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1、牛津小学英语六年级期末综合测试 班级_ 姓名_ 得分_ 听力部分(30 分) 一、听录音,请将图片标上正确的序号。 (听两遍) (8 分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、听录音,找出所听问句的正确应答。 (听两遍) (8 分) ( )1.A.GaoShan is fatter than Ben. B.Ben is fatter than GaoShan. C.GaoShan is thinner than Ben. D.Ben is thinner than GaoShan. ( )2.A.She jumps farther. B.Yes,she does

2、. C.David jumps farther. D.Yes,he does. ( )3.A.Its on your right. B.Go along this street. C.You can take bus No.5. D.Three stops. ( )4.A.Its at the third crossing. B.About five minutes. C.Its over there. D.About three kilometres. ( )5.A.No,they arent. B.Yes,they are. C.No,it isnt. D.Yes,it is. ( )6.

3、A.Shes going to see a play. B.Im going to give a concert. C.Yes,Im going to watch an opera. D.I often have a picnic. ( )7.A.What for? B.I have an envelope. C.Do you know? D.I want to write a letter. ( )8.A.Its a long walk. B.You can take bus No.13. C.Yes, you can find it. D.Sorry,I dont know the way

4、. 三、根据所听对话和问题,选择正确答案。 (听两遍) (5 分) ( )1.A.Its at the third crossing. B.No,its at the third crossing. C.Yes,its at the second crossing. ( )2.A.Im sorry to hear that. B.A headache. C.Im fine,thank you. ( )3.A.Give a concert. B.See an opera. C.Take part in the singing concert. ( )4.A.Their bags are diff

5、erent. B.Their bags look the same. C.No,they look the same. ( )5.A.Zhenjiang is warmer. B.Suzhou is warmer. C.Zhenjiang is as warm as Suzhou. 四、听短文,根据所听内容找出正确的答案。 (听两遍) (5 分) ( )1.Where is the girl from? A.Shanghai. B.Guangzhou. C.Suzhou. D.Nanjing. ( )2.How many classes are there in her school? A.F

6、ifty. B.Forty-seven. C.Forty. D.Forty-eight. ( )3.What subjects is she good at? A.English and PE. B.Music. English and Computer. C.Computer and English. D.Maths and Art. ( )4.Whats her telephone number? A.010-88397410. B.010-88493720. C.010-88394610. D.011-88194710 ( )5.Are they twin sisters? A.Yes,

7、they are. B.No,they dont. C.Yes,they do. D.No,they arent. 五、听短文,根据所听内容填入正确的标号。 (听三遍) (4 分) I: My father: My parents: A.Winter B.pick C.Summer D.Autumn E.fly kites F.make snowmen G.Spring H.go cycling I.skate J.have a picnic K.see a play 笔试部分(70 分) 一、词组互译。 (10 分) 1.看上去一样 2.go for a walk 3.擅长 4.as far

8、 as 5.下公共汽车 6.every three days 7.在春天 8.by the way 9.写封信 10.in the countryside 二、根据汉语提示,填入适当的词或词组。 (10 分) 1.Ben (想找) a penfriend in China. 2.Her hobbies are (游泳) and (跳舞). 3.Its often (雨天) in spring in New York. 4.Miss Li is (与交谈) her students. 5.Our classroom is (更大) than theirs. 6.I often write e-m

9、ails to my (笔友). 7.Please turn right at (第四个) crossing. 8.We are going to (参加) the meeting this afternoon. 9.They (买) some masks in the supermarket yesterday. 10.Helen (起床) at six thirty every day. 三、从 B 栏中找出 A 栏中句子的正确答语。 (10 分) A B ( )1.Shall we meet at three thirty? A.About two kilometres away. (

10、)2.How many stops are there? B.Yes,they are. ( )3.Is she going to join us? C.No,you cant. ( )4.What else would you like? D.Only two. ( )5.Are the boxes as light as the yellow ones? E.Ok.See you soon. ( )6.Did Gary watch cartoons last week? F.Its about a quarter to eight. ( )7.Can I play volleyball n

11、ow? G.Beautiful flowers. ( )8.What time is it now? H.Yes,he did. ( )9.How far is the post office from here? I.No,she isnt. ( )10.Who studies better,Betty or Rose? J.I think,Betty does. 四、根据上下文或看图,完成对话,每空一词。 (11 分) 1.A:May I to Nancy? B:Yes, . A:Are you free now? B:Sure. A:What are you going to do to

12、day? B:Im going to see the puppet show. you like to come? A:Of course. shall we meet? B:Ninghai Road, in of the bookshop. A:Ok.And what time? B:See you twenty to two. A:See you. 2.A:Excuse me,can you tell me the to the hospital? B:Yes. Go this road and turn at the second crossing. The hospital is on

13、 your right. A: is it from here? B:About one kilometre. 五、选择题。 (10 分) ( )1.Do you have brothers sisters in your family? A.someand B.someor C.anyor D.anyand ( )2.Jim and Mary good English and Computer. A.arein B.isin C.areat D.isat ( )3.How is the cinima from here? A.far B.many C.much D.about ( )4.We

14、 can have outing in autumn. A.aa B.anan C.an/ D.thethe ( )5. you like to come? Of course. Ill come them. A.Whatwith B.Whatsof C.Wouldwith D.Wouldof ( )6.Id like Helen soon. A.to write B.to write to C.to writing to D.to writing ( )7. Tom in a big house? A.Doeslive B.Doeslives C.Dolives D.Dolive ( )8.

15、A:What Jane ? B:Shes writing an e-mail to her penfriend. A.isdoing B.diddo C.willdo D.isgoing to do ( )9.You and I like listening to music. We have the same . A.bothhobbies B.toohobbies C.arehobby D.bothhobby ( )10.Im eleven years old. And my little brother is eight. So . A.Hes taller than me. B.Im

16、three years older. C.Im two months older. D.Hes older than me. 六、改错,找出错误,并在横线上加以改正,每题只有一处错。 (8 分) ( )1.Liu Tao is as stronger as Tom. A B C D ( )2.Do he have any problems with his homework? A B C D ( )3.Would you like go with me? A B C D ( )4.The girl is of holiday with her parents. A B C D ( )5.He

17、wants to do better but do not know how. A B C D ( )6.Sam and I are in different class. A B C D ( )7.Lets go swim at the weekend. A B C D ( )8.My favourite subject is Art. Whats about you? A B C D 七、阅读对话,根据对话内容填写下列卡片。 (6 分) Assistant: Good afternoon, can I help you? David: Yes please.We want to join

18、a club. Assistant: Good! I have some questions.First,which club do you want to join? David: I want to join the swimming club. Assistant: OK,boy.Whats your name? David: My name is David. Assistant: How old are you,David? David: Thirteen. Assistant: Whats your telephone number and address? David: My t

19、elephone number is 52770416. My address is 12 Jincheng Road. Assistant: Can you swim? David: No,I cant. But Id like to learn. Assistant: A good boy. How about you, girl? Helen: My name is Helen. Im tweleve. My address is 104 London Street and my telephone number is 63815922. Assistant: OK.Here are two cards.Please fill them in the cards. Helen and David: Thank you. 八、以“My favourite season”为题写一段话,不少于 5 句。 (5 分) 提示:可以写天气,写能开展的活动以及你个人在这个季节爱从事的活动等。 My favourite season Name: David Age: Address: Telephone number: Name: Helen Age: Address: Telephone number:


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