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1、初三英语期末总复习测试卷 (答题时间:90 分钟) 一. 词汇: A. 用所给词的正确形式填空。 (10 ) 1. Bob writes _ (care) as Tom. 2. The boys under the tree are _ (Germany). 3. The work _ (must do) now. 4. Im feeling much _ (good) now. 5. Dont worry. Our teachers _ (ill) isnt serious. B. 根据汉语提示,用相应的单词的适当形式完成句子。 1. The boy asked his father _ (

2、放弃)smoking. 2. The man _ (死) for two years. 3. They are all favourite _ (英雄). 4. The dictionary is very _ (有用). 5. He worked for thirty hours without _ (停止). 二. 单项选择:(20) A. 选择与句中划线部分相同或相近的词或短语。 1. This dictionary is different from that one. A. isnt the same as B. looks like C. is more difficult tha

3、n D. is less different than 2. What about going out for a walk? A. How about B. Shall we C. Lets D. Would you like 3. Did you travel the places all over the world? A. around B. all C. every D. each 4. Every one is special. A. usually B. unique C. same with D. different to 5. I let the dog jump up an

4、d down. A. tell B. want C. ask D. have B. 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. Thousands of young people went to country side to work with farmers, _. A. in the 1970 B. in the 1970s C. in the 1970s D. in 1970s 2. The man was made _ for the lost book. A. pay B. to pay C. spend D. to spend 3. Im afraid the headmaster i

5、s _ busy to meet the visitors. A. too much B. much too C. so much D. very much 4. Hes never been to Beihai Park, _? A. is he B. isnt he C. has he D. hasnt he 5. _ he gets ready for it, _ he is leaving. A. The quicker, the sooner B. The more quickly, the sooner C. The quickly, the sooner D. The fast,

6、 the soon 6. Could you tell me _? A. where does Li Lei work B. where did Li Lei work C. where Li Lei works D. where Li Lei worked 7. _ of this village is covered by trees. A. Two-thirds B. Tow-third C. Two-three D. Two-threes 8. _ is the population of the world today? A. Which B. What C. How D. How

7、much 9. It _ me two hours to get to the top of the mountain. A. spent B. cost C. paid D. took 10. She _ never _ late for school since she came to school. A. doesnt come B. didnt come C. wasnt coming D. has been 11. The sick man _ well when he was in hospital. A. treated B. was treating C. was treate

8、d D. would treat 12. English is spoken _ a first language in the USA. A. for B. in C. as D. with 13. Every morning Mr Smith takes a _ to his office. A. 20 minutes walk B. 20 minutes walk C. 20-minutes walk D. 20-minute walk 14. The heavy rain stopped us _ in the street. A. walking B. to walk C. walk

9、ed D. walk 15. Its _ cold that I have to put on my sweater. A. so B. very C. too D. not 三. 指出下列句子中的错误,然后将其改正。 (10) 1. Please send the cards from her. ( ) A B C D 2. Lets buy a red jacket, didnt you? ( ) A B C D 3. Remembering the words when you read the book. ( ) A B C D 4. My books are cheap than y

10、ours. ( ) A B C D 5. They had a birthday party in October 12. ( ) A B C D 四. 完形填空:(10) Computers are very important to modern life. Many people think that in the future computers _1_ used in lots of everyday life. It is thought that we wont have to go shopping because we will _2_ get most things whi

11、ch are sold in shops on the Internet. There will be more books because we will be able to get all the texts (内容) _3_ computers. The Internet will be _4_ play games, see films and buy food. Most telephone calls will be made by computers, _5_. Some people are glad about these new ways of shopping and

12、communicating. Other do not think that computers will replace(代替) our old days. Lets look at books, for example. Some people think that one day will not read books _6_ paper. Instead, we will buy and read books using computers. We will read texts on small packet computers. The computers will _7_ man

13、y different books in them at the same time A lot of paper will _8_. Computerized books will be used more and more. Is Internet shopping such a pleasure as going to the shop? Many people _9_ it is not. It is a pleasure to go into shops and look at things you want to buy. It is also unlikely(不大可能)that

14、 many people will want to read large texts _10_ our computer. Because paper books will perhaps be more friendly. Maybe computers wont change these two habits. 1. ( ) A. will B. was C. are D. will be 2. ( ) A. can B. be able to C. have to D. may 3. ( ) A. from B. into C. of D. at 4. ( ) A. used B. ca

15、n use C. used for D. use to 5. ( ) A. also B. either C. too D. neither 6. ( ) A. made of B. made from C. are made of D. are made into 7. ( ) A. be kept B. put C. keep D. fill with 8. ( ) A. to used B. be lost C. be left D. be saved 9. ( ) A. talk B. say C. speak D. tell 10. ( ) A. on B. at C. from D

16、. in 五. 阅读理解(40) A Dick was born in a poor family. His father had a small boat and went fishing in the morning and sold them in the market in the afternoon. Then he bought some food for his family. When winter came, they were often hungry. One morning the hungry man fell into the river and wasnt fou

17、nd again. Dicks mother married another young man and she left her three-year-old son without saying good- bye. His aunt had to look after him. Twenty years passed. Dick became a tall strong man. He found work on a farm. He worked hard and wanted to get more money. He often went to see his aunt with

18、some nice presents, The woman was very happy, but one day she died in a traffic accident. The young man was very sad. After he buried her, he decided to buy a beautiful tomb stone(墓碑) for her. He went to town and came into a shop, but all the tombstones were too expensive, and he had no enough money

