北师大版(一起)六上《unit 1 meeting the bingo kids》word教案1.doc

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1、课时教学设计(精) 学校:永宁学校 年(班)级: 六年级 人数: 日期: 学科:英语 课题:Unit 1 Meeting the Bingo Kids 课型:故事 课时:1 教学目标(三维融通表述): 1 通过观看图片,设置问题,帮助学生认识教材中出现的人物,理解课文第二幅图到 第四幅图大意, 能分角色朗读故事. 2通过故事学习使大部分学生能够在情境中理解单词: really experiment 能理解并 认读词汇:subject history geography interesting exciting boring experiment club 等 3通过对故事的学习能够掌握 Why

2、 do you like? What is your favorite subject? 及回答 教学重点:理解故事中第二副图到第四幅图片的大意 教学难点:正确朗读所学图片故事 教 学 过 程 一、导入: Warm up 二、呈现: Presenta tion 教师和学 生相互问 候。 通过复习 旧知识和 话题,引 出本科重 点。 通过情景 2 3 1 Free talk: Nice to meet you. Do you want to know me? Ok, let me introduce myself. My English name is sunny. Im 33 years ol

3、d. My favorite subject is English. My favorite color is green. I have a daughter? Guess, how old is she? Grow up (讲解) What about you? Please introduce to each other. Who want to be here to introduce yourself? I take sb to our class. Guess, who are they? (show the paper of Ann Ken and Mocky ) Nice to

4、 meet you, too. Yes. Today is Listen and answer introduce to each other. (two students in a group) introduce to the class Think about and guess 三 Learn the story (P2) 对话过渡 到课文学 习 充分发挥 学生的想 象力刺激 学生记忆 单词 0 After some years, Ann and Ken grow up. lets have a look. Who is Ann? Who is Ken? Introduce every

5、body during guessing and try to remember everybodys name (同时复习比较级和最高级) Take out your books and circle t out the name and write them on picture two Correct the name with the name card And stick them on the blackboard Look at the screen, there are some questions: Ok, 2 minutes remember them. Correct b

6、y arrenge the name card Do you remember whats my favorite subject? 教师组织学生对话练习,What is your favorite subject? What do you like? Why do you like it? Why is it your favorite? 引导学生学习单词:interesting boring, exciting, funny, easy difficult Look at the picture and try to find out try to remember everybodys

7、name circle t out the name and write them out correcting Write names on the picture4 English Answer the questions practice 逐图细致 的学习有 关学科的 单词 培养学生 的听力和 理解力 培养学生 在短文中 捕捉信息 的能力 加深学生 对课文句 型的印象 和口语表 达力 Whats their favorite subject? Which one do you want to know? Learn English Chinese math art music scien

8、ce 教学生将要学的科目 history geography How do you think about the word- geography Play the radio for picture 4 Now please listen to picture3 . What are they talking about? What subject do they like? Please fill in the blanks Name Favorite subject Reason Daniel Ken Lisa Charlie Matt Sue Learn the words and t

9、ry to remember (e.g.分 3 个部 分去记 geo- gra-phy) Learn the new words Listen and write Look and answer Learn the words and title 四 Homewo rk 2.Who want to show me answer? 1.Now lets follow the video together. 2.Listen to the tape and please point to your books. 3.在学生分角色朗读课文的基础上加入解说。 板书 设计 Unit 1 Meeting the Bingo Kids Name Favorite subject Reason Daniel Ken Lisa Charlie Matt Sue 作业训练 (自己组 编) 按学生学习程度的差异,将学生分为三组。 一组:熟读本课重点单词部分,做到读音准确。并且在熟练的基础上运用 所学单词进行练习与造句。 二组:在完成第一组的练习认为自己有能力的范围内,对照 Listen to this 图片进行图片的描述,练习学生的口语表达能力与描述能力。 三组:听磁带对所学但此进行跟读与默写,记忆单词。 教学反思


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