2015秋牛津译林版英语七上Unit 4《My day》(Grammar)word导学案.doc

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2015秋牛津译林版英语七上Unit 4《My day》(Grammar)word导学案.doc_第3页
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1、宜兴市桃溪中学初一英语导学案 7A Unit 4 My day ! (Period4) 年级:七年级 主备:王永明 审核:王玉琴 时间:2013.10.17 课题:7A Unit4 课型:Grammar 课时安排 :一课时 学生姓名_ 家长签名 _ 【课前预习】预习目标: 1. 了解时间介词 in, on ,at 的用法:2. 学会用频率副词来询问日常活动。 3.仔细预习课文 P:118-119 页,一定别忘了哟! 【课前热身】完成 P47 和 48 页上的练习。一定要认真完成哦! 基本词汇 1.年龄 age(复数) ages 2.生活,生命 life(复数)lives 去仔细读读课文 P:4

2、7-48 页,掌握下列词组 。 1 植树 plant trees 2 第二十二届世界杯 the 22nd World Cup 3 暑假 summer holiday 4 在星期天早晨/下午/晚上 on Sunday morning/afternoon/evening 5 在儿童节 on Childrens Day 6 在六岁(2)at six(years old), at the age of six 7 给-写回信 write back to 8 想要某物 would like sth, 9 在秋天 in autumn 10 玩得很高心 have great fun 11 有许多时间做某事

3、have much time to do sth 12 舞蹈课 dancing lassons 13.去溜旱冰 go roller skating 【学海拾贝】一介词 in, on ,at 的用法。去课本 P47 仔细找一找哦! We use in when we talk about _,_,_ and_如:在早上 /晚上_在二月份_ 在十二月_ 在春天_在秋天 _ 在 2010 年_在 1995 年_ We use onwhen we talk about_,_,_and_ . 如: 在星期天_在十一月三十日 _ 在星期一下午_在一个冬天的早晨_ 在十月三十一日的晚上_ We use at

4、 when we talk about _, _. 如: 在 8:45_ 在早饭时_ 在 13 岁的时候_ _ 二、我们可以使用 _ 副词来表示做某件事的_。 如:1.他总是早上六点起床。He _gets up at six in the mornong. 2. 我们不经常去去看电影。We do not _ go to the cinema. 3.她上学从不迟到。She_ _ late for school./She_ _ to school late. 注意: 频度副词一般放在_和_的前面,_ 和 _的后面。频度副词的频率由高到低有:always(100)usually(80) often(

5、60)sometimes (40)seldom (20) never(0) 你还知道其他表示频率的词吗? 对频率副词提问用什么呢? 【堂清巩固】一、用介词 in,at,on 填空 1We have lunch at school_12 oclock 2Jack often reads newspapers_breakfast 3My friends give me some presents_Christmas every year 4Kittys birthday is_15th June 5He will have his birthday party the afternoon May

6、12th 6Birds fly to the south_autumn 7Children in China go to school_seven 8He was born_1995 9She always goes out for a walk after supper the evening 10We have a big party_New Years Day 11It is a good idea to go for a walk_a sunny(晴朗的)morning 12We have computer classes_Mondays 13I was born_the evenin

7、g of June 20 14In Australia,it is very cold_August 二、单项填空( )1_summer ,we often go swimming in the river AOf BAt CTo DIn ( )2I dont go to school_Sunday mornings Ain Bfor Con Dto ( )3_the age of 7,you can go to primary school AAt BOn CIn DFor ( )4I will meet him _the morning_October 2 nd Aon;in Bin;of

8、 Con;of Don;on ( )5My father likes watching TV_supper Afor Bon Cat Din ( )6He often watches TV_Sundays,but he wants to go to the cinema_this Sunday Aat;on Bon;on C;on Don; ( )7_Mid-Autumn Festival,we eat mooncakes AOn BAt CIn DFor ( )8They always have a party_of January 1st Ain the evening Bat the e

9、vening C.on the evening Dat evening 三、句型转换 1.Amy usually has fish for lunch.(否定句) Amy has fish for lunch. 2. We sometimes go to the Get Fit Club.( 划线提问) you go to the Get Fit Club? 3. He often plays football.(否定句) He often football. 4.He goes swimming four times a day . ( 划线提问) he swimming? 5.He goes swimming four times a day he go swimming a day ?


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