2014人教新目标英语八下 unit 8《Have you read treasure island yet》单元综合检测题3 .doc

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1、Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet 班级 姓名 分数 亲爱的同学们,如果这份试卷是一片蔚蓝的天空,你就是那翱翔的雄鹰。请自信地握起 你的笔,也许你会比雄鹰飞得更高、更远!本试卷总分 150 分,分为听力部分和笔试部分, 考试时间 120 分钟。 第一卷 听力部分(20 分) 一、听 5 段小对话.从每小题 A,B.C 三个选项中选佳答案, 听一遍。(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 1. Who has locked the door? A. Jack. B. Jim. C. Johnson. 2. What does Mr. Wang have to

2、 mend first? A. The TV set. B. The watch. C. The radio. 3. Does Elise know how many poems Cindy has A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesnt. C. Yes, she has. 4. Has the man written any original songs yet? A. No, he hasnt. B. Yes,he has. C. We dont know. 5. What can the man do with the woman? A. See a fi

3、lm. B. Do some chores. C. Wash some clothes. 二、听对话,每段对话后有几个小题,请根据你所听到的容从所给的 A,B,C 三个选项中选 出一个最佳答案, 听两遍(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 听第 1 段对话,回答 6-7 题。 6. What is Rose busy with? A. Her trip plan. B. Her school exam. C. Her summer report. 7. Who will go camping with Rose? A. Bill. B. Her sister. C. Her classmate. 听

4、第 2 段对话,回答 8-10 题。 8. Who had a bad morning? A. Ding Jun. B. Li Mei. C. The saleswoman. 9. When did Li Meis daughter buy her a new A. Today. B. Last night. C. Yesterday. 10. Why did Li Mei go to the shop to change the new dress? A. Because the dress was too small. B. Because the dress was broken. C.

5、 Because the dress was too big. 三、听对话,回答问题,听两遍 (每小题 I 分,共 5 分) 11. Why hasnt Amy done her Math homework yet? A. Because its too difficult for her. B. Because she wants to wait for Daniel. C. Because she wants to watch TV first. 12. Where are Daniel and Amy going to do their homework together after s

6、chool? A. At Daniels home. B. At Amys home. C. In the classroom. 13. When are they going to meet after school? A. At four oclock. B. At five oclock. C. B. At six oclock. 14. How much of the English project has Daniel done? A. Most of it. B. None of it. C. A bit of it. 15. What are they going to do a

7、fter they finish their home work? A. They are going to watch TV. B. They are going to the cinema. C. They are going to play table tennis. 四、听短文, 完成所缺的单词, 听两遍。(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) Music is an international language. Popular _(16) in America is what every student likes. Students carry small _(17) with earp

8、hones and listen to music before class,after class,and at lunchtime. Students who have cars buy large speakers and _(18) the music loudly as they drive on the street. Adult drivers _(19) to the news about sports,the weather, politics,and activities of American people._(20) of the radio broadcasts ar

9、e music. 第二卷 笔试部分(130 分) 一、单项选择(每小题 1 分,共 20 分) 1. Have you finished your work_, Jane? Yes, Ive done it _. A. already; yet B. yet; already C. yet; yet D. since; already 2. The classic is very interesting and I cant _ A. put it up B. put on it C. put it down D. put off it 3. As a doctor, have you got

10、 _to say about Jack? A. anything else B. else anything C. anything other D. other anything 4. We _ the classroom when we heard the bell. A. hurried B. hurried to go C. hurried to D. in a hurry 5. There are two girls in the classroom. One is Tina, and _ is Alice. A. other B. the other C. another D. o

11、thers 6. Where is Lucy? I cant find her now. She _ Shanghai on business. She _ back in three days. A. has been to; comes B. has been to; will come C. has gone to; comes D. has gone to; will come 7. Which dress do you like best,Madam? Sorry, I cant decide _now. A. to buy which one B. buy which one C.

12、 which one to buy D. which I should buy it 8. If you read a lot, you will full _ pleasure. A. by B. of C. for D. with 9. I met Lucy in the primary school and we have been close friends _. A. as usual B. again and again C. sooner or later D. ever since 10. Diaoyu Islands _ China ever since ancient ti

13、mes. A. belong to B. belong in C. belong under D. belong with 11. He used to _ in a small village,but he has been used to _ in a big city. A. live; living B. live; live C. living; living 12. Hangzhou is _ to hundreds of foreign friends who are working and studying here. A. home B. house C. family D.

