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1、1 Unit 8 Book 2 Did You Have a Tough Childhood? 1. Difficult Sentences 1. (Para. 1) Intense difficulties, hardships and major obstacles are actually often major contributors to success. 1. Translate the sentence into Chinese. (=重大的困难、艰辛和障碍,往往能造就成功。) 2. Analyze the translation skill. (=The transforma

2、tion of part of speech in English-Chinese translation is used here. We change the noun “contributors” in English into the verb phrase “造就” in Chinese.) 2. (Para. 1) Its true that difficult childhoods do leave some people wounded and disadvantaged. Analyze the usage of “do”. (= Here the word “do” is

3、used for emphasis. More examples: You do look nice in that hat. I do think shes behaved badly. 3. (Para. 3) had watched their own parents struggle with intense psychological dramas. Translate the sentence into Chinese. (=目睹了自己的父母经历失和的一些戏剧性场面。) 4. (Para. 4) As a young girl she was painfully aware of

4、being very homely. 1. Paraphrase the sentence. (= As a young lady she realized that she was not good-looking, about which she felt very upset.) 2 2. Translate the sentence into Chinese. (=少女时,她就痛苦地意识到自己长相平庸。) 5. (Para. 4) She hauled herself up by her own bootstraps and began to strive for a higher,

5、more powerful consciousness. 1. What can we learn from the sentence? (=Anna Eleanor Roosevelt was a great woman, who believed her future depended on her own endeavor.) 2. Translate the sentence into Chinese. (=她依靠自己的努力,着手提高自身的觉悟。) 6. (Para. 7) She displayed a tough, unyielding courage, tempered by r

6、emarkable self-control and self-discipline. 1. What is the function of this part of the sentence “temperedself- discipline”? (= It is used to modify the word “courage”.) 2. Translate the sentence into Chinese. (=她非凡的自控和自律造就了坚强不屈的勇气。) 7. (Para.8) Where there is no challenge, obstacle or hardship, gro

7、wth and development is often limited. Analyze the structure of the sentence. (=The clause led by “where” is a subordinate clause and the subject of the main clause is “growth and development”. 8. (Para. 9) But he tapped into his resources of inner courage and determination. Translate the sentence in

8、to Chinese. (=但他最大限度地利用了内在的勇气和决心。) 9. (LL7374) Helen Keller, who could not hear or see, transformed an entire nation when she graduated with honors from college. 3 1. Paraphrase “when she graduated with honor from college”. (=Helen got one of the highest grades when she graduated from college.) 2. W

9、hat can we infer from the sentence? (= We can infer from the sentence that people admired Helens spirit of overcoming difficulties. ) 10. (Para. 10)Ill take life by the throat!” 1. Paraphrase the sentence. (=I will take positive attitude to deal with my life.) 2. Why did Beethoven shout out this sen

10、tence? (= Because he was then completely deaf and he didnt want to yield to his fate. ) 11. (Para. 12) Get past your “old stuff”, my friend, and fire yourself up! 1. What does “old stuff” refer to? (= It refers to the failures and hardships in the past.) 2. Translate this sentence into Chinese. (=忘记

11、 ”旧事”,我的朋友,让自己振奋起来!) 2. Words and Expressions 1. (Para. 1) claim: v. state that sth. is true, even though it has not been proved The company claims that their product “makes you thin without dieting”. (插入声音文件 claim) (=After the battle both sides claimed victory.) 2. (序言 ) hardship: n. sth. that make

12、s your life difficult or unpleasant, especially a lack of money, or the condition of having a difficult life 4 Many students are suffering severe financial hardship. 磨难接踵而来。 (= Hardships came one after another.) CF: hardship & difficulty 这两个名词都表示“困难”之意。 hardship 强调指生活上令人难以承受的艰难困苦,如疾病、贫穷等。例如: difficu

