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1、 Unit 1 Whats in your room? 1、 词汇 Want / next to./ between 2、 重点句型 1)询问某物里面有什么的句型-Whats in.? 句型结构:Whats in + 其他? 重点解析:此句型是由 what 引导的特殊疑问句。疑问词 what 意为“什么”, 介词 in 意为 “在.里面”。答语为“There is/are + + in + 其他.”, 也可以直接回答 物品名称。 例如:Whats in your room? -There is a bed, a desk and a chair in my room. Whats in you

2、r bag? -There are some books and a pen. 2)问颜色-What colour.? 句型结构:What colour is/are + 物品? 例如:What colour is your computer? -Its pink. What colour are they? -They are green. 3、 方位介词 On 表示“在. 上面”。 (强调两者互相接触)例如: I put my pen on the desk. In 表示 “在 .里面” 例如:The ball is in the box. Near 表示“在.附近” 例如:He live

3、s near the river. Over 表示“在.上面”. (不与物体接触)例如:There is a bridge over the river. Under 表示“在.下面” 例如:There is a pair of shoes under the bed. Behind 表示“在. 后面” 例如:There is a river behind the house. In front of 表示“在.前面” 例如:There is a big tree in front of the house. Next to.在旁边 例如: There is a bed next to the

4、 window. Between 在(两者)之间 例如:There is a chair between the door and the window. 4、语法:be 动词的用法和区别 there be 句型和 have/has 的用法区别 1、 Be 动词 Be 动词:am、 is、 are 口诀:我用 am, 你用 are, is 用在他她它,复数全用 are。 例题: 1. I _ a boy. _ you a boy? No, I _ not. 2. The girl_ Jacks sister. 3. The dog _ tall and fat. 4.The jeans _ o

5、n the desk. (一)、有 be 动词的肯定句和否定句 I am from London. I am not from London. He is a teacher. He is not a teacher. She is in the dining room. She is not in the dining room. My hair is long. My hair is not long. Her eyes are small. Her eyes are not small. 归纳:在有 be 动词的句子中,改否定句时只要在 be 动词_ 加上 _。 (二)、有 be 动词的

6、一般疑问句 Am I a Chinese? Yes, you are. No, you arent. Are they American? Yes, they are. No, they arent. Is the cat fat? Yes, it is. No, it isnt. (三)、综合练习 用恰当的 be 动词填空。 1. The man with big eyes _ a teacher. 2. _ your brother in the classroom? 3. Where _ your mother? She _ at home. 4. How _ your father?

7、5. Mike and Liu Tao _ at school. 6. Whose dress _ this? 7. Whose socks _ they? 8. That _ my red skirt. 9. Who _ I? 10. Here _ a scarf for you. 2、 There be (1):there be 句型基本认识 1、 定义:There be 句型表示某处存在某物或某人。 2、结构:(1) There is +单数可数名词/ 不可数名词+ 地点状语. (2) There are +复数名词+ 地点状语. 注意事项: there 是引导词,在句中不充当任何成分,

8、翻译时也不必译出。句 子的主语是某人或某物,谓语动词 be 要与主语(某人或某物)的数保持一致。 当主语是两个或两个以上的名词时,谓语动词要与跟它最近的那个名词一致。 如: There is a bird in the tree. 树上有一只鸟。 There is a teacher and many students in our classroom. 我们教室 里有一位老师和许多学生。 There are two boys and a girl under the tree. 树下有两个男孩,一 个女孩。 (2): there be 句型的常考点 1:变成否定 There be 句型的否定

9、式的构成和含有 be 动词的其它句型一样,在 be 后加上 not 即可。例如: 例 1: There are some pictures on the wall. =There arent any pictures on the wall. 例 2:There is a bike behind the tree. = There isnt a bike behind the tree. 2:变成一般疑问句 There be 句型的一般疑问句变化是把 be 动词调整到句首,再在句尾加上问号 即可。但同时要注意:当肯定句中有 some 时,要将其改为 any(否定变化也 一样) 。 some 用

