2017牛津译林版七年级上册Unit 1《This is me》(第7课时)word教案.doc

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2017牛津译林版七年级上册Unit 1《This is me》(第7课时)word教案.doc_第1页
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2017牛津译林版七年级上册Unit 1《This is me》(第7课时)word教案.doc_第2页
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1、Unit 1 This is me! Task I. Teaching aims and learning objectives By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. organize the ideas before writing; 2. write a passage to introduce oneself to others; 3. make an objective evaluation of oneself and enhance self-confidence. II. Teaching content

2、s 1. New words and phrases: everyone, glasses, come from, wear glasses 2. New structure: I come from Nanjing. I live with my family in Beijing. I wear glasses. III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty Write a passage to introduce oneself to others. IV. Teaching procedures Step 1 Lea

3、d-in 1. Play a guessing game. T: Boys and girls, before we begin our class, lets play a game first. Please guess who he/she is according to some given information. 2. Ask students to go over what they have learnt from the Reading part and finish the chart. 【设计意图:猜谜游戏的进行,在活跃气氛的同时也引导学生关注身边的人,又自然 过渡到所学

4、课文;从阅读课的主体内容入手,熟悉的话语帮助学生迅速进入 task学习的状 态,也帮助学生初步了解人物介绍的简单要素。 】 Step 2 Presentation 1. Ask students to revise the passage about Millie and then finish the profile. (1) Ask students what the passage is about and answer the following questions. a. How old is Millie? b. Which school does she study in? c.

5、 How does she look like? d. What is her hobby? (2) Finish the profile according to the chart. 2. Ask students to read the passage about Daniel and finish the chart. 3. Try to classify the information and find out what each paragraph is about. 4. Read the passage and finish the profile of Daniel. 【设计

6、意图:通过整理 Millie和 Daniel的简单信息构成基本思维导图,通过段落大 意的归纳帮助学生明确文章段落的组织方式,形成清晰脉络。同时也将本课时的重点词汇 一一呈现并强调。 】 Step 3 Practice 1. Complete ones own profile. T: Fill in the table with your own information on Page 17. 2. Make self-introduction. 【设计意图:通过两种图表帮助学生掌握介绍要素,并尝试自我介绍,其实这也是拓 宽学生思路,以便后期写出更完整更有新意的人物介绍。 】 Step 4 Ex

7、tension 1. Complete the passage about Millies friend, Daniel. 2. Talk about Eddie. 3. Write a short passage. (1) Write a short passage about ones best friend. (2) Share with the other group members and let them guess who it is. (3) Decide on the best passage. (4) Share and improve. 【设计意图:再现思维导图,帮助学生

8、学以致用;学生在独立完成的基础上进行小组 分享与改进,有利于信心的增强和合作意识的培养。 】 V. Homework You may choose any of the following posters as your homework and stick it on the wall. 1. Make a poster of Mei Yangyang. (The table is given on your worksheet.) 2. Make a poster of your best friend in your class. 3. Make a poster of your favourite super star. 【教学反思】


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