14、 room 13. _ have you been at this school?Since 1990. A. How long B. How much C. How soon D. How often 14.Will you please go to see the movie with me?Sorry, I wont, I _ it already A. saw B. have seen C. see D. will see 15.Where is Ben?He _ to the teachers office He will be back soon A. go B. has gone

15、 C. has been D. is going 16. _ to the music is a good way _ A. Listening , relax B. Listening , to relax C. To listen , to relax D. to listen , relaxing 17. -Excuse me,look at the sign NO PHOTOS! -Sorry, I _it. A. dont see B. didnt see C. havent seen D. wont see 18. -Thats a nice mobile phone. - Yes

16、, my aunt _ it for me last birthday. A. buy B. will buy C. have bought D. bought 19. A lot of changes _ in my hometown already A. took place B. are taking place C. take place D. have taken place 20. You neednt call Tom. I _ ten minutes ago and he _ the invitation. A. call, knows B. have called , kno

17、wn C. called , knew D. called , has known 二、完型填空(每小题 1 分,共 10 分) As we all know, Charles Dickens is considered to be a great English writer. Hes very famous not only in Britain, but also in many other _ (21) in the world. He was born in 1812 and he lived in London. He wrote lots of books, and he als

18、o liked _ (22).He was an actor. Maybe its interesting to hear that and thats his books were so good. He gave public readings of his stories that were very popular. His stories first appeared in a magazine, in parts. People always wanted _ (23) part, He wrote a lot, and most of them are popular. Ther

19、e are films and plays of them _(24): Oliver Twist became a famous musical play,and Great Expectations was a wonderful _(25). Dickenss early life was very hard. His family was poor,and his mother sent him out to work in a factory when he was 12. He _(26) it,but he used his experiences in his writing.

20、 He married Catherine Hogarth and they had a big family. He continued to write_ (27), he died. When he died in 1870, he was _ (28) a story. But what a pity! Well never Know_ (29) it ended. 21. A. cities B. countries C. towns D. villages 22. A. reading B. writing C. acting D. playing 23. A. what B. h

21、ow C. when D. why 24. A. the next B. next C. next to D. next time 25. A. too B. as well C. as well as D. also 26. A. book B. story C. play D. film 27. A. hated B. enjoyed C. wanted D. shamed 28. A. as B. while C. until D. since 29. A. drawing B. singing C. writing D. making 30. A. what B. how C. who

22、 D. which 三、阅读理解(每小题 2 分,共 30 分) A Country music is very old. It came from the United States,Canada,Ireland and Great Britain. It is a mixture of music from all of these places. In the west of America,cowboys had to take care of the cattle(牛).They had to watch them all day and all night because the

23、cattle might run away. A cowboys life was lonely and dangerous. When he was alone in the desert with the cattle,he drank strong coffee to make himself clear-headed. He sang songs about the stars and the moon, about his family and his friends to make them quiet. The cattle listened to cowboy and went

24、 to sleep. They would not run away if he sang beautiful and peaceful songs. In the south of America,many people came from Ireland,Scotland and England. Other people came from France and Canada. They enjoyed their own kind of music. They used guitars,violins and other musical instruments. When they v

25、isited their friends and families on holidays,they usually sang and played country music. 31. Which of the statements about country music is TRUE according to the passage? A. Country music has a long history. B. Country music is a mixture of music from the United States, China, Ireland and Great Bri

26、tain. C. Country music is a kind of music that comes from a certain country. D. Country music can be heard only in the country. 32. What was a cowboys life like? A. It was very interesting. B. It was rich and colorful. C. It was nervous. D. It was lonely and dangerous. 33. What did cowboys do to mak

27、e the cattle quiet? A. They drank strong coffee. B. They sang songs to the cattle. C. They took care of the cattle. D. They watched the cattle all day and all night. 34. When did the people in the south of America sing and play country music? A. When they had parties. B. When they celebrated Christm

28、as. C. When they visited their friends and families on holidays. D. When they took care of the cattle. 35. Whats the best title of the passage? A. Cowboys B. Country Music C. A Cowboys Life D. The Cattle B Are you interested in country music? I like it very much! It will take me away for a while aft

29、er I am tired. The guitars and songs will take me to mountains and fields. Country music usually talks of everyday life and feelings. Its the spirit of America,easy to understand, slow and simple. Country music developed in the Southern United States. It was the folk music of American countryside. M

30、any of the songs tell about the lives of farmers. They talk about love, crops or death. The life of the countryside can be hard,so the words in country music are often sad. At first, people played the music only at family parties. But it became more popular later. In the 1920s,people played country

31、songs on the radio, and they made them into records. When people in the countryside moved to towns and cities to look for work, they took their music with them. Country music continued to change and became popular across America. John Denver was one of Americas most famous country singers in the 197

