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1、Unit 1 How can I get there? Topic Unit 1 Theme How can I get there? A 部分 Lesson 1 Aims 1、能够听、说、读、写单词或短语:hospital,cinema,post office,bookstore,science museum。 2、能够听、说、认读并正确抄写句型:“Where is the ? Its near the post office ”并进行关键词的替换操练。 3、能够听懂并基本会唱歌曲“Where is the hospital?” 4、能够掌握朗读句子时的升降调。 Key Points 1.

2、句型:Where is the .? Its near/next to/behind 2. 运用句型问路,表述方位。 Difficult Points 1.运用句型问路,表述方位。 新 课 标 第 一 网 2.正确书写四会单词和掌握三会单词 museum 的发音。 Aids 1教师准备录音机和本课时的录音带。2学生准备一些玩具,如自行车、汽车、火车、飞机等。 3教师和学生准备 A Lets learn 部分的单词卡片。 Task 设计城市规划图并描述 Blackboard Design Where is the cinema? Its next to the bookstore. scienc

3、e museum post office hospital Procedures Contents Methods Purposes Step 1. Pre-task Warm-up 1. Greetings Step2. While-task Lets try Lets talk 2. Chant: Where, where, where is the ? Behind, behind, its behind the door 3. sing a song “Where are you going?” 4. Guessing game A. Its a place that I can se

4、e lots of animals. (zoo) B. Its a place that I go from Monday to Friday. I have classes there. (school) C. I want to see a film. Where can I go? (Present and teach “cinema”) D. I dont feel very well now. Where shall I go? (Present and teach “hospital”) 1. T shows a picture T: Look! Where is the cine

5、ma? Ss: Its behind the post office. T: Where is the hospital in our town? Ss: Its next to our school. 5. Present the task 学会运用句型 Where is the cinema? Its near the bookstore. 简单描述家乡公共设施的大致 位置并分享给朋友。 Lets try 1. Listen and tick. 2. Check the answers and Teach museum ad bookstore. There are many books

6、there. You can buy books in the bookstore. Is there a bookstore near here? Ss: No, there isnt. T: There are also many books in this place. Its a library. 3 Practice: chain game T: Where is the ? S1: Its . Where is the ? S2: Its . Lets talk 轻快的歌谣,富有 韵律的歌曲快速帮 助学生复习旧知识 并马上精神饱满地 进入课堂。 采用任务型教学途 径,让学生在学中

7、做,在做中学 Step 3. Post-task 1.Listen and underline the places Ss: Museum, post office 2.listen and answer 1) Where is the musum shop ? 2) Where is the post office ? 3.Listen to Lets talk and repeat. 1. Pair work Look at the pictures and talk about the places in Tongan. 2. Task: 描述自己设计的城市规划图 (1) Pair wo

8、rk: S1: Where is Renmin Park. S2:Its near the hospital. (2) Introduce your city. S: look. This is our city. The hospital is next to the cinema. (3) Make a survey Step 4. Homework 1. Copy the new words and phrases 5 times. 2. Copy the key sentences three times and recite them. 3. Finish the reading e

9、xercises. 教后反思 Unit 1 How can I get there? Topic Unit 1 Theme How can I get there? B 部分 Lesson 2 Aims 1. 帮助学生理解对话,并学会运用句型“How can we get there?”问路。 2. 帮助学生学会运用词组“turn left, turn right,”等表述路线。达到简单的交 际。 3.能够听、说、认读以下短语:Stop at a red light Wait at a yellow light Go at a green light。能够听、说、读、写短语和单词:stop w

10、ait traffic lights traffic rules 4. 能够了解基本的交通规则,即红、黄、绿灯的功能,并能根据英文指令做动作。 Key Points 1.学生能够充分理解并正确朗读对话。 2.能够听、说、认读以下短语:Stop at a red light Wait at a yellow light Go at a green light。能够听、说、读、写短语和单词: stop wait traffic lights traffic rules. Difficult Points 难点:如何正确的表述路线,指引他人到达目的地。 书写短语 traffic light , tr

11、affic rule Aids 教师准备录音机和本课时的录音带。 Task 做一日导游 Blackboard Design Unit 1 How can I get there ? How can I get to the .? Turn . at the Then turn . at the Procedures Contents Methods Purposes Step 1. Pre-task Step2. While-task Warm-up Lets try Lets talk 1.sing a song “Where are you going?” sing a song “Whe