13、lty 指需大量思考和技巧或努力才能克服的任何困难。例如: Collocations: bear hardships endure hardships experience / go through hardships fear hardships suffer hardships 3. (Para. 1) disadvantage: 1. v. make sb. less likely to be successful or to put them in a worse situation than others The selective system does not seem to d

14、isadvantage those at the bottom of the class. 2. n. sth. that causes problems, or that makes someone or sth. less likely to be successful or effective The main disadvantage of the material is that it fades in strong sunlight. Collocations: at a disadvantage put at a disadvantage 4. (Para. 1) drives

15、sb. to sth. : strongly influence sb. to do sth. The noises in my head have nearly driven me to suicide. 5. (Para.1) achievement: n. sth. important that you succeed in doing by your own efforts The test measures the childrens achievements in reading, spelling and 5 maths. Collocations: belittle sbs a

16、chievement 贬低某人的成绩 academic achievement 学术成就 6. (Para. 2) identify: v. 1) recognize and correctly name sb. or sth. She identified the man as her attacker. (插入声音文件 identify) (插入图 baby) (= Even the smallest baby can identify its mother by her voice.) 2) recognize sth. or discover exactly what it is, w

17、hat its nature or origin is, etc. They identified a number of problem areas. 7. (Para. 3 ) abuse: 1. n. cruel or violent treatment of sb. Child abuse is a punishable offense. 2. v. deliberately use sth. for the wrong purpose or for your own advantage Many of the kids are abusing drugs. Collocation:

18、abuse ones authority / power 滥用职权 8. (Para. 3) handicap: n. 1) if sb. has a handicap, a part of their body or their mind has been permanently injured or damaged. Babies of alcoholic mothers can be born with a severe degree of handicap. 耳聋可以说是严重的残疾。 (=Deafness can be a serious handicap.) 2) a situati

19、on that makes it difficult for sb. to do what they want I found not having a car quite a handicap in the country. 6 9. (Para. 4) mature: 1. v. become fully grown or developed Humans take longer to mature than most other animals. She matured her novel by constant revision. 2. adj. fully grown and dev

20、eloped The human brain isnt fully mature until about age 25. CF: mature, adult & grown-up 这些形容词均有“成年的,成熟的”之意。 mature 用于人时,指达到了生命的黄金时期,比较成熟了,但所暗示的青少 年和成年之间的界限不明显。例如: adult 一般指生理上的童年期已结束,到达成人的阶段。 grown-up 多用于口语,含义与 adult 基本相同,但更强调脱离儿童阶段,已 长大成人。例如: 10. (Para. 4) haul / pull oneself up by ones (own) boo

21、tstraps: improve oneself or ones situation by ones own efforts, without help from anyone else I respect anyone who hauls / pulls himself up by his own bootstraps. 11. (Para. 4 ) consciousness: n. the condition of being awake and able to understand what is happening around you Consciousness did not r

22、eturn to the injured man for two hours. (插入声音文件 consciousness) (=David lost consciousness at eight oclock and died a few hours later.) Collocations: lose consciousness 丧失知觉 regain / recover consciousness 恢复知觉 12. (Para. 5) nurse sb. / sth. through (sth.): take special care of sb. or sth., 7 esp. dur

23、ing a difficult situation He bought the hotel in 1927 and managed to nurse it through the depression. (插入图 brother) (= Tom nursed his brother through the examination. ) 13. (Para. 5) the depth(s) of: when a bad feeling or situation is at its worst level in the depth of winter in the depths of despai

24、r 14. (Para. 5 ) depression n. 1) a long period during which there is very little business activity and a lot of people do not have jobs The stock market crash marked the start of a severe depression. 2) a feeling of sadness that makes you think there is no hope for the future He has been suffering

25、from depression since his wife died last year. 15. (Para. 6) remainder n. the part of sth. that is left after everything else has gone or been dealt with The boy ate some of the candy and gave the remainder away. (插入声音文件 remainder) (=The remainder must be paid by the end of June.) NB: 该词经常与定冠词 the 连