32、0s. His song“Take Me Home,Country Roads“ is well-known and people still play it today. 36. Country music is usually about A. everyday life and feelings B. farmers feelings C. the lives of workers 37. Country music developed A. in John Denvers city B. in the Southern United States C. in the Northern

33、United States 38. People began to make country songs into records A. in the 1920s B. in 1920 C. in the 1970s 39. Why did country music become popular in America? A. Because city people liked the music. B. Because farmers moved to cities with their music and it continued to change. C. Because country

34、 music talked about city peoples lives. 40. Who is famous for the song“Take Me Home, Country Roads“? A. A farmer in the countryside. B. A person who moved to towns. C. John Denver. C In 1826, a Frenchman named Nieple needed pictures for his business. But he was not a good artist. So he invented a ve

35、ry simple camera. He put it in a window of his house and took a picture of his garden. That was the first photo. The next important date in the history of photography was in 1837. That year. Daguerre,another Frenchman, took a picture of his reading room. He used a new kind of camera in a different w

36、ay. In his picture you could see everything very clearly,even the smallest thing. This photo was called the daguerreotype. Soon other people began to use Daguerres way. Travelers brought back wonderful photos from all around the world. People took pictures of famous buildings,cities and mountains. I

37、n 1840,photographers could take pictures of people and moving things. That was not simple. Photographers had to carry a lot of films and machines. Mathew Brady was a famous American photographer. He took many pictures of great people. The pictures were unusual because they were very lifelike(栩栩如 生的)

38、. Photography also became one kind of art by the end of the 19th century. Some photos were not just copies of the real world. They showed their feelings, like other kinds of art. 41. The first photo taken by Nieple was a picture of it A. his business B. his house C. his garden D. his window 42. The

39、daguerreotype was _. A. a Frenchman B. a kind of picture C. a kind of camera D. a photographer 43. If a photographer wanted to take pictures of in the year of 1840,he had to _. A. watch lots of films B. buy an expensive camera C. stop in most cities D. take many films and machines with him 44. Mathe

40、w Brady _. A. was very lifelike B. was famous for his unusual pictures C. was quite strong D. any pictures of moving people 45. This passage is about A. the history of photography B. how to show your ideas and feelings in pictures C. how to take pictures D. how to use different cameras 四、根据信件内容,从方框内

41、选出适当的单词填空(每小题分,共 10 分) interesting,happy,late,wonderful,supermarket,old,hotel,around,over,b usy Dear Sally, I have been in Hong Kong for three days, and Im having a great time. Yesterday morning, our good friend, Tony, came to my hotel. After breakfast,he showed me _(46) the city. It was a very _(47

42、) day,but I saw many _(48) places. First we visited the Ocean Park. After that we took a taxi to St. Johns Cathedral. I think it is a very _(49) church. Then we went to Victoria Peak. There we could see all _ (50) Hong Kong. It was really _ (51). After dinner, we caught a bus to a _ (52). On the bus

43、 back to the _ (53),we both felt tired but _(54).Tony didnt leave until _ (55) at night. We enjoyed ourselves very much. Best wishes. Yours, John 五、补全对话, 根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有 两项多余。 (共 5 分) A: Hello, Amy! B: Hello. Jack! A: _(56). B: Not yet. _(57). A: Its about a man named Robinson. It t

44、ells us how the man lived on a lonely island. B: Really? _(58),Who is the writer of it? A: It was written by a British novelist named Daniel Defoe B: Do you have the book? A: Yes. _(59). B: Could you lend it to me? A: Sure. _(60). B: No problem. 六、词汇知识(每小题 1 分,共 20 分)第一节:根据句意和首字母提示完成下列句子(每小 题 1 分,10

45、 分) 61. Robinson Crusoe is my favorite English c _. 62. We can use g _to shoot things. 63. Diaoyu I _ is in the east of China. 64. Those people who speak F _ have met cannibals before 65. He doesnt like classical music. He likes p _ 66. We want two good musicians for our rock b _. 67. He wants his s

46、on to study a _ one day. 68. I am a f _of Zhao Benshan. 69. When you are waiting for the bus, you should wait in l _. A. That sounds interesting. B. I bought it two months ago. C. But you must give it back to me on time. D. Have you read the book Robinson Crusoe? E. What is it about? 70. The city ha

47、s a population of two m _. 第二节:用括号中所给词的适当形式填空(每小题 1 分,共 10 分) 71. She has a _ (beauty) face. 72. _ (listen) to light music is good for you. 73. He looked calm (镇静的)_ but (actual) he was very nervous. 74. Light music makes me _ (feel) sleepy. 75. Its our dream _ (go) to the moon one day. 76. Will you please introduce _ (you) to us? 77. _ (laugh) m


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