2015秋牛津译林版英语七上Unit 8《Fashion》(Period 1)word学练案.doc

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1、英语学科 7A Unit 8 Period 1 Comic Strip & Welcome to the Unit 学讲预案 一 .Learning ahead of time ( 自主先学) 1. 度过 2. 懒惰的 3. (女)短上衣 4. 领带 5. 借给 二 .Cooperative learning (合作助学) 1 考虑穿什么_ 2 多花十分钟_ 3 在床上_ 4 这么懒_ 5 举办一个时装秀_ 6 把你的红衬衫借给我们_ 7 当然可以_ 8 多大尺寸?4 号_ 9 对于我来说太大了_ 三 .Extensive learning (拓展导学) 1.think about 想,考虑

2、He is thinking about going to England for a holiday. 他正在考虑去英格兰度假。 2.特殊疑问词+to do Please tell me how to get to the bus stop. 请告诉我怎样到达车站 He doesnt know which coat to buy. 他不知道买哪件外套 I asked her how to learn English well. 我问她如何学好英语 3.Sb spend 时间 /金钱 doing sth 某人花费时间/金钱做某事 He spends an hour playing comput

3、er games. 他花了一个小时玩电脑游戏。 Sb spend 时间 /金钱 on sth 某人花费时间/ 金钱做某事 I spend 50 yuan on this pair of jeans. 我花 50 元买了这条牛仔裤。 Sb spend 时间 doing sthIt takes sb 时间 to do sth. 某人花费时间做某事。 He spends 15 minutes walking after supper.=It takes him 15 minutes to walk after supper. 他会花 15 分钟在吃过晚饭后散步。 Sb spend 金钱 on sth

4、Sth cost sb 金钱. 某人花费钱买某物。 She spends 150 yuan on these books.=These books cost her 150 yuan. = She spends 150 yuan buying these books. 他花了 150 元买了这些书。 4.数词+more+名词=another+ 数词+ 名词,意为再,又,还,表示在原有基础上的增加 He is still hungry. He wants to eat another two cakes. 他还饿,还想再吃两块蛋糕 We need three more hours to fini

5、sh the work. 我们还需要 3 个小时才能完成这个工作 I can spend 10 more minutes in bed. 我可以在床上再睡 10 分钟 四 .Enhancing learning through testing (检测促学) 一). 根据首字母或汉语提示完成句子 1. Eddie always gets up late. He is too l_. 2. The woman in a red b_ is my aunt. 3. Mum can _(借) her boots to me. 4. Sandys father is wearing a new (衬衫)

6、. 5. Both the (裤子 ) and the shoes are old. 6. Tom, you are so (懒惰). Its time to get up and get ready for school. 7. Then Eddie (花费) ten more minutes in bed then. 8. Nancy says she wants to have a new red and white (衬衫). 9. -What colour are your new (领带)?-Theyre red. 10. Everyone has fun at the (时尚)

7、show. 二) 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.The boy wants to spend 30 (many) minutes on Maths. 2.It is a good place (chat) with your friends. 3.I spend two hours (read) English every day. 4.This pair of trainers _ ( fit) me very well. 5. I dont know what (wear). 6. -What _ you doing, Eddie?-Im _ (think) about what to w

8、ear. 7 They are talking about _(visit) England now. 三).单项选择 ( )1.The old man stays _ because he is ill(生病的). A. on bed B. in bed C. in the bed D. at bed ( )2.My friend Lucy is going to Hainan to _ her holidays. A. take B. cost C. give D. spend ( )3.Eddie is _. He never gets up early. A. busy B. clev

9、er C. lazy D. hard ( )4.Hurry up! Its time to go to school. Dont worry. We still have ten _ minutes. A. many B. more C. another D. other ( )5.Can you tell me what_ for lunch today? Some rice and vegetables. A. eating B. to eat C. eat D. eats ( )6.I spend an hour a day_ my homework. A. on B. in C. at

10、 D. for ( )7.We can sleep _ on Sunday. A. one more hour B. more an hour C. an more hour D. one hour more ( )8.I dont have enough money _. A. buying her a dress B. to buy her a dress C. to buy a dress to her D. buy a dress to her ( )9. I like the yellow dress very much, but it_ me 100 yuan. A. spends B. takes C. costs D. pays ( )10.This tie matches your shirt_. And they look_ together. A. well, well B. good, good C. well, good D. good, well 五 . Reflection on learning(反思悟学)


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