10、于肯定句, any 用于否定或疑问句。 There is some water on Mars. Is there any water on Mars? There are some fish in the water. Are there any fish in the water? 3:特殊疑问句 对主语提问:当主语是人的时候,则用 who 引导,当主语是物的时候,则用 what 引导。 注意:无论原句的主语是单数还是复数,对之提问时一般都用 be 的单数形式(回答时却要根据实际情况来决定 )。如: There are many things over there. Whats over

11、there? There is a little girl in the room.Who is in the room? 对地点状语提问:则用 where 引导。如: There is a computer on the desk. Where is the computer? There are four children on the playground. Where are the four children? 对数量提问:般有两种句型结构: How many+复数名词 +are there+介词短语? How much+不可数名词 +is there+介词短语? 2、Have /

12、has 1、定义:指的是主观上的 “拥有;持有”,表示某人拥有某物,是一种所属关系 2、结构:主语 + have(第三人称单数用 has)+ 物品 例如:I have some apples. My mothers has some friends. 3、have/has 跟主语的搭配 第一人称:我,我们 I, we 第二人称:你,你们 you 第三人称:除第一、第二人称之外的其他人称 第三人称单数:he, she, it, Kitty, Alice, Ben have(第三人称单数) has 语法练习: 1) 、用“have, has” or “there is , there are”填空

13、 1. I_a good father and a good mother. 2. _a telescope on the desk. 3. He_a tape-recorder. 4. _a basketball in the playground. 5. She_some dresses. 6. They_a nice garden. 7. What do you_? 8. _a reading-room in the building? 9. What does Mike_? 10. _any books in the bookcase? 2) 单项填空。 ( )1. There_ no

14、t _ milk in the cup on the table . A. are, many B. are , much C. is ,many D. is ,much ( )2.How many _ are there in the room ? A. apple B. students C. milk D. paper ( ) 3.How many boys _ there in Class one? A. be B. is C. are D. Am ( ) 4.There _ a lot of good news in todays newspaper. A. is B. are C.

15、 was D. Were ( ) 5.There _ pencil-box, two books and some flowers on the desk. A. is a B. are some C. has a D. have some ( ) 6.There _ an apple and ten bananas in the basket. You can take any of them. A. are B. is C. has D. have ( ) 7.My toy dog big ears. A. have B.has C.there is D.there are ( ) 8.

16、_ any flowers on both sides of the street? AIs there BAre there CHas DHave ( ) 9. There is no air or water on the moon. Is there? _. A. Yes, there are B. No, there isnt C. Yes, there isnt D. No, there is ( ) 10. _ any flowers on both sides of the street ? A. Is there B. Are there C. Has D. Have 课后练习

17、: 一、判断语音是否一致 1、ga me hat ( ) 2、ca n face ( ) 3、short English ( ) 4、c ar park ( ) 5、may play ( ) 6、sand safe ( ) 二、英汉互译 1.紫色的花_ 2.在门后面_ 3.在床下面_ 4.两只棕色的猫 _ 5.一张大床_ 6.next to the computer_ 7.on the wall_ 8.在床上_ 三、选择 ( )1、I want you _ your bedroom. A.draw B.to draw C. drawing ( )2、Look at my books. _ on

18、 my desk. A.They B.Its C.Theyre ( )3、_ in your room? A.What B.Whats C.Where ( )4、There is a map _ the wall. A.on B.in C.under ( )5、There _ two brown cats under the bed. A.is B.are C.has ( )6、_ Picture 2,there is a bed. A.In B. At C.On ( )7、There is a big bed next _ the window. A.in B.to C.at ( )8、Wh

19、at colour _ the window? A.is B.are C.in ( )9、There is a small bed in my bedroom,_ . A. too B. also C. and ( )10、There is a chair _ the door and the window. A. next to B. between C.near 四、连线 1、Whats in your room? A.Its next to the window. 2、What colour is your pen? B.In my room,there is a big bed. 3、

20、Where is your bed? C.My name is Shape. 4、Open the window,please. D.OK. 5、Whats your name? E.Its pink. 五、阅读判断对错 T F Look! This is our classroom.Lets go and have a look. There are some flowers on the teachers desk.There is a blackboard(黑板)on the wall. There are forty-seven students in our class,twenty

