2017牛津译林版九年级上册Unit 3《Teenage problems》(Task)教案.doc

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2017牛津译林版九年级上册Unit 3《Teenage problems》(Task)教案.doc_第1页
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2017牛津译林版九年级上册Unit 3《Teenage problems》(Task)教案.doc_第2页
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1、Unit3 Teenage problems Task Teaching goals: 学习词汇:stress 学习词组:shout at, forget about your homework, keep it to yourself, be of sbs age, care too much about your marks 学习句子: Many students of our age have this problem. 2. 技能目标: 1)完成调查问卷中的问题。 2)学会向他人提出建议。 3)学会就青少年的烦恼写一封信。 3. 情感目标: 1)能选择正确的方法解决生活、学习中遇到的问

2、题。 2)要敢于面对自己在学习、生活中的困难,并积极的寻找方法解决这些困难。 Important and difficult points: 写一封信,谈论自己遇到的问题以及解决的办法。 知识目标 + 技能目标 Teaching procedures: Step1:预习指导与检测 见导学案 Step2:展示目标 见导学案 Step3:课堂导学与互动 任务一:浏览 A 部分,完成下列活动。 The Class 1, Grade 9 students are doing a quiz in teenagers magazines. They want to find out whether the

3、y know how to deal with problems. Lets go through the quiz and circle the best answers (Part A on page 46). 1、朗读 46页 A 部分每一个问题以及解决问题的备选答案,选出自己认为的最佳答案。 (为写作提供内容) 2、分别说出自己的最佳答案和理由, 并教短语 keep to themselves。 3、讨论解决问题的方法。 If you have some problems, who will you go to to ask for help? (Talk to parents or

4、friends. Ask teachers for help. Keep a diary. Write a letter or send an email to classmates or friends.) 任务二:浏览 B 部分,完成下列活动。 Millies friend Raymond wrote to her about his problems. Millie is writing a reply telling him how to deal with them. Help Millie complete her email (Part B on page 47). 1、讨论 H

5、ow to write an article,让学生回忆写作有三个部分组成,它们是 Introduction、Main body 和 Conclusion。 2、 帮助 Millie完成 B部分练习。 3、 朗读 B部分 Millie的信,并根据新的内容填充。 任务三:写作训练。 Suppose one of your fiend wrote to you about his or her problems. Write a reply telling him or her how to deal with the problems. Use Millies email as a model.

6、 1、在同学中调查一下,你们共同的烦恼是什么?写出你的调查结果中排名在前 5条的烦恼。 2、针对大家的共同烦恼,写一篇你能消除这些烦恼的办法或建议的短文。 Work in groups and create your own presentation. You can use the following useful expressions to help you. 3、短文评讲。 让学生先熟悉评分标准 第一档:13 15 分 上下连贯,意思完整,语言通顺,表达清楚,很少有语法错误和拼写错误。 第二档:9 12 分 上下基本连贯,语言基本通顺,表达较清楚,少有语法错误和拼写错误。 第三档:5

7、8 分 上下不连贯,语言不通顺,表达不清楚,有较多语法错误和拼写错误。 第四档:0 4 分 上下不连贯,语言不通顺,表达不清楚,有大量语法错误和拼写错误。 完成后按照 56页所学的改错方法自己先改。 两人一组互改。 小组交流。 Step4:总结提升 Lets enjoy a reply about how to deal with the problems. Dear , Thank you very much for sharing your problems with me. You stay up late every day. It is a common problems for a

8、 Grade 9 student. I think the best way to solve it is to manage your time carefully. Try to finish some homework during lunchtime at school instead of playing basketball, and then you can go to bed earlier at night. Maybe too much noise at home is another reason that makes you stay up late, because

9、you cannot focus on your work. Your grandfather keeps the TV very loud because his hearing is not very good. How about closing your bedroom door when you study inside? Or perhaps you can tell him about your problem. I am sure he loves you so much that he listens to you. I hope you think my advice is worth taking. Best wishes, Step5:当堂反馈见导学案 Step6:课后拓展见导学案 Step7:布置作业 1.Remember the expressions in this lesson. 2. Discuss more teenage problems and the ways to solve them with your partners. 3. Finish the letter about your problems to Mrs Song . 【Teaching reflection】


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