2014人教新目标英语七下unit1《Can you play the guitar》导学案5(无答案).doc

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2014人教新目标英语七下unit1《Can you play the guitar》导学案5(无答案).doc_第1页
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2014人教新目标英语七下unit1《Can you play the guitar》导学案5(无答案).doc_第3页
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1、unit1 Can you play the guitar 【课堂用语】 (大声朗读三遍): Lets get ready for class 准备上课了!(导课时 用) 【自研课导学】 (时段:晚自习 10 分钟) 预习内容及目标:1.预习课本 P5 面 2a 的对话,用笔划出描写 3 个人能力的语句;2.再阅读 2b 的 三则广告,用笔划出自己尚不理解的语句并尝试解决。 及时检测(默写):也 人;人们 家 be good with 交朋友 【晨诵课】大声朗读下面的绕口令:He can play football , she can play the guitar; He can play

2、volleyball, she can play the piano. He can play basketball, she can play the violin; He can play baseball, she can play the drums. 【展示课导学】 (一) 学习主题: 通过小短文阅读训练和学习,继续巩固情态动词 can 的用法。 (二)定向导学互动展示 Self-study at B. with; with C. at; with D. with; at ( ) 4. Henry plays _ piano very well while(然而) his broth

3、er prefers(更喜欢) to play _ basketball. A. the; a B. the; / C. a; a D. /; the ( ) 5. Little Tom can draw _ . His drawings are very _ . A. good; well B. well ; good C. good; good D. well; well 发展题:根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。 (每小题 0.5 分) 1.玛利亚想加入舞蹈俱乐部。Maria _ to join the _ club. 2.你能帮助这些孩子学数学吗? Can you help the _

4、_ math. 3.李老师和我们相处得很好。Mr Li _ good _ us. 4.他会打网球,但不会弹吉他。 He can _ _ , but he cant _ _ 你其中一位朋友,以第一 人称为 他(她)写一份简 历,完成在随堂笔记 3 处。 代词等) ,完成一 个新对话的创编, 注意双色笔的运用。 C:两个五人组一 起在指定的区域内 讨论一下展示方案 的内容 进行分工和预展。 _. 5.我会打篮球,但我打得不好。I can play _ , but I cant play it _. 提高题:阅读理解(每小题 1 分) Lisa likes singing and she can p

5、lay the piano. She wants to be a musician. One day she goes home after school. She sees a poster(海报). It says: A Musician Wanted Well have a party this weekend. Its December 12th. We want a musician. Can you sing? Can you play the piano? Then you can come to the party. Please call Amy at 620-6984. L

6、isa is very happy. She runs to her home and calls Amy. And then Amy asks her to go to the school club in the evening. ( ) 1. What can Lisa do? A. She can paint. B. She can sing and play the piano C. She can swim D. She can play the guitar. ( ) 2. What does Lisa want to be? A. A teacher. B. A runner.

7、 C. A movie star. D. A musician. ( ) 3. When is the party? A. November 2nd. B. December 2nd. C. November 12th . D. December 12th ( ) 4. Whats Amys telephone number? A. Its 520-6984. B. Its 620-6984. C. Its 602-6984. D. Its 620-6894. ( ) 5. Where does Amy ask Lisa to go? A. To the party. B. To the art club. C. To the school club. D. To Amys home. 【学生自主反思】(写出今日一得和今日不足) 今日 一得: 今日不足: 【培辅课】 (时段:大自习) 我今天进行了 的培辅。 教师签字:


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