[2013秋]人教版(pep)四上《unit 6 meet my family》(第2课时)word教案.doc

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1、 课 题 第二课时 Part B 教 学 目 标 知识目标 1.能听、说、认读单词:doctor, nurse, driver, farmer和 baseball player,并能介绍人物的职业。 2.能够听懂、会说句型 Whats your father? My mother is a doctor.并能做替换练习。 3. 能听、说、认读本课句型 Is this your father? Whats your mother? He looks strong.并能在情景中运用。 4.能听懂、会说本课对话,并在实际情景中运用。 能力目标 1.能够简单描述家庭成员,如:My mother is

2、a doctor. 2.听懂指示语,并按照指令做出相应的动作。 情感态度:培养学生热爱家庭、热爱生活的美好情感。 学习策略:积极运用所学英语进行表达、交流。 文化目标: 了解西方国家家庭成员之间的称呼习惯。 教学重点 单词 doctor, nurse, driver, farmer和 baseball player的听、说、认、读和人物职业的表达法。 教学难点 单词 baseball player的认读。 理解、会说句型 They look strong. Are they farmers? 教具、学具准备 录音机、磁带、词卡、图卡。 教学过程 一、Preparation Enjoy the

3、song: My father is a doctor. 二、Presentation Lets learn A.单词导呈 1. Learn:doctor (1)T:(故意装作很痛苦的样子)Oh, Im ill. I must see the doctor.教师出示 doctor 的图片并教 读。 (2) 板书教读 doctor-Act like a doctor(教师说的同时让学生和自己一起做动作) 2. Learn:nurse (1)T:(出示护士的图片)Look! Is she a doctor? Ss: No. T: Good! She is a nurse. 板书教读 nurseSh

4、e is a nurse. 个性化修改 教师出示 father、moth er、uncle、a unt等单词的 词卡,让学生 认读单词。 (2)教师和学生一起边说边做 Act like a doctor ,Act like a nurse. 3. Learn:farmer (1)T:(出示自己的全家福,)This is my father. Hes a farmer.说的同时做锄地的动作。 板书、教读 farmer-Hes a farmer. (2)教师和学生一起边说边做 Act like a doctor ,Act like a nurse,Act like a 4. Learn:drive

5、r (1)T:(继续展示全家福)This is my brother. Hes a driver.(做开车的动作) (2)教师板书、教读 driver. (3)教师和学生一起边说边做 driver- driver-Act like a driver. 5. Learn:baseball player (1)T:(出示 baseball player的图片)Look! Is he a driver? Ss: No. T:Hes a baseball player. 板书、教读 baseball player. (2)教师和学生一起边说边做 baseball player- -baseball p

6、layer-Act like a baseball player C.合作学习。 小组内利用词 driver-driver-Act like a driver. B.听读正音 Listen to the tape and read after the tape. Lets talk 1. 学习 Whats your mother? My mother is (1)T:My father is a farmer. What about you? Whats your father? S1: My father is T:Whats your mother? S2:My mother is 教师询

7、问一两位同学后,板书、教读 Whats your mother? My mother is (2)学生两人一组练习。 2.学习“Is this your.? Yes, she/he is.” He looks (1)T:(出示自己的全家福照片)This is my mother. She is a nurse. She likes sports.拿起 一位同学的全家福照片。Is this your mother? S1:(在教师帮助下)Yes, she is. T:(拿起另外一位同学的全家福) Is this your 卡读单词。 (3)Lets chant.What s your fathe

8、r? 教师播放录音, 师生共同吟唱。 3.教师做好示 范后,学生两 人一组利用手 father? S2: Yes, he is. T: He looks strong. (2) 板书、教读“Is this your.? Yes, she/he is.”He looks 3.学习“Are they farmers?” (1)T:(继续利用学生的全家福)Who is this man ? S3: Hes T: Who is this woman? S3: T: They look young .Are they farmers? S3: (2)教师板书、教读教读 Who is this man ?

9、 Hes Are they farmers? 三、Practice 1.听音答题。 Whats Amys mother? 2).听音正音。 (1)Listen and point . (2) Listen and repeat. 3.合作共建 中的全家福操 练. 4.表演展示。 Act the dialogue in pairs. 小组内分角色朗读对话,组长注意分配好角色, 同时要注意角色互换。 四、Production 利用手中的全家福,用今天学过的句子和同桌一 起做一个新的对话。 五、Progress 检测题。 选词填空。 (1)( ) is your mother? A. What B. How (2) ( ) Is this your aunt? A. Yes, she is. B. Yes, he is. (3) ( ) is this man? Hes my uncle. A. What B. Who (二) Homework 听 Lets talk 部分是录音、跟读,并读给家 长听。


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