2017人教新目标版英语七下Unit 3《How do you get to school》word导学案3.doc

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1、nit 3 How do you get to school? Section A Grammar Focus 3c (P15) * 教师寄语:No one can call back yesterday. 昨日不会重现。 【学习目标】【学习重点】: 巩固 how对交通方式的提问和 how long对时间段的提问以及 how far对距离和路程的提问。 进一步熟悉一般现在时 态的用法。 【体验学习】: 1、It takes about 15 minutes to walk It takes sb some time to do sth 的意思是花费某人多少时间做某 事,注意 to do 如;

2、It took me an hour _(write ) the letter . 如果我们提问时间宾语时,就用_引导的句型。 如:It takes me 15 minutes to get to school .提 问划线部分 _ _ does it take you to get to school ? 2、How far is it from your home to school ? How far 用来 询问距离,答语要用表示距离的词语。It 代指的是 距离 Its 500 meters from my home to school . 提问划线部分 _ _ _ _from your

3、 home to school ? 【课堂导学】: 学习任务一:完成 Grammar Focus部分 1. 学生自学,并理解句子意思。. 2朗读句子。 3学生质疑,师生共同解惑。 4. 小组活动,运用 Grammar Focus的句子编写对话。 学习任务二:完成 3a部分 1.学生独自完成练习。 2.小组相互核对答案。 3.分组朗读句子。 学习任 务三:完成 3b部分 1. 学生用所给的词完成句子。 2. 小组核对答案并展示成果 学习任务四:完成 3c部分 小组活动,完成表格 根据表格信息,一问一答 【自主检测】: I. 精挑细选 1. How far is from Hangzhou to

4、Wuhan? A. that B. / C. it 2. -_ do you live from your school? -About 10 minutes walk. A. How many B. How long C. How far 3. I usually get to school _. A. ride the bike B. on the bike C. by the bike II、方框选词,用所给动词的适当形式填空。 about, how far, think of, walk, ride 1. I usually _but sometimes I take the bus.

5、 2. The bus ride usually takes _25 minutes. 3. Were _ going to visit Mr. Smith. 4. He _ the bike to the subway station. 5. A: _ does she live from school? B: She lives very near from school. 、补全对话 A: _ does she get to school? B: She takes the subway to school. A: _ is it from her home to school? B: Its 12 miles. A: _does it take her to get from home to school? B : It takes 15 minutes . 【快乐链接】 英汉对对碰:Match each word with the right Chinese meaning. drive 单车 bike 火车 train 地铁 subway 开车 car 小轿车 hundred 公里 kilometer 新的 new 每一 every 一百 minute 分钟 【学习体会】 成功&收获: 失 败&不足:


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