2013北师大版高一下unit7《the sea》(lesson 1)word教案.doc

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1、Lesson1The Spirit of Explorers 教案 Teaching Aims: 1. To practise reading for specific information. 2. To practise using relative clauses with when, where and why. 3. To practise using relative clauses with prepositions and relative pronouns. 4. To review and consolidate the relative pronouns. 5. To t

2、alk about explorers. Teaching difficulties: To practise using relative clauses with when, where and why. Teaching Aids: computer and cassette. Teaching procedures: . Warming up T: Today were going to study unit 7 the Sea. Can you talk about anything about the sea? ( If students have difficulty the t

3、eacher gives them help, for example: What does the sea make you think?) S: T: The sea is beautiful and we can do some interesting games.( give some pictures to attract their attention and develop interest) The sea has special charm since ancient times human beings couldnt help exploring it, such as

4、Zheng he(slide) then give James cook and Columb uss portrait, introduce their main deeds and ask them “Who are they?” S: T: They had the spirit of explorers, especially Columbus, he is famous all over the world. Why? S: T: People consider him to have discovered America first, do you think so? S: Rea

5、ding Task 1 Now lets read the text, you will get the right answer 1.Which of the following people do you think arrived in America first? a. Christopher Columbus b. Ancient Romans c. Chinese d. Vikings Students will get the right answer: Vikings arrived in America first. (Give slides 12, 13) Task 2 R

6、ead the text more carefully .Are these statements true (T)or false(F) 1. Eric the Red wanted to get a land which could be colonized so he decided to set sail further. 2. Biarni set sail from Iceland in order to join Leifs father. 3. Biarni discovered Greenland first. 4. The Vikings were stronger and

7、 stronger in Northern Europe from the 8th to 10th century. 5. According to official records Europeans reached America long before Columbus ever set sail. Answers: 1 F 2 F 3 F 4 T 5 F Task 3 Give a world map, Point at the island in turns, ask students to say its name and Vikings sailing route (slide)

8、 then do the exercise 2 Speaking Task 1. Get students to read the text again for specific information about the three discoveries. Then in pairs, complete the table in Exercise3 with the information they get. Check the answers and then get students to read the text aloud Task 2. Read the text again

9、and answer the following questions. Encourage students to work in pairs and ask as many questions about the text as they can. Check the answers in class. Encourage students to talk about the three discoveries in their own words. Task 3 Ask students if they know any other stories involving the Viking

10、s .If they do, ask them to tell the class the story. Language Study Exercise 6 Find the words in the text that match most closely with the meaning of the words below. Language points: 1. long before “在之前很久” They achieved this long before Columbus ever set sail. 他们在哥伦布到达此地很久之前就已经来过这儿。 before long “不久

11、” I shall see you again before long, my boy. 孩子,很快我就会再来看你。 It be 一段时间 before “ 过了多久” It was a long time before I got to sleep again. 过了很久, 我才又睡着了 2. get into trouble “遇到麻烦” She is always getting into trouble. 她总是有麻烦。 be in trouble “有麻烦,有困难,出事” He is in trouble again. This time he has broken a window

12、. 他又有麻烦了,这次他打碎了窗户上的玻璃。 have trouble (in) doing something “做某事有困难” Did you have any trouble ( in) finding the house? 你找到这所房子有困难吗? 3.search somebody “搜身” The police searched the prisoner to see if he had a gun. 警察搜了这个犯人的身,看他是否带枪了。 search someplace “搜某地” They searched every room in the house but found

13、nothing. 他们搜了这所房子的每一个房间,但什么也没找到。 search for “到处寻找” I must search for that lost money until I find it. 我必须找到我丢失的钱。 In search of (引起状语) “寻找” The boys went in search of something to eat.这个男孩出去找些吃的东西。 4. follow “ 跟随” He followed her up the stairs. 他跟着他上了楼。 “沿着走” Follow this road to the corner. 沿着这条路走道拐角

14、处。 “遵循, 依照 行事” He must follow the directions that his teacher gave. 他必须听从老师的指导 “听懂” What?I cant quite follow that. 什么?我听不懂。 You are reading too fast for me to follow. 你读得太快,我听不懂。 5. Eric set sail once again, this time with 25 ships, of which only 14 made it to Greenland. 埃里克又一次起航,这次一共有 25条船,只有其中 14艘

15、到达了格陵兰岛。 of which only 14 = only 14 of which Leif followed Biarnis directions and sailed to what is believed to be the coast of present-day Canada. 赖伊夫按照比阿尼提供的线索航行到了现在被认为是加拿大海岸的地方。 what 做主语 ,此处不能用 where. .Grammar Task 1.Grammar Summary 1, on page 92 Task 2.Do the exercise 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. Task 3 1.

16、After five hours drive, they reached _ they thought was the place theyd been dreaming of. A. that B. where C. which D. what 2. The journey around the world took the old sailor nine months, _ the sailing time was 226 days. A. of which B. during which C. from which D. for which 3. The factory produces

17、 half a million pairs of shoes every year, 80% _ are sold abroad. A. of which B. which of C. of then D. of that 4. I have many friends, _ some are businessman. A. of them B. from which C. who of D. of whom Answers: 1 D 2 A 3 A 4 D Homework Imagine the difficulties the Viking met write 5 sentences about it


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