2014秋江苏译林版三上《Unit 1 Hello》word教案.doc

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1、Unit 1 Hello! 第一课时 教学内容:Unit 1 Hello! 教学目标: 能听懂、会说、会用 Hi/Hello Good morning. Good afternoon. 和 别人打招呼。 熟悉主要的人物 能根据不同的情境与人打招呼。 教学重难点: 正确掌握几个日常交际用语的语音语调,要求读音准确、语调自 然。 能根据不同的情境,用所学的交际用语与别人打招呼。 教学准备:人物卡片 教学设计: Step 1: Greetings 1.教师与学生问好,介绍自己是他们的英语老师 T: Good morning, boys and girls. Im your English teach

2、er this term. Im Mr(展示单词Mr ,学生操练.同时教学Miss ) 2. 学会称呼不同姓氏的人,如王小姐, Miss Wang. 张先生 Mr zhang 3.T 介绍一些英语课堂用语 Eg. Class begins. Stand up. Class is over. Step2: presentation. 呈现story time 图片 和学生讨论图片内容 Picture1&2: Who are they? What are doing? How do people you greet people in the morning? (教授Good morning. H

3、i) Picture3:Where are they? Who are they? How do they greet each other? (学习hello) Picture4: How does Miss Li greet her students? What does the word “class”mean?How do you greet people in the afternoon? 引导学生说Good evening. 听录音并跟读 总结不同的问好方式 In the morning: Good morning In the afternoon: Good afternoon

4、In the evening: Good evening Step3: practice. Fun time: T plays the game with students to practice different ways of greetings. 用图片引导学生说人物名字 根据不通的钟表时间问学生如何与别人打招呼 Step4: conclusion. 总结并引导学生知道:its polite to greet people using proper language. homework: 读写字母 板书设计: Unit 1 Hello Hi/Hello Good morning/aft

5、ernoon/evening 第二课时 教学内容:Unit 1 Hello! 教学目标: 1.能听懂、会说、会用 Hi/Hello Good morning. Good afternoon. 和别人打招呼。 2.会读写字母A,B,C,D 3.能根据不同的情境与人打招呼。 教学重难点: 1.正确掌握几个日常交际用语的语音语调,要求读音准确、语调 自然。 2.能根据不同的情境,用所学的交际用语与别人打招呼。 教学准备:字母卡片 教学设计: Step 1: Free talk 1.复习交际用语 T: 如何打招呼 S: Hi/Hello (同桌互相问好) 2. Look and say T shows

6、 different clocks and ask students how to greet people at the time. Step2: presentation. 回顾上节课认识的几个人物并介绍卡通朋友:Sam & Bobby T: Yesterday, we knew some new friends. Today, we will know another two friends, a cat and a mouse. (向学生展示两个动物的图片,介绍它们的名字) 让学生自己看书上的四幅图片,猜想发生了什么事?并让学生尝 试说说 听录音 引导学生问问题: who are th

7、ey? what are doing? how do the mouse greet the cat? (教授句型Im) 以猫的口吻,用句型I m向学生打招呼 T: hi ,Im sam. T =cat s=mouse T: hi, Im sam. S: hi. Im bobby.(自我介绍的时候用句型I m) Step3: practice. T: Bobby and Sam are very happy. They are going to have a competition: Read and write the letter A,B,C and D. (将学生分为两组,读写字母) S

8、tep4: conclusion. 总结一节课所学内容 homework: 读写字母 板书设计: Unit 1 Hello Hi/Hello Good morning/afternoon/evening 第三课时 教学内容:Unit 1 Hello! Song time & Checkout time &Ticking time 教学目标: 1.能听懂、会说、会用 Hi/Hello Good morning. Good afternoon. 和别人打招呼。 2.会读写字母A,B,C,D 3.能根据不同的情境与人打招呼。 教学重难点: 1.能用句型Im 作自我介绍 2.能根据不同的情境,用所学的

9、交际用语与别人打招呼。 教学准备:卡片 教学设计: Step 1: Free talk 1.Review Story time and Cartoon time T: 如何打招呼 S: Hi/Hello (同桌互相问好) T: 如何介绍自己? S: Im T shows different clocks and ask students how to greet people at the time. ( Good morning/ afternoon/ evening) Step2: Presentation. 引导学生总结本单元所学,并让学生给自己作个评价 引导学生提问并回答下列问题 Wh

10、at do you learn in Story time? Do you like the story? What letters can you read? Can you write the letters A.B, C, D? Checkout time: students listen and respond Ticking time: T: how many stars can you get? 引导学生用句型:I can say I can say and write作自我评价 Step3: Song time listen to the tape try to sing the song after the tape. t sings the song with students. Step4: conclusion. 回顾一单元所学内容 homework: 背诵Story time 读熟Cartoon time 板书设计: Unit 1 Hello Hi/Hello Good morning/afternoon/evening


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