2017牛津译林版七年级上册Unit 3《Welcome to our school》(第2课时)word教案.doc

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2017牛津译林版七年级上册Unit 3《Welcome to our school》(第2课时)word教案.doc_第1页
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2017牛津译林版七年级上册Unit 3《Welcome to our school》(第2课时)word教案.doc_第2页
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1、Unit 3 Welcome to our school! Reading (I) I. Teaching aims and learning objectives By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. introduce different facilities in their school; 2. describe their school with suitable words and expressions. II. Teaching contents 1. New words and phrases: sh

2、ow sb. around sp.; in front of 2. New structure: The ground is so big. My classroom is on the ground floor. This way, Mum. III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty Introduce the different places with suitable words and expressions. IV. Teaching procedures Step 1 Lead-in 1. Free talk

3、. (1) How many buildings are there in our school? (2) Does our school have a library? (3) Is our school big? 2. Speak out different places in our own school. classroom; library; playground; computer room; art room; music room; school hall. 3. Use some suitable adjectives to describe places. big, mod

4、ern, beautiful, clean, bright, new 【设计意图:教师开门见山地说明本课的主题介绍校园环境。从熟悉的校园环境入手 做简单谈论,既导入课文又激发学生的潜在语言储备。7 个不同的地点,快速复习名词词 汇,为后面的对话做好铺垫。利用四个一般疑问句来引导学生如何用恰当的形容词汇来描 述学校的不同场合。 】 Step 2 Presentation 1. Try to guess different places in Sunshine Middle School. 2. Try to guess what the students are doing in each pl

5、ace. 3. Listen to a tape and find out more specific information about Sunshine Middle School. 4. Read the whole dialogue freely and try to finish Exercise B3. 5. Follow Millies step to walk around her school. (1) Listen and answer. a. Where are they now? b. How many classrooms are there in the class

6、room building? c. Where is Millies classroom? (2) Read and answer. What other rooms can we find in this building? (3) Read and discuss. a. How does the school library look like? b. What can we do in the school library? (4) Think and discuss. What can we do in the school hall? 【设计意图:第一个问题可以直接从文章找到答案。

7、学生快读阅读提取信息的能力可以再 次得到锻炼。第二个问题答案比较开放,但是一般学生通过讨论也可以得出结论,我们一 般在图书馆可以借阅书籍,阅读甚至可以做作业。最后是一个开放式的问题:一般在会议 室我们做些什么?学生一般能够商讨出来一个比较固定的答案:开会或者听报告,但是 talk or report初一学生可能还没有涉及,一般老师扩充到会议即可。 】 Step 3 Practice Make similar dialogues. A: Welcome to our school. This room is our art room. It is on the ground floor of t

8、he building. B: Oh, it looks so beautiful. What can you do there? A: We may have art lessons here. B: That sounds great. 【设计 意 图:最后一个环节,给予学生 2-3分钟编对话。邀请 2-3组学生展示。利用之前 的名词词汇、介词词汇、形容词词汇和短语,学生应该可以顺利开展对话。 】 V. Homework 1. Read and recite the conversation; 2. Memorize the new words and expressions in the conversation. 【教学反思】


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