12、re are you going?” 2.Sharp Eyes :Present the map, talk about the places. And read the words quickly. 3. Look at the map and answer the questions. Where is the? Its neat to the Present and tech Italian restaurant restaurant and pizza. Try to read : pizza, Italian restaurant Compare the Chinese food a

13、nd western food. 4. Listen and do. Turn right, turn left and go straight. Lets try: Read the sentences first then listen and tick or cross. 1. Listen and tick. 2. Check the answers. Lets talk (1)T present the map and say :“Now, I want to have some pizza, I want to go to the Italian restaurant. How c

14、an I get there?”. Let the students draw the route and try to say out 轻快的歌谣,富有韵律 的歌曲快速帮助学生复 习旧知识并马上精神饱 满地进入课堂。 文化渗透,让语言学习 与文化感悟结合。 采用任务型教学途径, 让学生在学中做,在做 中学 Step 3. Post-task : Turn left at the . .Then turn right at the (2)Present the new phrases and do the actions ,then draw the route and understand

15、the meaning, Turn left ,turn right, go straight, crossing 3) Liten and repeat “ Lets learn” 4) T: Look at the picture ,where are they? Yes, they are at the cinema. They are hungry. How can Wu Yifan and Mike get to the restaurant? Ss: Listen and think, then draw the route. 5) Practice the key sentenc

16、es. -Turn left at the bookstore. Then turn right at the hospital. (6)Role read the text in groups. 3. Consolidation and extension (1) Be a tour guide ( Beijing or Tongan ) Pair work ( Show a map of Tongan ) S1: How can I get to the Palace Museum ? S2:Go straight and you can see the Palace Museum. (2

17、)Finish the exercises. 教后反思 Unit 1 How can I get there? Topic Unit 1 Theme How can I get there? B 部分 Lesson 3 Aims 1. 能够完成 read and write 部分的练习,并能理解、朗读课文内容。 2. 能够了解地图、指南针、GPS、星星在指引地点方向上的作用。 3. 能够掌握句子在发音上的语调技巧。 能够独立完成 lets check 和 lets wrap it up 部分的练习 Key Points 能阅读课文,正确完成相应练习。 Difficult Points 1.运用

18、句型问路,表述方位。 2. 能复述故事,掌握发音语调技巧。 Aids 教师准备录音机和本课时的录音带。 Task 完成出行路线 Blackboard Design Unit 1 How can I get there ? We are in front of the cinema . Follow me , please . Is it far ? Now we are behind the hospital . There is a restaurant . My new GPS works . Procedures Contents Methods Purposes Step 1. Pre

19、-task Step2. While-task Warm-up Lets try Read and write 1. Sharp eyes, Ss say the words quickly and do the actions. 2. Sing a song :Where is the hospital? 3. Listen and do. Turn right, turn left and go straight. 4. Lets try. Read the sentences first then listen and tick or cross. 1. Listen and tick.

20、 2. Check the answers. Step 2 : presentation Read and write 1. T:What can help us find a place ? Ss:Stars, compass, GPS, map. 2. T 按照从古至今指示方位、寻找地点的 轻快的歌谣,富有韵律 的歌曲快速帮助学生复 习旧知识并马上精神饱 满地进入课堂。 Step 3. Post-task 方法进行介绍或让学生主动说一说自己 对这些方法的了解。 3. T:If you are in a car. How can you find a place. Ss: GPS. T: Y

21、es,read the text and think :How can the boys find the Italian restaurant. 4. Read the text and answer the questions. First underline the key words. 5. Groupwork 6. Listen and repeat. 7. Role read the text. 8. Groupwork-Draw the route of the restaurant in group. Discuss.Then check the answers. 9. Fil

22、l in the banks. Then retell the story. 10. 引导学生观看 Tips for pronunciation 部分 的句子,猜一猜句子的语调。然后播放 此部分录音,学生一边跟读,一边做手 势,注意语音语调的模仿。请几位学生 上台大声朗读,其他学生当小评委,提 建议。 11. 更多句子板书 Is there a hospital ? where is it ? Turn left at the bookstore . 让学生尝试朗读句子,分组讨论在发音上的 语调技巧。 Step 3 : practice 1. Lets check 引导学生观察图片,播放录音,

