2016秋苏教译林版英语四年级上册Unit 6《At the snack bar》(第三课时)word教案.doc

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2016秋苏教译林版英语四年级上册Unit 6《At the snack bar》(第三课时)word教案.doc_第1页
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2016秋苏教译林版英语四年级上册Unit 6《At the snack bar》(第三课时)word教案.doc_第2页
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1、Unit 6 At the snack bar 一 、教学内容 :Unit 6 At the snack bar Cartoon time, 二、教学目标 1. 能理解 Cartoon time 部分的意思,并能配合此部分内容进行表达; 2. 能理解句型“What would you like? Id like , please. Anything else?”的含义,能正确运用到实际中进行描述。 3. 在第一课时基础上,能通过游戏比较熟练地正确说出物品的摆设。 三、教学重点 能理解 Cartoon time 部分的意思,并能配合此部分内容进行表达。 四、教学难点 能综合运用本单元学到的单词和

2、句型进行点餐活动并会征求别人的意见。 五、课前准备 比较熟练地运用句型“What would you like? Id like .” 能理解句 子的意思,并会适当地运用于相应的情境中。图片、课件 六、教学过程 Step1 Free talk and revision 1. T: Hello, boys and girls. S: Hello. T: How are you today? S: Fine, thanks. 2.T: Do you have a nice bed?S: Yes, I do. T: How many rooms do you have?S: I have T: Wh

3、ere is/Where are? S: Its/Theyre T: What would like?S: Id like 3. Practice in pairs. Ask and answer each other. Step2 Cartoon time 1. Show the pictures on Page41 and think : What are they saying? Discuss in groups. 小组讨论,自主提问,猜猜他们在说什么? 2. 看看你猜的和他们说得一样吗?Watch the cartoon. T: Boys and girls, you did a g

4、ood job. Look, who are they? S: They are Bobby and Sam. T: Yes. Whats wrong with them? Lets watch the cartoon. (播放动画) T: Whats wrong with Bobby and Sam? S: Theyre hungry. 3. Watch the cartoon again and answer. (再次播放卡通片) 5. Read and say ( 注意模仿 Bobby、大猩猩和 Sam 的语气) T: Now please open your books and rea

5、d this story. Its on your book, Page When you are reading, try to remember what they say (阅读 Cartoon time 记一记每一幅图中的对话) (学生阅读 Cartoon time) T: Now close your books. (PPT 逐图显示) Who can be Sam / Bobby/大猩猩? S1: Im hungry. ( 指导有气无力的语气) S2: Me, too. ( 指导有气无力的语气) S1: Heres a snack bar. Id like some fish. (

6、指导惊喜、兴奋的语气) S2: Id like an egg. (指导惊喜、兴奋的语气) S3: Can I help you? (指导严肃的语气) S1: Yes. Id like some fish, please. (指导渴望、期待的语气) S2: Id like an egg, please. (指导渴望、期待的语气) S2: What a big egg! ( 指导意外、惊讶的语气) 5. T: Now read the story in pairs. (注意语气哦!) 6. Do the dubbing T: Now can you dub for the whole story together? 你们能为这个故事配音 吗? S: Yes. (动画角色扮演 Sam/Bobby/大猩猩配音) 7. Act the dialogue 七、作业: 1. 读 Cartoon time 对话 5 遍; 2. 和会说英语的家人或朋友谈一谈身边物品的位置,试试写下来 八、板书内容: Unit 6 At the snack bar A: What would you like ? B: Id like A: Can I help you? B: Id like A: What a big egg! B: , please. 九、教学反思:


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