. . Everyday English 1. Read these expressions and answer the questions (Page 28) 2. Comple

38、te each sentence with one of the expressions (Page 28) definitely (1) adv. 肯定地,确切地 eg. 那肯定正确 肯定不 (2) (用于回答问题)是的,当然 eg. 你来吗? 一定来。 Period Module 3 Listening and Everyday English Sep . Listening 1. Answer the questions: (Page 27) 2. Match the questions and answers (Page 27) 3. Listen to the tape again

39、and fill in the blanks with the words you hear. Who you to go to America? Who for your ticket? , I cant remember. Interviewer: , Mary, Where were you born? Mary Lennon: By plane? No, ! we travelled by ship. Interviewer: ! How long did that take? Interviewer: And what happened when you arrived in Los

40、 Angeles? Mary Lennon: . I did nothing for weeks. . Everyday English 1. Read these expressions and answer the questions (Page 28) 2. Complete each sentence with one of the expressions (Page 28) definitely (1) adv. 肯定地,确切地 eg. 那肯定正确 肯定不 (2) (用于回答问题)是的,当然 eg. 你来吗? 一定来。 Period Module 3 Cultural Corner

41、Sep . Read the text and answer the following questions. 1. What does Maglev mean? 2. Whats the difference between a magnetically levitated train and an ordinary train? 3. In China, where is there such a train? 4. Do you like to travel in Maglev, Why? (within 30 words) 5. Travelling at a speed over 4

42、00 kilometres perhour, the train can complete the 30- kilometre journey in eight minutes. 6. Guess the meaning of levitated A. 使悬浮 B. 接触 C. 排斥 D. 摩擦 . Language points 1. downtown A. 在(城镇的)中心区 adv. 今天我要到商业区购物。 他住在闹市区,却在农场工作。 2. speed A. n. 快速、速度 以每小时 400 公里的速度 汽车正以每秒 10 米的速度往市中心行驶。 B. vt. vi 加速 The t

43、rain soon. 火车不久加快了速度。 3. There are no rails and no noise. =There are no rails noise 4. Magnetically levitated train 过去分词做定语 eg. 翻译 a retired worker the reserved seats the given questions everybody invited 注意过去分词与被修饰名词之间的逻辑关系为 。 II 1 Today I want to go downtown to do some shopping. He lives downtown, but works on a farm. 2 at a speed of 400kilometres per hour The car is traveling downtown at a speed of 10 metres per


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