23、学生勾出所 听到的地点。核对答案。 2. Lets wrap it up 引导学生自主完成练习,运用椭圆中的词造 句。 Step 4 : Consolidation and extension 1. 让学生把 Read and write 部分的录音读 给家长或朋友听。 做课堂作业本的配套练习。 2.练习册(分层) 采用任务型教学途径, 让学生在学中做,在做 中学 教后反思 Unit 1 How can I get there? Topic Unit 1 Theme How can I get there? B 部分 Lesson 4 Aims 能够理解 story time 的故事。 能够分

24、角色自如表演 Story time 中的故事。 Key Points 能够理解故事。 Difficult Points 难点:如何正确的表述路线,指引他人到达目的地。 能自如表演故事。 Aids 教师准备录音机和本课时的录音带。 Task Blackboard Design Unit 1 How can I get there ? Go that way . Its next to the film museum near the Thames . Is the Thames far from here ? Procedures Contents Methods Purposes Step 1

25、. Pre-task Warm-up Warm up 轻快的歌谣,富有韵律 Step2. While-task Step 3. Post-task Story time 1.Free talk T: Boys and girls ,do you love Zoom ? S : Yes ! T : Lets find out what he is doing now ? 2. Sing a song. 3. Say a chant 4. Lets Check (1) Listen and tick (2) Check the answers. Presentation Story time 1.

26、 First the students look at the pictures and discuss in groups, then tell the story in Chinese. 2. Watch the CD-ROM ,then think of two questions. 3. Grouowork ;Draw the route and describe the route . 4. Disorder the sentences, T read the sentences ,Ss put the cards in order and tell the story. 5. Li

27、sten to the story and try to imitate the tune clealy and emotionly . 6. Role play the story in groups and do the actions. 7. Act it out. Step 3 :Practice Groupwork : Design a new story about asking the way. And have a match. Which group is winner? Step 4 : consolidation and extension 1. 讲 story time

28、 部分的故事朗读给家长听。 2.优化设计练习。 (分层) 的歌曲快速帮助学生复 习旧知识并马上精神饱 满地进入课堂。 文化渗透,让语言学习 与文化感悟结合。 采用任务型教学途径, 让学生在学中做,在做 中学 教后反思 Topic Unit 2 Theme Ways to go to schooll Part A Lets learn, Lets try, Lets talk Lesson 1 Aims 知识、能力目标: 词汇:能听懂、会说、认读并正确抄写单词 by bike by bus by train by plane by ship by subway on foot by taxi 句

29、型/ 语法:能听懂、会说、认读,正确抄写句型 How do you go to ? I go by ,并能在实际生活中简单运用。 功能与话题: 能用所学句型 How do you come to ?替换关询问别人的出行方式;并能 用 Usually,I come by描述到某地的交通方式,并进行简单交流。 学习策略目标: 小组合作学习 Key Points 句型 How do you come to ?替换关询问别人的出行方式;并能用 Usually,I come by回答 Difficult Points 句型 How do you come to ?替换关询问别人的出行方式;并能用 Usu

30、ally,I come by回答 Aids CD-ROM, word cards, radio, tape Task 能用所学句 How do you come to ? Usually,I come by,描述到某地 的交通方式,并进行简单交流。 Blackboard Design How do you come to ? Usually,I come by by bike by bus by train by plane by ship by subway on foot by taxi Procedures Contents Purposes .Warm-up II. Presentat

31、ion 1.热身(Warm-up) Lets start 复习频度副词:always,usually,often,sometimes,never 的读 音与词义。有关活动可借鉴五年级下册教师教学用书第一单元。 Lets chant 教师放本课时 Lets chant 部分的录音,学生先静听一遍,再跟录 音轻声吟唱一遍。教师再放录音,带着学生一起边唱边做动作. 2.新课呈现(Presentation) (1)教师拿出一辆玩具自行车,自问自答:“How do you come to school? Usually,I come to school by bike ”并在黑板上写下: by bike

32、。教师再重复刚才的句子并问某一学生:What about you? How do you come to school? 学生如果回答:“Me too!”教 师就继续问下一名学生,直到有不同答案,教师帮助学生说出完整 的句子:“Icome to school by”并将相应的短语写在黑板上。 (2)学生听录音,跟读 Lets learn 部分的内容。教师注意纠正学 生的语音、语调 Letstry (3)教师放录音,学生看图选择正确答案,并从听觉上进一步感知 主要句型。 (4)教师提问学生:“How do I come to school,do you know? Ask me,please!

