2015秋冀教版英语八上Unit 7《Lesson 37 What’s Your Hobby》word英文学案.doc

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1、 Unit 7 Enjoy Your Hobby Lesson 37 Whats your hobby? (New Class) 【Learning Aims】 I Master the words: hobby ; spare; earth; collect; stone; ticket II Language points: In ones free time; be interested in doing; all kinds of 【Foundation 】 I New words: Write as the following, then read. eg. rather r: ad

2、v. 相当;宁可 1hobby 2 spare 3 earth 4 collect 5.stone 6.concert 7.ticket 8.trade 9.garden III Translate the following phrases. 1in ones spare time_ 2 be interested in_ 3 all kinds of _ 4 go skating_ 5 trade with_ 6 surf the internet_ 【Direction】 I I Free-talk: what hobbies do you know? Key Words:_ _ IIT

3、ranslate the following sentences 1. I like to exercise in my free time. 2. my hobby is studying stones 3. its the clothest to earth 4. I will ask her to keep her tickets for you. 5. I have many interests 【Self-check】 1. Did you enjoy _football after school? A . play B playing C. to play 2.A hobby is

4、 not a sport, a job _a school subject A . and B or C but 3.My uncle spent two months _a new house A. build B. built C.building D.to build 4. what do you like to do in your spare time? I love _movies and _the internet 【Consolidation】 Read again to have a further understanding 【Expansion】 What do you like to do in your spare tome. Why? Discuss with your classmates. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 【Assignment】 1 Finish off the matched exercise. 2 Preview Lesson 38.


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