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1、牛津译林版模块三第二单元导学案 主备: 审核:2011 级高一英语备课组 2012-2-20 Module3 unit2 Welcome to the unit (period 1) 班级:_ 姓名:_ 小组:_ 教师评价:_ 课前预习案 一. 预习 21 页课文,完成以下题目 中译英 单词 各种各样的 adj. _ 表情符号 n. _ 符号,标志 n. _ 圆圈 n. _ 通知 v. _ 交流 v. _ 短语 从广义上说 _ 代表 _ 手语 _ 全世界 _ 与分享 _ 网络语言 _ 二. 观察下面的图画,说出所表达的意思 _ _ _ _ _ _ 课内探究案 仔细观察课本 21 页的五幅图,回

2、答下面的问题 1. picture one What language do you speak? _ Can you speak any other language? _ 2. picture two 1. What is an emoticon? _ 2. When do people usually use emoticons? _ 3. What does each of the following pictures stand for? :-) _ :-( _ :-O _ :-D _ :-P _ (-.-)Zzz _ d(-)b _ (?_?) _ 3. picture three

3、 Can you use your body language to express the following meanings? A: NO.1 B: VERY BAD C: VICTORY D: OK E: GIVE ME A CALL F: HELLO G: COME HERE H: IM FULL I: KEEP SILENT! J: I DONT KNOW 4. picture four What is Braille? _ Who invented Braille? _ Read the passage to find more about Braille How can we

4、say “English” in Braille? _ 5. picture five Do animals have their own language to communicate? _ Can you give some examples? _ _ 课堂检测案 1. Do you think English is important? Why or why not? 2. What are some good methods for studying English that you can share with your classmates? _ _ 3. Do the liste

5、ning on page 104 【自我总结和反思】 1. What have you learned in this text? _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ _. 2.Whats your plan for learning English in future? _ _ _ _ _ _ _. 牛津译林版模块三第二单元导学案 主备: 审核:2011 级高一英语备课组 2012-2-20 Module3 unit2 Reading(1) (period 2) 班级:_ 姓名:_ 小组:_ 教师评价:_ 课前预习案 一预习 22-23 页课文,完成以下题目 英汉互译 单词 如今 adv. _

6、 占据 v. _ 混合 n. _ 官方的 adj. _ 取代 v. _ 整个的 adj. _ 仆人 n. _ 过程 n. _ 词汇 n. _ 拼写 n._ 词组 由组成 _ 以命名 _ 除之外 _ 控制,取得对的控制_ 导致 _ mother tongue _ inform sb of sth _ make contributions to _ the official language _ go through _ 课内探究案 Step 1 Lead-in Imagine one day if you talk with a person from ancient times, can yo

7、u understand him easily? God be with ye! God bwye! God be with you! Goodbye! Step 2 Reading-comprehension 1. Skimming Question: If we divide the development of English into three parts, what are they? Finish Ex. A on page 22 2. Scanning 1)What changes happened during three periods? 2)Where did the A

8、ngles, the Saxons and Jutes come from? 3)Why can similar pairs of words be found in the English language? 4) What was the German plural form replaced by? 5) Which King of England made English used as the official language? 6) When did Modern English appear? 3. Careful reading Questions: I. Fill in t

9、he form according the content of the article. Time Events Before the middle of the 5th century At the end of the 9th century By the 10th century In 1066 By the latter of the 14th century In 1399 During the Renaissance in the 16th century II. Fill in the chart Events 450 At the end of 9th 1066 1399 1

10、6th language Step 3 Reading strategy 课堂检测案课堂检测案 Step 4 Exercise: P2425 Part C1, C2,D1, D2, E P106 A1, A2 Step 5 Consolidation Activities: Organize students into groups of four. One is a linguistic expert and the other three are journalists. An expert English linguist will make a brief introduction a

11、bout the development of the English language. If time permits, the teacher can select another article for students to practice reading history articles. 【自我总结和反思】 1. What have you learned in this text? _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ _. 2.Whats your plan for learning English in future? _ _ _ _ _ _ _. 牛津译林版模块三第二单元导

12、学案 主备: 审核:2011 级高一英语备课组 2012-2-20 Module3 unit2 reading(2) (period 3) 班级:_ 姓名:_ 小组:_ 教师评价:_ 课前预习案 English and its history In the middle of the 5th century, the language 1._ in Britain was Celtic. Then Britain was 2._ by the Angles and the Saxons, who brought their language into Old English. At the e

13、nd of the 9th century, the Vikings created Old English, 3._ their languages with Anglo-Saxon. Old English By the 10th century, Old English, had become the 4._ language of English. In 1066, England was 5._ by the Normans, but French didnt take the 6._ of English as the first language. Middle English

14、By the latter half of the 14th century, English had been 7._used among all classes in England. 8._ English Vocabulary and pronunciation also went 9._ great changes during the Renaissance. It is 10._ that English will continue developing in the future. 课内探究案 重点词汇 1. be made up of 由组成,可与_ 互换 1) The cl

15、ass is made up of 15 girl students and 20 boy students. = The class_ 15 girl students and 20 boy students. 班级由 15 个女生和 20 个男生组成。 【拓展】: be made of/be made from/be made out of 由制成 be made into 被制成 make up 组成,编制,弥补,化妆,和解 make for 走向;有助于 make out 理解,辨认出 2) The old building is made of stone. 3) The wine

16、is made from grapes. 4) Her dress is made out of her sisters old dress. 5) She made the material into a dress. 6) Eleven players make up a football team. 7) Uncle Dick made up an interesting story for the children. 8) We have to drive fast to make up the time we lost in New York. 9) The actors were

17、making up when we arrived. 10) He and his wife usually make up their quarrel the same day. 11) As soon as it started to rain, we made for home. 12) Does early rising make for good health? 13) It was difficult to make out his handwriting. 14) I couldnt make out what he wanted on earth. 2. occupy vt.