33、鼓励要更多的学生参与提问教师:“How do you come to school?然后教师在黑板上画一辆自行车、一辆公 共汽车和辆计程车的图案,并分别在后面两图旁标当地的价格, 如:l Yuan,1o Yuan,回答说:“Usually I come to school by bike。because its good exerciseSometimes I come by 营造课堂气氛,激 发学生的积极性, 同时也为下面引出 新词作铺垫。 培养学生听的能力 和辨认单词的能力。 利用 CAI 生动形 象的设计,激发学 生的学习兴趣,深 入浅出。 . Practice/Consolidati

34、on Homework bus,because its cheapIt costs l Yuan. Sometimes I come by taxi,because its fast,but its too expensiveIt costs 1o Yuan (5)教师放课文录音,之前向学生提出问题:“How does Sarah come to school? listen ”学生听后回答问题。 (6)学生跟读录音,然后两人一组替换句型中的关键词练习对话。 3. 巩固和延伸(Consolidation and extension ) (1)教师事先准备一些打乱顺序的单词卡片,让学生读词后陕速

35、拼 成正确的句.或者空出四会句子当中的某些短语或单词,只给出打 头的第一个字母作黄示,让学生填充句予。最后再让学生书写四会 句子。 (2)Group work 教师让学生四人一组,通过提问“How do you come to school?了解同学用何种互方式上学,并鼓励学生简单阐述原因, 如:My home is nearIts fastIts cheapgood exercise (3)学生回家调查父母及其他亲戚的上班方式,准备下一节课做汇 报。 My father and Uncle Wang go to work by bus,because its cheapMy mother g

36、o to work on foot,because 综合呈现新学单词, 在语境句型下操练, 加强句子单词的运 用。 教后反思 Topic Unit 2 Theme Ways to go to schooll Part A Read and write Pay attention Tips for Pronunciation Lets warp it up Lesson 2 Aims 知识、能力目标: (1) 词汇:.能听懂、会说、会认读 3 个单词: then,always ,know (2) 句型/语法:能听懂、会说、认读,正确抄写句型 How do you come to I go by并

37、能在实际生活中简单运用。 (3) 语音:能够了解辅音,p,b,t,d与元音 i:,i的发音规则 情感态度目标: 通过交流促进班级同学间的友谊,通过小组活动培养学生的合作精神。 学习策略目标:小组合作学习 Key Points 学生能够充分理解并正确朗读对话。 Difficult Points 如何指引他人在不同地点换用不同的交通工具到达某一 Aids 课件,CD-ROM, TAPE Task 用所学句型来描述交通方式 Blackboard Design Procedures Contents Purposes IWarm-up II. Presentation and practice III

38、. Consolidation and extension IWarm-up (1)、教师放 c Lets sing 部分的录音,学生跟唱。 (2)、教师检查上一课时布置的调查任务,要求学生两人一组交换 信息,如:“M and Uncle Wang come to work by bus because its cheapMy mother goes to work. Because II. Presentation and practice (1)“最佳路线”活动 教师展示画出的路线并示范如何描述 Sarah 去公园的路程: “First,Sarah Can go to Zhang Peng

39、s home by bikeNext, Sarah and Zhang Peng go to the bus stop on footThen they can go to the park by bus ”教师板书 first,next,then,请 几名学生依照顺序来描述 Sarah 和 Zhang Peng 去公园的路线, 比一比谁说得最好。 (2)学生阅读对话,完成文后两个问答练习。 Pronunciation (1)教师先让学生听录音、认音标,再试读例词,让学生把发音的 “音”(读音)、发音的的“形”(音标)与发音在单词中的表现形式 (字母或字母组合)对照学习。 (2)Read an

40、d match 学生先试着将课本上四个单词的音标与词形和配图连线,然后教师 公布正确答案。 III. Consolidation and extension 教师询问学生课本上各个交通标志的意思:“Whats the meaning?”然后帮助学生回答:“Turn rightCrosswalkOne way ”等。再让学生完成图与文字搭配的练习。 用 Song 等有趣的 形式来复习上节课 的词汇和句型,激 发学生一开始学习 的热情。 在活动中,给学生 以广阔的想象空间, 从而促使学生积极、 主动思维。 提高学生小组合作 意识和交际能力。 教后反思 Topic Unit 2 Theme Ways

