2017人教新目标版英语七下Unit 10《I’d like some noodles》(Section A 1a-2d)导学案.doc

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2017人教新目标版英语七下Unit 10《I’d like some noodles》(Section A 1a-2d)导学案.doc_第1页
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2017人教新目标版英语七下Unit 10《I’d like some noodles》(Section A 1a-2d)导学案.doc_第3页
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1、Unit 10 Id like some noodles 学习目标:1. 能够学习词汇:noodles, beef, chicken, mutton, potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes, would like etc. 2. 学习怎样用英语点餐和情态动词 would用法 3. 能够听懂听力内容,完成任务。 重、难点:能够正确使用英语点餐的句型:-What kind of noodles would you like? - Id like the beef noodles, please. 独学准备:1.试读 1a,将单词与图中物品配对,完成随堂笔记一; 2.利用教材或工具

2、书查看生词的读音和真正含义,再读单词; 激情激趣 导入目标 独立思考 个体探究 分享交流 合作探究 展示提升 启发探究 随堂笔记 导学引航 目的、方法、时间 独学指导 内容、学法、时间 互动策略 内容、形式、时间 展示方案 内容、方式、时间 重点摘记 成果记录 规律总结 Warming up Brainstorming(头 脑风暴) Try to speak out the names of food you know. Step 1:Presentation 1.Learn the new words about food in 1a. 2.Finish 1a, then check the

3、 answers. 3.Look at the picture in 1a and learn the drills: -What would you like? - Id like some. Step2:Listening Listen and finish 1b. Check the answers. Step3: Pair work Practice the conversations in 1a .Then make your own conversations. Step4: Presentation 1.Learn more food and the new words in 2

4、a. 2.Look at the pictures in 2a, try to ask and learn. eg: -What kind of noodles would you like? - Id like beef noodles, please. -What size would you like? - Small/Medium/Large, please. Step5: Listening 1.Listen to 2a and check the food you hear. 2.Go through the sentences in 2b. 3.Listen and finish

5、 2b. Check the answers. Step6: Pair work 1.Ask and answer questions with your partner. Finish 2c. 2.Role-play the conversations in 2d. 对学 1. 组长检查独学完成情况 2. 教师反馈结果. 群学 1.组内互听互查朗读单词, 纠正发音,做好展示朗读的准 备. 2.组内交流、讨论完成任务: A)1c,2c,2d自由展示 B)比一比哪个小组展示的更 准确. 3.Activity: 分小组展示,哪组组成的正 确完整的句子最多。 预展: 针对展示方案, 组内成员积 极思

6、考,全员参与展示设计展 示方式,组内预展. 方案一:书声朗朗 展示朗读. 建议:设计形式多样的朗 读方式. 方案二:倾耳细听 听力讲解. 建议: 1.怎样做好听前准备 2. 给出自己的听力技巧 随堂笔记一: 写出你所不熟悉的单词: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 我的收获: 当堂测评 分层达标 巩固提升 一单选 ( ) 1. Whats her favorite vegetable?-_. A. Eggs. B. Bananas. C. Cabbages. ( ) 2. Dale likes _ very much. A. tomato B. tomatoes C. tomatos

7、 ( ) 3. What would you like _ breakfast? A. for B. on C. at ( ) 4. Would you like a cup of tea? _.A. No, I dont want anything to drink. B. Yes, please. C. No, OK. ( ) 5. Would you like _ some more fish? A. have B. to have C. having D. has ( ) 6. Could you give me a head, please? Sure. What would you

8、 like me _? A. do B. to do C. doing D. does ( ) 7. Id like two _. A . small bowl of noodles B. small bowls of noodle C. small bowls of noodles D. small bowl of noodle 二填空 1.Some _ (beef) is in the box. 2.Mutton _ (be) my favorite food. 3.Bring me some _ (orange), and I want to make orange juice. 4.I

9、 like rice. But my sister _ (not like) it. 三句型转换 1. Id like some apples.(对画线部分提问) you like ? 2. There are two glasses of milk on the table. (对画线部分提问) glasses of milk on the table? 3. Theyd like an English-Chinese dictionary.(改为一般疑问句) like an English-Chinese dictionary? 4. He would like to play tennis.(改为同义句) He _. 5. Id like mutton and tomato noodles.(对画线部分提问) _ _ _ noodles would you like ?


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