2016春牛津译林版英语八下Unit 1《Past and Present》(Vocabulary)word导学案.doc

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2016春牛津译林版英语八下Unit 1《Past and Present》(Vocabulary)word导学案.doc_第1页
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2016春牛津译林版英语八下Unit 1《Past and Present》(Vocabulary)word导学案.doc_第3页
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1、第 3 课时 Vocabulary 预学目标 1通过预习,了解一些反义词。 2了解常见的否定前缀。 3了解如何在语境中使用恰当的形容词表达肯定和否定的意思。 预学热身 预习课文前,请初步了解本课时的词汇并完成以下练习(英汉互译) 。 1opposite n_ 2_ adj. 不健康的 3_ adj.倒霉的 4_ adj. 使人不愉快的,讨厌的 自主探究,请带着下面这个问题阅读教材。 你能分别说出下面这些词的反义词吗? healthy cheap possible correct honest 教材导读 1correct adj.正确的incorrect adj. 不正确的 知识点:否定前缀的用

2、法 指点迷津 incorrect 由 correct 加上表示否定含义的前缀 in-构成,表示和 correct 相反的 意思。常见的否定前缀及其用法如下: un-:大部分形容词可以加 un-表示否定含义。如:happyunhappy; fairunfair; kind unkind; helpfulunhelpful。 im-: 一般加在以 m,b 或 p 开头的形容词前。如:possibleimpossible;polite impolite。 in-:部分形容词可以加 in-表示否定含义。如:active inactive; dependentindependent。 dis-:少部分形

3、容词可以加 dis-表示否定含义。如:honestdishonest。 ir:一般加在以 r 开头的形容词前。如: regularirregular。 ( )(2010连云港)- Mum, Im really _ about the result of the exam. -Cheer up. I believe you can be successful. A. patient B. satisfied C. unhappy D. pleased 2I had an interview with Daniels grandpa Mr Chen this morning. 今天早晨我采访了丹尼

4、尔的爷爷陈先生。 知识点:have an interview with 的用法 指点迷津 have an interview with sb.意为“和某人会面;采访某人”,其中 interview 是 名词;该结构相当于 interview sb., ,其中 interview 是动词。 同义句转换 I want to interview Mr. Green in the hall. I want to _ _ _ _ Mr. Green in the hall. 热身练习 A写出下列单词的反义词。 1. polite _ 2.long _ 3.pleasant _ 4. same _ 5.e

5、asy _ 6.lucky _ 7. kind _ 8.hot _ 9.new _ 10. happy _ 11.fast _ 12. impossible _ B根据首字母或中文提示写出单词。 1His father often stays up too late and drinks a lot, so he looks _(不健康的) 2Some people think it is _(倒霉的)to break a mirror. 3It is _(不礼貌的) to laugh at others. 4We have a _(令人愉快的)time. 5I think your answ

6、er is not right. It is i . C选择填空。 ( ) 1. - What is Millie doing now? - She is _about her home town _the computer. A. write; on B. writing; on C. writing; about D. write; in ( ) 2. Sam was so careless and made lots of _in his homework. A. mistake B. wrong C. mistakes D. wrongs ( ) 3.I am going to wri

7、te an article _ Nantong for my history project. A. to B. into C. on D. at ( ) 4.I dont like to live _the bus station because the noise will make me not sleep well. A. next to B. ready to C. into D. far from ( ) 5. My grandpa is over seventy, but he still looks A. healthy B. unhealthy C. sad D. disho

8、nest D翻译句子。 1昨天我采访了李先生。 I _ _ _ _ Mr. Li yesterday. 2我奶奶经常给我讲她的过去。 My grandma often tells me_ _ _. 3我们像以前那样经常互相见面是很难的。 Its difficult _us _ _ each other _ _ _ _. 4如果有可能我想把家搬到公园旁边。 I want _ _ _ _ the park if it is possible. 参考答案 预学目标 1反义词 2unhealthy 3.unlucky 4. unpleasant unhealthy expensive impossib

9、le incorrect dishonest 教材导读 1C 2 have an interview with 热身练习 A 1. impolite 2. short 3. unpleasant 4. different 5. difficult 6. unlucky 7. unkind 8. cold 9. old 10. unhappy 11. slow/slowly 12. possible B 1. unhealthy 2. unlucky 3. impolite 4. pleasant 5. incorrect C 1B 2C 3C 4A 5A D 1. had an interview with 2. about her past 3. for; to see; as often as before 4. to move next to


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