41、 to go to schooll Part B Lets learn Read and write Lesson 3 Aims 知识能力目标: (1) 词汇:能够听、说、认读并正确抄写:stop,wait,traffic lights,traffic rules 。 (2) 句型:能听懂、会说、认读并正确抄写运用 Stop at a red lightWait at a yellow lightGo at a green light 功能与话题:能够了解基本的交通规则,即红灯、黄灯、绿灯的功能; 并能听懂英语指令做出相应的动作。 文化意识目标:能够了解基本的交通规则 Key Points 能

42、够了解基本的交通规则,即红灯、黄灯、绿灯的功能;并能听懂英语 指令做出相应的动作。 Difficult Points 能够了解基本的交通规则,即红灯、黄灯、绿灯的功能;并能听懂英语 指令做出相应的动作。 Aids 课件,CD-ROM, TAPE Task 能够了解基本的交通规则 Blackboard Design Stop at a red light Wait at a yellow light Go at a green light Procedures Contents Purposes .Warm-up .Presentation and practice . Consolidatio

43、n .Warm-up (1) 、 “兔子舞”游戏 教师放兔子舞的音乐,全班学生排成长队,后面学生把手搭在 前面学生的肩膀上,随着音乐的指令“Left-Right-Go-Turn around-Go,g。 ,go” ,队伍开始向前慢慢移动,教师最好也参与游 戏。 (2) 、师生一起吟唱 Lets chant 的歌谣。 .Presentation and practice (1)教师指着教室里的日光灯说:I like the lights because I can see things clearly at night .Can we see lights in different colour

44、s in our city ? Yes!Neon light , traffic lights (2)教师边画简笔画,边说:“We have red,yellow, and green lights. We call them traffic lights教师板书 traffic fights,然后问学生:“What do they mean,do you know?,学 生可能会用汉语回答,教师点头表示肯定,再请学生回答:“When do we stopwaitgo?引导学生回答:We stop at a red light (3)教师出示自制红绿灯,看见绿灯,教师一边向前走一边说: “It

45、 is a green light. Go-go。go!, ,看见黄灯,停住不动但 摆动双臂示意要走:“It is a yellow light. Wait-wait-wait! I can go in a moment ”看见红灯,提问学生:“The light is red。Stop-stop-stop!” Lets read (1)教师站在课前画好的分道线的右侧,往前走,边走边说:“Now Im walking on the right side of the roadI know the traffic rulesDo you think so?” (2) 完成课后的问题 . Cons

46、olidation 利用多种形式引出 新词。 利用多种形式巩固 和操练新习得的单 词。 Homework 让学生听 Read and write。 教师放两遍录音,第一遍全班学生跟读,第二遍学生分角色跟读。 Homework 教后反思 Topic Unit 2 Theme Ways to go to schooll Part B Lets try Lets talk Lets check Lesson 4 Aims 知识、能力目标: 句型/语法:能听懂、会说、认读,正确抄写句型 How Can I get to Zhongshan Park? You can go By the No15 bu

47、s,并能在实际生活中简 单运用。 功能与话题:学生能够在实际情景中恰当地表达使用某一交通工具到达 某一目的地 情感态度目标: 能够在对话中正确使用礼貌用语,比如:“Excuse meThank youYoure welcome ”等。 学习策略目标:小组合作学习 Key Points 句型 How Can I get to Zhongshan Park? You can go By the No15 bus.的简单运用 Difficult Points 学生能够在实际情景中恰当地表达使用某一交通工具到达某一目的地 Aids CD-ROM, word cards, radio, tape Tas

48、k 学生能够在实际情景中恰当地表达使用某一交通工具到达某一目的地 Blackboard Design How Can I get to Zhongshan Park? You can go By the No15 bus. Procedures Contents Purposes Warm-up Presentation Warm-up (1)教师将全班学生分为两组,每组选派一名代表上讲台发指令。 如:Greenredyellow light,各组学生在座位上做动作,做错 者坐下,即被淘汰,最后站着的人数多的组胜出。 (2)教师让学生用自己的话描述交通规则,表述正确者为小组争得 一分,描述有新意者得三分。 (3) Lets try 教师放 Lets 町部分的录音,学生听录音选择相应的图片。 Presentation (1)教师根据学生平时常去的场所提问,如当地的一家电影院、风 景点、或学生的祖父母家等:“How can you get to?Can you go by?Is it fastslowexpensive t0 go by?”进行师生 间的自由会话,再让学生感知一下新句型:How canIyou gettO?然后,教师板书这组句子。 (2)教师继续提问:“Its a placeYou can buy food,drink,fruit,vegetable


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