21、-three boys and twenty-four girls.There are two English girls. Their names are Lily and Lucy.They are twins.They are ten.Our classroom is big and bright.We love it. ( )1、There is a blackboard in the classroom. ( )2、There are some flowers on the teachers desk. ( )3、There are forty-five students in ou

22、r class. ( )4、There are three English girls. ( )5、Our classroom is big and bright. 教学反思: Unit 2 They are the windows 教学目标: 1技能目标: (1)通过学习故事,学生能够正确理解故事内容并朗读课文。 (2)能够运用所学方位词正确描述事物的位置。 2知识目标: (1)词汇:正确认读名词 rock ground;动词短语:look for 疑问词 where; 方位词 on、 under、 in、 behind、 in front of; (2)句型:能够掌握询问和描述事物位置的基

23、本句型,并正确进行描述。 Where is the ? on under Its in behind in front of 3情感目标: (1)在学习过程中培养学生的合作意识和良好的英语学习习惯。 (2)通过学习故事,培养学生拾到物品应归还失主、朋友需要帮助时 要 伸出援助之手的意识。 教学重点: 理解故事内容,正确朗读课文。 教学难点: 正确运用方位介词描述事物的具体位置。 教具准备: CAI、书、图片、单词卡片、自制 ppt 课件 教学过程: (呈现 PPT1 板书标题) 导入语:Children,this class,lets study Unit4 together. Where i

24、s it? 它在哪?Can you read the title with me? 学生:Read after the teacher:Unit4 Where is it? 一、导入 一)Guessing game PPT2 T :Children,now I have a riddle for you. Please guess. Whats this? Please look,listen and guess. Its brown. Its yellow. The squirrel likes it very much. S: Look,listen and guess. Its a nu

25、t. T:Yes,its a nut. I like nuts. Do you like them? S:Yes. 2、 新授 (一)故事引入:图片引入 PPT3 过渡问题: T:Please look at this picture. Can you find any nuts? Yes,theyre here. So many nuts in the tree. What other things can you see? S:look and say:a bird,a snake,a frog T:Very good,children. You did a good job. Look

26、at our old friend Bobby. He is looking at the nut. Maybe he wants a nut. Lets enjoy the story“Finding a nut”. Before watching it,I have two questions for you: PPT4 Question1: Who are in the story? Question2: Where are they? (二)Play CAI:播放故事动画 (三)Answer the questions:回答问题 Question1 PPT5 过渡语: T:Now,it

27、s time for us to answer the questions. Q1:Who are in the story?Do you remember?Who can answer? S:Lulu,Mocky,a bird,a snake,a frog,a squirrel. T:Yes,theyre Lulu, Mocky and some other animals. Question2 PPT6 过渡语:But where are they?Its a little difficult. Maybe this picture can help you. (四)Tell the st

28、ory:讲故事 Picture1: PPT6 1、学习方位介词: T:Look,this is a The bird is on the rock. 出示单词卡片 on,领读单词 on,贴黑板,领读句子。 (用同样的方法完成 under,in ,behind ,in front of 方位介词的学习) 2、复习方位介词: 过渡语:Boys and girls. Its a very useful picture. We can get a lot of information from it. 让我们一起来朗读这些表示方位的名词吧。 领读顺序:on on the rock The bird i

29、s on the rock. under under the rock The snake is under the rock. in in the water The frog is in the water. behind. in front of. 3、回答问题:(小组之间说句子) PPT7-11 Children, can you answer where are they now? 学生按小组尝试运用所学方位介词回答问题 2. Picture2: PPT12 过渡语: Mocky climbs up the tree,he has a nut. But the nut falls d

30、own. He is worried and he says: “播放录音 Oh,no!My nut!” 你能模仿 Mocky 的语音语调读一读吗? 再次播放录音,学生模仿 Mocky 着急的心情进行跟读。 Picture3: PPT13 过渡语: The squirrel has Mockys nut. He likes the nut very much. So he says:“播放录音 I like nuts.” The squirrel has a nut. He is very happy. Can you read it happily? 再次播放录音,学生模仿进松鼠高兴的心情进