18、占领,占有;使从事,使忙于 1) Enemy troops occupied the country. 敌军占领了这个国家。 2) He was occupied in collecting stamps. 他忙于集邮。 【拓展】 occupy oneself in(with) sth. _ 3. contribution 贡献,促进作用 contribution n. 可构成词组 make contributions to 1) They made _ _ _ the _of our _ . 他们为社会发展做出了巨大的贡献。 【拓展】 contribute 捐助;贡献;投稿等,常和 to 连

19、用 2) We _ _ _ _ _ the poor. 我们捐助了食物和衣物救济贫 民。 3) He has contributed (articles) to the magazine for several years. _. 4. take control of 控制,取得对的控制 1) Its no easy task to take control of a class of young children. _. 【拓展】 have/hold control of/over 控制着 in control (of) 控制着,出于统治地位 lose control of _ out of

20、 control _ under control _ 5. lead to 通到;导致 1) 这条路通到旅馆。 _ 2) 抽烟可能导致肺癌。 _ 6. replace vt. 替换,代替,取代 相当于词组 take the place of。常构成词组 replace A with B, 意为用 B 代替 A。 1) Tourism has replaced heavy industry as the citys main source of income. = Tourism _ _ _ _ _ heavy industry as the citys main source of incom

21、e. 旅游业已经取代重工业成为这座城市的主要收入来源。 2) Today many high schools have replaced blackboards with whiteboards. _. 7. raise vt./ n The baby was raised on soybean milk. 这孩子是用豆浆喂养大的。 The landlord raised my rent to $200.房东把租金提高到$ 200。 They are going to raise money for the school buildings.他们将为盖校舍筹集 资金。 He raised hi

22、s glass and said: “Your health, Carl.“他举起了杯子说道:“祝你健 康,卡尔。“ None of them raised any objection.他们谁也没提出反对意见。 True or false: 1. Prices have been risen up. 2. The sun raises in the east and sets in the west. 3. Jack was raised by his aunt after his parents passed away. 重点句型 1. Even though the Normans spo

23、ke French for the entire 250 years they ruled England, French did not replace English as the first language. (P23 L30) They love each other. They decide to leave each other. 2. After the Norman Conquest, high-class people spoke French while common people spoke English. (P23 L46-47) He likes dancing.

24、 I like listening to music. 3. 把以下课文中的句子用两至三个简单句改写。 People in Britain all spoke a language called Celtic. _ _ Middle English is the name given to the English used from around the 12th to the 15th centuries. _ _ _ 3. 读以下课文中的句子,判断划线的句子在整个句子中充当的成分。 This is because English has many words and phrases fro

25、m different languages _ The question of whether English will keep on changing in the future is easy to answer. _ It is certain that this process will continue, and people will keep inventing new words and new ways of saying things. _ 课堂检测案 根据所给首字母写出单词 1 You should read more to enrich your v_. 2 In J

26、uly, 2004 China opened its citizens tourist travel to many E_ countries, such as France, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Denmark and Norway. 3 Singapore has four o_ languages: English, Malay, Chinese and Tamil. 4. He planned to find a s_ to take care of his sick father when he was out 5 We use

27、d to listen to the radio a lot, but n_ we mostly watch television. 6 The United Kingdom c_ of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 7 It now seems c_ that Pam will lose her license. 【自我总结和反思】 1. What have you learned in this text? _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ _. 2.Whats your plan for learning English in future? _

28、 _ _ _ _ _ _. 牛津译林版模块三第二单元导学案 主备: 审核:2011 级高一英语备课组 2012-2-20 Module3 unit2 word power (period 4) 班级:_ 姓名:_ 小组:_ 教师评价:_ 课前预习案 预习课本 26-27 页的内容,完成以下内容。 Depending on the situation in which the language is used, English can be _ or _. Formal English is more common in _ than in _. For example, it is usual

29、ly found in _ and _. Informal English is more common in _ than in _. There are many situations in everyday life where informal English is allowed or even preferred, for example , while _ or _ at a party. There are over _ countries which are members of the United Nations(联 合国). _ _ _ _ _ are permanen

30、t(永久的) members of the UN Security Council.(安全理事会) 课内探究案 Step 1. Lead in An informal letter: Dear Mr. Lee, I am so sorry that I cannot come to the dinner you and Mrs. Lee are giving next Saturday for your brother because of a previous engagement that evening. I do appreciate your asking me and hope th


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