北师大版(三起)五下《unit 11 uncle jack's farm》word教案1.doc

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1、Uncle Jacks farm教学设计 方城县杨集乡第一中心小学 刘延新 教学目标: 学生能够基本理解课文含义,能就课文当中提出 的问题做出简要的回答,激发学生对于课文故事的学习 兴趣。 教学重点:基本理解课文故事 教学难点:将来时态的表达 教具准备:课件,句型贴片,天气单词卡片 课时安排:一课时。 教学过程: Step One: Warm-up 简单问候学生,利用 Whats the weather like today?快速引出 sunny、fine,为之后课文出现天气单词做 一定铺垫; What day is it today/tomorrow? Whats the weather l

2、ike tomorrow? Do you know? Maybe its going to rain.利用天气对话讨论引出将来时态,教读:Its going to rain. Its going to be fine/ sunny.(结合 天气单词卡片) Step Two: New Content 1、Its going to be sunny tomorrow. What can I do tomorrow? 请学生回答,可以给一定提示,引出 I can go to a farm.出示农场图片。Im going to go to a farm. 句型贴片展示,教读; 2、If you are

3、 on the farm, what are you going to do? 引出 I am going to ride horses.为下面的图片做好语言 铺垫,同时教读新句型 What are you going to do?句型贴 片展示; 3、教读新句型,可以用 visit Uncle Booky,stay at home, play football,eat dinner,read a book,watch TV 来进 4、行替换教读练习。 小组二人练习,一人问一人答,然后进行个别抽问并 请该学生回答完后表演该动作。 Step Three: Story Its sunny toda

4、y. Ken, Ann and their parents are going to go to a farm. But whose farm is it? Can you guess? Yes, its Uncle Jacks farm. Look, this is Uncle Jack. 课件出现 Uncle Jack 的图片,然后完整地放一遍课文 动画,完整地输入故事; 出示第一副图的内容,谈论第一副图,引导学生跟随 课件跟读课文; Do you like the farm? Do you like ride horses? Lets go with them, OK? Now Kens

5、 family is on the way to Uncle Jacks farm.(课件出示第三幅图片 内容)Look at the clouds! What color are the clouds? Yes, theyre black clouds! Kens worried: Is it going to rain? 教读句子。If we see the black clouds, it usually rains, but it doesnt always rain. Dad is not sure if it rains, so he said: “Lets listen to t

6、he weather report on the radio.”教读句 子,讲解 weather report 的含义。 Now lets listen to the weather report.课件播 放第四副图,教读。小组练习预测天气,运用句型 Its going to rain/ be fine/ sunny. The weather report said:” Its going to be fine this afternoon.” Can they ride horses this afternoon? Lets go to Uncle Jacks farm to ride ho

7、rses.Ann and Ken meet Uncle Jack now.Theyre on the big farm. 课件展示第六副图,讲解对话内容,请学生跟读之后 进行小组对话练习,角色扮演。 Uncle Jack, Ann and Ken are riding horses now.Lets watch the screen.课件展示第七副图。Is Ann happy now? Yes, Anns very happy and she wants to ride horses again tomorrow, so she asks:”This is fun! Are we going

8、to ride horses again tomorrow?”Is Uncle Jack happy now? Yes,Uncle Jack is happy now,and he agrees.Because its going to be sunny tomorrow.教读第七副图内容。Is Ken happy now?No, Kens not happy.Because he cant ride horses.So hes not going to ride horses tomorrow,hes going to stay at home. Step Four: Practice Do

9、 you like the story? I like it because its funny. And I love the farm very much.Lets watch it from the very beginning.After you watch the whole story,please answer my questions.课件从头播放 故事动画; Here are the questions for you.课件展示提问的几 个问题,You can talk with your partner, and then give me your answer.引导学生小

10、组之内根据课文内容讨 论问题,然后进行问题的回答; 引导学生自读、分角色朗读课文; After class, please act out the story in groups, OK? Thats all for today. Goodbye。 教学反思: 1.在导入部分,没有和第一课时的课文内容相联系。 可以通过回忆课文当中与天气相关的内容导入到本课时所 要学的表达天气状况的单词上来。每个单元的 6 课时内容 不是孤立存在的,而是相互练习,一脉相承的,不能孤立 地学习。 2.学生的思维没有完全发散。具体表现在用 Im going to do sth 做造句练习时,学生用的动词词组主要来 源于 chant 部分中练习的有限内容。应该帮助学生展开思 维,多用以前学过的内容造句。


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