26、用。 CF: remainder, surplus & remains 这些名词均含“剩余部分”之意。 remainder 含义较广,可指数学运算中的余数,也指从整体取走或用掉部分 后的 所剩余部分,或一群人走掉一部分后剩下的人。 surplus 指超过需要数量之外的多出来的剩余部分。 remains 常指某物的其他部分被毁坏或者消失之后留下来的部分,也可以指人 的遗体。 (Directions:) Fill in the blanks with three the words above. Change the 8 form where necessary. 1. We have a tra

27、de _ of 400 million.(= surplus) 2. She was a great writer, so after her death her _are buried in Westminster.(= remains) 3. We spent the _ of the day sightseeing. (=remainder) 16. (Para. 7) limitation n. qualities that stop sb. or sth. from being as good or as effective as you wish they could be Des

28、pite the limitations of the survey, it did suggest some general trends. (插入声音文件 limitation) (=Its a good little car, but it has its limitations.) 17. (para. 7 ) temper: 1. v. strengthen through experience or hardship These are the soldiers who had been tempered by combats. 2. n. a tendency to become

29、 angry suddenly or easily His wife left him because of his violent temper. Collocations: fly into a temper keep ones temper lose ones temper 18. (Para. 8 ) refer to sb. / sth. as: mention or speak about sb. or sth. as He likes to be referred to as “Doctor Khee”. The speaker referred to him as an up-

30、and-coming politician. 19. (Para. 9) tap into: use or take what is needed from sth. such as an energy supply or an amount of money We should try our best to tap into our recent developments in technology. People are tapping into the power supply illegally. 9 20. (Para.11)source: n. a thing, place, a

31、ctivity, etc. that you get sth. from (插入声音文件 source) (=For me, music is a great source of enjoyment.) Is that well the source of all the cases of infection? Collocations: at source energy / food / light sources CF: source, origin & root 这些名词均有“起源,起因,根源”之意。 source 指某事或者某物的来源出处,但更多指抽象事物的根源或来源。 origin

32、强调指事物的起源或由来,也指人的出身。 root 通常指问题产生的原因或根源。 (Directions:) Fill in the blanks with the three words above. Change the form where necessary. 1. Allergies (过敏症) are at the _ of a lot of health problems. (= root) 2. At the conference, the scientist put forward a new theory to explain the _ of the universe.(=

33、 origins) 3. Two thirds of the pupils are of Asian _. (=origin) 4. Weve found the _ of the trouble. (=source) 21. (Para. 12 ) make excuses: give a reason to explain careless or offensive behaviour Youre always making excuses for not helping me. 他总为迟到找借口。 (=Hes always making excuses for being late.)

34、22.(Para. 12) grab v. 1) take hold of sb. or sth. with a sudden or violent movement A young man grabbed her handbag as she was walking across the park. 2) take an opportunity, accept an invitation, etc. immediately (插入声音文件 grab) (=I think you should grab your chance to travel while youre young.) a)

35、quickly and suddenly put out your hand to try and catch or get sth. 10 He grabbed at the boy, but could not save him from falling. I grabbed at the glass just before it fell. 23. (Para. 12 ) stuff n. (informal) used when you are talking about things such as substances, materials, or groups of object

36、s when you do not know what they are called, or it is not important to say exactly what they are I dont know how were going to get all this stuff into the car. (插入声音文件 stuff) (=Theres sticky stuff all over the chair.) Hes a good lecturer as he really knows his stuff. 他是个出色的演讲者, 因为他确实很懂行。 24. (Para. 12 ) fire sb. up: make sb. become very excited, interested, or angry We had an argument about it and she got all fired up. 我们得鼓起劲来,不然这次比赛就没有获胜的希望。 (=We have to get fired up for this game or we have no hope of winning.)


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