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1、精品文档就在这里-各类专业好文档,值得你下载,教育,管理,论文,制度,方案手册,应有尽有-2012年职称英语综合类A级全真模拟试卷(1)总分:100分 及格:60分 考试时间:120分第1部分:词汇选项(第115题,每题1分,共15分)下面共有l5个句子,每个句子中均有1个词或短语划有底横线,请从每个句子后面所给的4个选项中选择1个与划线部分意义最相近的词或短语。(1)She exhibited great powers of endurance during the climb.A. playB. sendC. showD. tell(2)The eternal motion of the

2、stars fascinated him.A. longB. never-endingC. boringD. extensive(3)She could not answer,it was an immense load off her heart.A. naturalB. fatalC. tinyD. enormous(4)The book made a great impact on its readers.A. forceB. influenceC. surpriseD. power(5)Accompanied by cheerful music, we began to dance.A

3、. pleasantB. colorfulC. fashionableD. different(6)He was not eligible for the examination because he was over age.A. competitiveB. diligentC. qualifiedD. competent(7)Her novel depicts an ambitious Chinese.A. writesB. sketchesC. describesD. indicates(8)Dont irritate her,shes on a short fuse today.A.

4、teaseB. attractC. annoyD. protect(9)It is absurd to go out in such terrible weather.A. ridiculousB. funnyC. oddD. interesting(10)I notified him that my address had changed.A. informedB. observedC. mockedD. misled(11)The manager allocate duties to the clerks.A. assignB. persuadeC. askD. order(12)The

5、once barren hillsides are now good farmland.A. hairlessB. bareC. emptyD. bald(13)It is postulated that a cure for the disease will have been found by the year 2000.A. challengedB. assumedC. deductedD. decreed(14)We must abide by the rules.A. stick toB. persist inC. safeguardD. apply1(15)From my stan

6、dpoint, you know, this thing is just funny.A. positionB. point of viewC. knowledgeD. opinion第2部分:阅读判断(第1622题,每题1分,共7分)阅读下面这篇短文,短文后列出了7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断。(1)根据材料,回答TSE题:(2)Indias society is changing.(3)The word dowry in the third paragraph means marriage payment.(4)In India people with light skin

7、and good feature are preferable.(5)The word one in A person who has one can get what he wants refers to good attraction.(6)Advertisements are only read by a small group of people of high social status.(7)In India there is a high divorce rate.第3部分:概括大意与完成句子(第2330题,每题1分,共8分)(1)下面的短文后有2项测试任务:(1)第2326题要

8、求从所给的6个选项中为第25段每段选择1个最佳标题;(2)第2730题要求从所给的6个选项中为每个句子确定1个最佳选项。(2)Paragraph 3_(3)Paragraph 4_(4)Paragraph 5_ A. Growth of EconomyB. “Servant”EconomyC. Strength of the Creative EconomyD. Weakness of the Creative EconomyE. Gift of TalkingF. Export of Talking Machines (5)Every country has its own way_.(6)

9、The British government doesnt seem_.(7)The creative industries find it difficult_.(8)Many graduates are employed_.A. to find jobsB. to do low-skill jobsC. to feed its peopleD. to handle disputesE. to make a profitF. to worry about the British economy 第4部分:阅读理解:第3145题,每题3分,共45分)下面有3篇短文,每篇短文后有5道题,每道题后

10、面有4个选项。请根据文章的内容,从每题所给的4个选项中选择1个最佳答案,涂在答题卡相应的位置上。(1)下面有3篇短文,每篇短文后有5道题。请根据短文内容,为每题确定1个最佳选项。(2)What is required of AI software to save a life?A. It must be able to swiB. It must keep walking round the pooC. It can distinguish between a swimmer and a shadoD. It can save a life within a few month(3)How d

11、oes Poseidon save a life?A. He plunges into the pooB. It alerts the lifeguarC. He cries for helD. It rushes to the poo(4)Which of the following statements about Trevor Baylis is NOT true?A. He runB. He invented the clockwork radiC. He was once an entertaineD. He runs a compan(5)The word considered i

12、n paragraph 5 could be best replaced by_.A. thought.B. rated.C. regarded.D. believed.(6)根据材料,回答TSE题:(7)Why do researchers estimate elephant numbers in an area by counting dung piles?A. Because elephants are difficult to catcB. Because it is not possible to count elephants from a planC. Because it is

13、 not possible to keep track of elephantD. Because elephants are shy animal(8)Piles of dung cant be relied upon when it comes to estimating elephant numbers because_.A. they are different in sizB. they scatter an over the regioC. they are different in decay ratD. they are different in qualit(9)Accord