31、行跟读。 Picture4: PPT14 T: Who comes? S:Lulu T:Yes,Lulu comes. Lulu is Mockys good friend. Lulu asks: “播放录音 What are you looking for?” 解释 look for 的意思 S:跟读句子 T:Mocky cant find his nut. So he says: “播放录音 My nut. Where is it?” Can you say like Mocky? S:像 Mocky 一样跟读句子。 T:But Lulu doesnt know it. So he say

32、s:“播放录音 I dont know.” 学生分组扮演 Mocky 和 Lulu 分角色朗读对话. Picture5: PPT15 过渡语: Lulu is really a good friend. She helps Mocky. They go to find the nut together. They are near the river. Mocky says:“播放录音 Is it in the water?” The nut isnt in the water. So Lulu says:“ 播放录音 No,it isnt.” Picture6: PPT16 过渡语: Now

33、,theyre near the rock. Mocky says: “播放录音 It isnt on the ground.” Lets listen to Lulu:“播放录音 No,it isnt.” 学生分组扮演 Mocky 和 Lulu 分角色朗读图片 5 和图片 6 中的对话. Picture7: PPT17 过渡语: Look,this is the squirrel. He has Mockys nut. Lulu sees the nut. She is very happy. So she shouts: “播放录音 Theres your nut,Mocky.” Can

34、you say it happily? 学生用高兴的心情跟读句子。 Picture8: PPT18 过渡语: The squirrel wants to give the nut to Mocky. And he says: “播放录音 Is this your nut?” Mocky finds his nut. He is happy now. So he says: “播放录音 Yes,it is. Thank you.” 男女生分组扮演 Mocky 和松鼠分角色朗读图片 8 中的对话. 3、巩固练习 (一)Watch the story again. 再次观看故事动画 (二)Read

35、after the tape. 跟读故事 PPT19 教师在学生跟读句子的同时对每幅图进行描述,增加故事的完整感。 P1:直接跟读。 P2:Mocky climbs up the tree,he has a nut. But the nut falls down. He is worried. 播放,学生跟读 P3:The squirrel has Mockys nut. 播放,学生跟读 P4:Lulu comes to help Mocky. 播放,学生跟读 P5:Theyre near the river. 播放,学生跟读 P6:Theyre near the rock. 播放,学生跟读

36、P7:Lulu sees Mockys nut. 播放,学生跟读 P8:The squirrel wants to give Mockys nut back. 播放,学生 跟读 小结:同学们,在这个小故事里,Mocky 在 Lulu 的帮助下顺利找到了丢失 的坚果,让我们再次来回忆一下 Lulu 帮助 Mocky 找坚果的过程吧。 活动:教师叙述故事内容,学生贴图。 Lulu is really a good friend.老师有一句话要送给你们: PPT20 “A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真情 ” (一)Play a game:Find th

37、e nut. 过渡语:Now,lets help Mocky to find the nut. Can you see it? PPT21 练习方式:师问生答 (二)Lets chant:PPT22 Where is the nut? Its on the rock. Where is the nut? Its under the rock. Where is the nut? Its in the water. Where is the nut? Its in front of the tree. (三)Lets practice:PPT23 28 过渡语:Children ,you can

38、 help Mocky to find the nut. But do you really understand the story? Lets choose A or B. 出示练习题: 做题要求:认真观察图片,朗读句子,做出正确的选择。 五、小结 同学们,今天我们学习了 Where is it?这个小故事,并且学习了 5 个表 示方位的介词,同学们都能够运用这些介词描述故事事物的具体位置,但是你 能运用所学方位介词来描述他们的位置吗? 出示 PPT29 六、作业 PPT30 1、Read the story. 2、尝试运用所学方位介词描述图中人物的位置。 教学反思: Unit3 Welc

39、ome to my house 一、教学内容 1. 主题课文: Lingling: Welcome to my house! Lets go to my bedroom. Maomao: Your room is tidy. You have a big bookcase. Guoguo: You have a nice chair. 3. 四会词汇: house, bedroom, room, tidy, chair 2. 功能句型: You have a big bookcase. Welcome to my house. 二、教学目标 (一)知识与技能目标 1. 能听懂会说“You ha