19、. He asked, “Do you sell an old tombstone, please?” “Yes, we do, sir.” answered the shopkeeper. “Is it as expensive as the new one?” “No, its much cheaper.” said the man, “But the others name was on it.” “It doesnt matter,” said Dick. “My aunt couldnt read.” 根据短文内容,从 A、B、C、D 中选择正确的答案。 1. The family

20、were often hungry in winter because _. A. Dicks father lost his work B. Dicks mother left the family C. Dicks father couldnt catch any fish and he couldnt get any money D. nobody bought fish in winter 2. Dicks aunt had to look after him because _. A. his father died and his mother left him B. she lo

21、ved the boy very much C. Dicks mother asked her to do so D. she had no child 3. When Dick was _ years old, he began to work on a farm. A. twenty B. twenty-one C. twenty-two D. twenty-three 4. How did Dicks aunt die? A. She fell into a river and couldnt come up again. B. She couldnt get enough food t

22、o eat. C. She died in a traffic accident. D. She worked too hard and got too tired. 5. Dick decided to buy an old tombstone because _. A. his aunt couldnt read B. he didnt have enough money to buy a new one C. the old tombstone was as expensive as the new one D. he didnt want to spend too much on a

23、tombstone B Some people say that they never dream. But that is not true. Everybody has dreams, but some people just have a better money for them than others. Every one and a half hours in the whole night we enjoy our free time in our dreams. We can forget the good behaviour of the day and we are fre

24、e to act in almost any way we like. Things from our past and things from now come together. But as soon as we wake, the dream is gone, and the more we try to remember the things in the dream, the more we forgot. “I had a dream last night. I must tell you about it. I was in my old school, but it wasn

25、t a school, and it was a kind of aer I really dont know what it was.” So, why do we dream? Are dreams important? The experts(专家)tell us they are important, because they can help us get ready for the problems of everyday life. The things in our dreams have meanings. They can help us to understand our

26、selves. 根据短文回答下列问题。 1. Why do some people say that they never dream? 2. What do you know from the passage? 3. What does the second paragraph tell us? 4. What does the underlined word “they” in the last paragraph refer to? 5. Can the dreams be helpful to us? C 根据短文内容和词首字母,填入适当的单词完成短文,语法正确。 Hundreds o

27、f years ago there lived a king in a small country. He liked s_1_. When s_2_ came, he always went to another palace by a forest with his guards and returned to the capital in autumn. One afternoon the king went swimming in a river in the forest, but he didnt tell others about it. The water was cool.

28、He was very h_3_ when he swam alone in the water. After that he was going to r_4_ to the palace. Just then he heard a great noise and saw a big bear coming at him. He tried his best to run away. And the beast couldnt keep up with him. He ran and ran. At last he l_5_ his way. He was h_6_ and tired wh

29、en he found an old house. There was an old farmer in it. “I am your king.” he said to the old man. “Im hungry now. Bring me something to e_7_ quickly!” The old man had n_8_ delicious but four eggs. The king ate them up and then felt better. “How much must I p_9_ for that?” “Eighteen pounds, Your Maj

30、esty(陛下).” “How e_10_ they are! Are eggs rare(稀有的)here?” “No, Your Majesty!” answered the old farmer. “But we have only one king in our country!” D 阅读短文,将 AD 四个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整,然后完成第 5 题。 People all over the world do shopping in supermarkets. Who decides what you buy in the supermarkets? Do you dec

31、ide or the supermarkets decide? When you go into the supermarket, you see shelves full of things. _1_ you pull a shopping cart and put the things you choose in it. You may hear soft, slow music as you walk on. If you hear fast music, you walk quickly. _2_ you walk slowly and have more time to choose

32、 things. suppose you want to go to the meat department first. _3_ The cheaper meat is at the other end of the meat department, away from where the customers enter. _4_ Maybe you will buy some of the expensive meat instead of the cheaper meat. A. You have to walk by all the expensive meat before you

33、find the cheaper one. B. You walk between the shelves. C. Thats why the super market plays slow music. D. The manager of the supermarket knows where customers enter the meat department. 5. Which is the best title for this passage? A. Supermarkets. B. Shopping in the Supermarket. C. Buying meat. D. F

34、ood in the Supermarket. 六. 作文(10) (80) 请你向你的同学陈述你所看到的一次交通事故的经过,并说明你是如何帮警察处理事故的。 参考答案 一. 词汇: A. 1. carefully 2. Germans 3. must be done 4. better 5. illness B. 1. to give up 2. has been dead 3. heroes 4. useful 5. stopping 二. 单项选择: A. 1. A 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. D B. 1. B 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. B 6. C 7. A 8.

35、B 9. D 10. D 11. C 12. C 13. D 14. A 15. A 三. 指出下列句子中的错误,然后将其改正。 1. C 改为 to 2. D 改为 shall we 3. A 改为 Remember 4. B 改为 cheaper 5. C 改为 on 四. 完形填空: 1. D 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. C 6. A 7. C 8. D 9. B 10. A 五. 阅读理解 A. 1. C 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. B B. 1. Because they forget all of their dreams. 2. We are free to do what we like in our dreams. 3. It tells us that dreams may be easily forgotten. 4. Dreams. 5. Yes, they can. C. 1. swimming 2. summer 3. happy 4. return 5. lost 6. hungry 7. eat 8. nothing 9. pay 10. expensive D. 1. B 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. B 六. 作文 (略)


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