2015秋冀教版英语八上Unit 7《Enjoy Your Hobby》word课文重点整理.doc

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2015秋冀教版英语八上Unit 7《Enjoy Your Hobby》word课文重点整理.doc_第1页
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1、Unit 7 Enjoy your hobby! 1. My hobby is_(收集) stamps. 2. I like to watch movies _ _ _ _(在空闲时间 )。 3. _ earth goes around the sun. 4. I like _ _ _(参加音乐会)。 5. I like _(交换)stamps with my friends. 6. _(garden) is my favourite. 7. Be _(confidence) of yourself. 8. This is a _(巨大的)stone. 9. This is _(Africa)

2、 food 10. Eggs come from _. 11. She _like singing _(不再) 。 12. I was late because my bike was _(break). 13. The plane _(着陆) just now. 14. I think the job is _(challenge) 15. Her _(perform) is excellent. 16. This is _(real) his dog. 17. We all _(支持) you. 18. please practice speaking_(day) English. 19.

3、 Exercise helps to keep me _(health). 20. I find it _(interest). 21. Im interested in collecting _(各种各样的 )tickets. 22. I will ask her _(open) the door for you. 23. Not only Danny but also his friends _(be) interested in sports. 24. People usually _ _(开始)their first hobby when they are kids. 25. He i

4、s too young _(dress) himself. 26. He teaches me _(speak) English. 27. Thank you _(介词) your help. 28. I often make my mum _(laugh). 29. My sister doesnt like meat _(and) fish. 30. Can you help me some _(much)? 31. The book _ _ _(由制成) paper. 32. The wine _ _ _(由制成)rice. 33. What do I _ _(处理) my rockets? 34. =How do I _ _(处理) my rockets? 35. The book is _ _(装满)stamps. 36. This is a _(park) lot. 37. The box cant _ _(穿过) the door. 38. show us the picture= 39. Everyone can _ _ _(参加)the talent show. 40. Please _ _ _ my bird. 41. please _ _ my bird.


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