2015秋牛津译林版英语八上Unit 7《Seasons》(gramma)word导学案1.doc

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1、年级:初二 主备:张林兰 审核:吴蕴 时间: 2013.12. 5 课题:8A Unit 7 Grammar 课型:新授 课时安排 :一课时 学生姓名 家长签名 【学习目标】 识别五种基本句型结构:1. 主谓(S+V); 2. 主谓宾(S+V+O) ; 3. 主系表(S+V+P) ; 4. 主谓间宾直宾 (S+V+IO+DO) ; 5. 主谓直宾宾补(S+V+DO+OC) 【课前热身】一、大声朗读下列单词、词组和句子,并在课文中划下来 P85-86. 1. 云 cn./un. _ 2.踢 vt. _ 3. 发烧 n. _ 4. 咳嗽 vi. _ 5. 糟糕的,很坏的 adj. _ 6. 从早到

2、晚 from morning till night 7. 踢球 kick the ball 8. 发高烧 have a high fever 9. 咳得厉害 cough a lot 10. 糟糕的一天 an awful day 11. 云变暗了。The clouds became dark。 12. 幸亏天没下雨。 Luckily,it didnt rain. 13. 患重感冒 catch a bad cold (catch 过去式_) 二、认真完成书本 P85-86 练习. 通过预习,哪些方面你还存在疑问 _ 【学海拾贝】 动词可以分为_动词(也称实义动词)和_动词,在句中可用作_ 语。 a

3、. 连系动词主要是指“ 是” 动词 _ 、感官动词“ 起来” (_、_、_、 _、_)和表示“变,变成”的动词 (_、_、_、_); 另外还有_、_、_等。连系动词本身有词义,但意义不完整,后需接_语, 由这类动词构成的句子结构为:_如句子: _/_ b. 行为动词有实在的意义,可在句中独立作谓语,表示动作或状态。行为动词可分为 _动词和_动词。 1)不及物动词本身意义完整,无需带宾语。由这类动词构成的句子结构为: _。 如句子: _/_ 2) 及物动词本身意义不够完整,后面需接宾语。由这类动词构成的句子结构为: _。如句子: _ / _。 3) 有些及物动词后面可以跟两个宾语,其中一个指_,

4、一个指_;指人的叫 _宾语,指物的叫_宾语。由这类动词构成的句子结构为: _。 在这一结构中,间接宾语常可改成一个由 to/for 引导的短语。如:Hobo 给 Eddie 带来了他 的衣服。 Hobo _ _ _ _. = Hobo _ _ _ _ _. Hobo 给了 Eddie 一些冰淇淋。Hobo (5)_. = Hobo (6) _. Hobo 给 Eddie 建了一个帐篷。Hobo _ _ _ _. = Hobo _ _ _ _ _. 注意:能与 to 搭配的动词有: (17) _ _ 等。 能与 for 搭配的动词有:(11) _等。 4) 有些及物动词后面常跟宾语补足语(Obj

5、ect Complement), 用来补充说明宾语的行为或状 态等。 这样构成的句子结构为:_。 如句子: _。 【堂清巩固】 一、指出下面的句子属于哪种基本句型: 1. The swan is swimming._ 2. Many children love his book._ 3. Birdwatching is interesting._ 4. Sandy gave the doves some food._ 5. Sandy calls her parrot Chatty._ 6. People call Zhalong Birds Home. _ 7. The government

6、 built the nature reserve. _ 8. The sparrow is flying. _ 9. The reserve gives wildlife an ideal home. _ 10. The crane looks beautiful. _ 11. The students are counting the birds. _ 12. Sandy thought herself a good birdwatcher. _ 13. I found the article on wildlife interesting. _ 14. I buy him a watch

7、._ 15. The rain stopped. _ 16. The book is new. _ 17. My mother is watching TV. _ 18. We heard them laughing. _19. Your food looks delicious. _ 20. They found the films boring._21. I have time today. _ 22. You can call him Xiao Li. _ 23. My father bought me a bike. 24. She likes dancing. _ 25. John

8、calls his dog Eddie. _ 二、排列下列句子,并说出其基本句型: 1. I / for her birthday / bought / a new book / my mother / . _ 2. her / stamp collection / me / she showed / . _ 3. on TV / watch sport / I / often / . _ 4. Im / writer / a / . _ 5. a lot / read / I / . _ 6. my father / me / to be a musician / wanted / . _

9、7. I / sing / her / heard / . _ 三、句型转换: 1. He wrote some poems about seasons. (对划线部分提问) _ 2. Few people go to visit that place in such a season. (对划线部分提问 ) _ _ 3. The birds fly far away to find a warm and sunny day. (对划线部分提问) _ _ 4. Amy can go swimming and eat ice cream in summer. (对划线部分提问) _ _ 5. The hens and ducks at the market taste yummy. (对划线部分提问) _ _ 6. The person often provides school things _(介词) the poor children(同义句改写) _ _ 7. The children went to the park , singing all the way. (对划线部分提问)


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