40、ve a big bookcase.” 并能在实际情景中运用。 2. 能听、说、读 house, bedroom 等 5 个单词。 3. 正确朗读对话、表演课文。 (二)过程与方法目标 1. 通过复习第一人称 I have句型,采用转述的方法过渡到第二人称 You have;通过复习形容词,引导学生运用不定冠词+形容词+ 名词的表达方 式。 2. 借助图片,在句子问答中呈现单词。 3. 听录音,跟读磁带,模仿语音、语调,培养语感。 (三)情感态度与价值观目标 能用英语描述他人物品,了解如何招待客人以及去别人家做客的礼仪文化。 三、教学重难点: (一) 教学重点 1. 表示第二人称有 You h

41、ave 句型,能用 a+adj.+n.表达方式对他人物品进 行描述。 2. 人称代词 you 和 your 用法 3. 句型 Lets do sth.的表达方式 (二)教学难点: 1. 表示欢迎的句型 “Welcome to my house ”的表达方式,单词 welcome 中 w和m 的发音. 2. 句型 Your room is tidy 中的物主代词 your 和人称代词 you 的表达, 可 以用 You have a tidy room 来表达。 四、教具准备 录音机、教学挂图、单词卡片、关于房子和各个房间 PPT 课件 五、教学过程: (一)Warming up 活动一:唱英文

42、歌曲 This is my house 选自:金太阳儿童歌曲 活动目标:我选择了唱“This is my house”作为热身.轻快的旋律引领学生进入 英语氛围。 实施方法及师生预设语言: 1. 师生互致问候,听歌曲 This is my house T: Hi,Boys and girls! Nice to meet you! S: Good morning! T: At first, Ill invite you to listen to a nice English song. This is My House. 2. 师生齐唱歌曲 T: Ok, how about the song?

43、Can you sing it? Lets sing the song together! S: A nice/beautiful song! (二) Presentation and Practice 活动一:了解房子与各个房间的名称 活动目标:通过教师介绍,学生重复的方式,使学生对房子的布局有个整体印 象,为本单元话题作铺垫 实施方法及师生语言预设: 1.教师用课件向学生展示房子的图片,教师向学生介绍出房子单词,并请学生 重复“house.” T: Look, This is a house. Please read after me. S: House. T: Perfect! Its

44、a house. 2. 教师出示各个房间的图片,教师向学生用英文介绍各个房间的名称,并请 学生重复。给学生对房子的结构布局有一个整体印象,为本单元房子话题 做铺垫 T: There are so many rooms in the house. What are they? Lets have a look. T: This is a bedroom/a sitting room/bathroom/kitchen. Please read after me. S: A bedroom/a sitting room/bathroom/kitchen. 3. 利用先锋版教材三上第四课练习题的第三题

45、,检测学生对各个房间名称的 掌握情况。 活动二:词汇学习以及课文对话学习 活动目标:先呈现新单词,然后通过游戏选择单词,训练学生学生的听力,练 单词。 实施方法及师生预设语言: 1.引导学生看本课对话中的图片(出示主题图 PPT) T: Look, this is a bookcase. Please repeat. Ss: A bookcase. T: Very good. Its a bookcase. There are so many books in the bookcase. T: This is a chair. S: A chair T: Next, this is a com

46、puter. S: A computer. T:Who are they? Where are they?(听录音一遍 ) How is the room?(再听 一遍)(此时出示 PPT10-12 讲单词“tidy” )What does lingling have?(听录音第 三遍出示 PPT13-P17) 2. 听录音,看课文,跟读对话。学生模仿录音中的语音、语调跟读对话。第一 遍整体听,第二、三遍进行逐句跟读。 T: Lets listen to the tape. Please listen to it carefully and try to copy its pronunciat

47、ion and intonation. 3. 让学生 3 人一组,分角色朗读课文,教师巡视,指导有困难的学生。 T: Please work in group and read the dialogue. 4. Performance: 请学生以小组为单位表演对话。 T: Which group wants to make the role play? S: Lets try. 活动三:学习功能句型 (请你跟我学) 活动目标:复习 I have 句型迁移到 You have 句型。 实施方法及师生预设语言: 1. 教师出示一张图片,上面有不同的物品,教师向学生描述图片。通过提问的 方式让学生用


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