2016春牛津译林版英语七下Unit 5《Amazing things》(Task)word教案.doc

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2016春牛津译林版英语七下Unit 5《Amazing things》(Task)word教案.doc_第1页
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2016春牛津译林版英语七下Unit 5《Amazing things》(Task)word教案.doc_第2页
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1、课 题 7B Unit 5 Task 课时分配 本课(章节)需 7 课时 本 节 课 为 第 7 课时 为 本 学期总第 课时 教学目标 To learn to put ideas in a logical sequenceTo learn to describe animals 重 点 To learn to put ideas in a logical sequence 难 点 To learn to describe animals 教学方法 1Task-based method; 2Discussion method. 课型 Writing 教具 1.the multimedia 2.

2、the blackboard 教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动 Teaching procedures Step 1 Lead-in Talk about some interesting and amazing things. Step 2 Presentation 1.The teacher teaches new words by showing students pictures. 2.Students read these new words after the teacher. Step 3 Amazing things The tallest man Read the inform

3、ation about the tallest man in the world and answer some questions about him. Then fill in the blanks 1. Where was the man from? 2. When was he born? 3. When did he die? 4. How tall was he? 5. How much did he weigh ? 6. How long was his hand? Sandwiches Read the information about Sandwich and answer

4、 some questions about him. Then fill in the blanks. 1. What was the mans name? 2. What did he love doing? 3. Did he want to stop to have dinner? 4. What did he do then? 5. Did people love sandwiches very much? Amazing TV Read the information about amazing TV and answer some questions about TV. Then

5、fill in the blanks. 1. Who invented TV? 2. When did the first colour TV appear? 3. Who was the first TV star? 4. How many TV sets were there in 1936? 5. Did more people use colour TV sets than black-and white TV sets? You want to write about amazing things for a writing competition. Prepare notes on

6、 them and discuss the amazing things with your Answer the questions. Look at the pictures on page 89, and say something about Marys work. Retell the work of an ORBIS nurse called Mary according to the pictures in Part A1. T alk about the pictures about Mandeep classmates. Then write your article. St

7、ep4 Writing You want to write about amazing things for a writing competition. Prepare notes on them and discuss the amazing things with your classmates. Then write your article. Do some exercises Pick out some language points Step5 Homework Finish the writing. Finishing off Part B2 Do an extension a

8、ctivity 作 业 a. Write an ar ticle about somebodys life which has something to do with a charity. b. Finish off the exercises in the Evaluation Handbook. 板 书 设 计 Read the information about the tallest man in the world and answer some questions about him. Then fill in the blanks 1. Where was the man from? 2. When was he born? 3. When did he die? 4. How tall was he? 5. How much did he weigh ? 6. How long was his hand? 教 学 后 记


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