14、ing to Plumptre, the region over which a dung-pile census is carried out should be_.A. small enougB. well protecteC. carefully monitoreD. large enoug(10)The first word He in paragraph 6 refers to_.A. Andrew PlumptrB. Katy PaynC. Anthony Chifu NchanjD. the writer of the articl(11)根据材料,回答TSE题:(12)Why

15、did DrBaum come to a British national park?A. Because he needed to present it with a councils diplomB. Because he was concerned about its managemenC. Because it was the only national park of its kind in EuropD. Because it was the only park which had ever received a diploma from the Counci(13)The las

16、t sentence in the second paragraph implies that_.A. People should make every effort to create mere environment areaB. People would go on protecting national parkC. Certain areas of countryside should be left intacD. People would defend the right to develop the areas around national park(14)In DrBaum

17、s opinion, the view that a nature reserve should serve as a tourist attraction is_.A. idealistiB. revolutionarC. short-sighteD. traditiona(15)Which of the following can be inferred from the last paragraph?A. We have developed industry at the expense of countrysidB. We have forgotten what our origina

18、l countryside looked likC. People living on islands should protect natural resources for their survivaD. We should destroy all the built-up area第5部分:补全短文(第4650题,每题2分,共10分)(1)下面的短文有5处空白,短文后有6个句子,其中5个取自短文,请根据短文内容将其分别放回原有位置,以恢复文章原貌。(2)请在(47)处填入最佳答案。(3)请在(48)处填入最佳答案。(4)请在(49)处填入最佳答案。(5)请在(50)处填入最佳答案。第6部

19、分:完形填空(第5165题,每题1分,共15分)下面的短文有15处空白,请根据短文内容为每处空白确定1个最佳选项。(1)下面的短文有15处空白,请根据短文内容为每处空白确定1个最佳选项,回答TSE题:(2)_A. mustB. doC. willD. could(3)_A. dangerousB. frighteningC. awfulD. brilliant(4)_A. thatB. whichC. whoD. what(5)_A. showingB. demonstratingC. illustratingD. displaying(6)_A. workedB. hopedC. thoug

20、htD. expected(7)_A. describesB. meansC. explainsD. expresses(8)_A. kickedB. servedC. playedD. acted(9)_A. overB. atC. onD. above(10)_A. moveB. runC. throwD. pass(11)_A. cowboyB. good boyC. playboyD. college boy(12)_A. groupB. classC. collegeD. club(13)_A. difficultB. cooperativeC. diligentD. helpful

21、(14)_A. questionB. issueC. problemD. point(15)_A. himB. lifeC. herselfD. yourself答案和解析第1部分:词汇选项(第115题,每题1分,共15分)下面共有l5个句子,每个句子中均有1个词或短语划有底横线,请从每个句子后面所给的4个选项中选择1个与划线部分意义最相近的词或短语。(1) :C译文:她在攀登过程中表现出极大的耐力。划线词的意思是“展示,展览”,C项意为“展示,表明”,例:Her laziness showed in her exam results她平时懒惰从她的考试成绩可以看得出来。A项意为“玩;播放”,

22、例:I could hear music playing on the radio我听到收音机里演奏着音乐。B项意为“发送”,例:She sent me a Christmas card她给我寄来一张圣诞贺卡。D项意为“讲(述),告诉;吩咐;认出;显示;生效”,例:I always tell my daughter a story before she goes to sleep女儿睡觉之前,我总讲故事给她听。(2) :B译文:星体永恒的运行使他着迷。划线词的意思是“永恒的,永久的”,B项意为“不停的,无限的”,例:Im tired of your never-ending complaint

23、s我听腻了你那没完没了的抱怨。A项意为“长(期)的(地);渴望”,例:We have,however,a rather long way to go我们仍然还有好多路要走。C项意为“令人厌烦的,无聊的”,例:Hes likeable enough,but a bit boring他挺讨人喜欢,就是有点无聊。D项意为“广大的,广阔的;广泛的”,例:The teacher had both extensive knowledge and profound scholarship先生的学问博大精深。(3) :D译文:她心头如释重负,无言回答。划线词的意思是“广大的,巨大的”,D项意为“巨大的,庞大的

24、”,例:Their sitting room was enormous他们的起居室很大。A项意为“自然的,正常的”,例:It is natural that such a hard working student should pass the exam这么用功的学生考试及格是很自然的事。B项意为“致命的,灾难性的;重大的,决定性的”,例:Fatal accidents have decreased in frequency over recent years近年来死亡事故发生的频率已经下降。C项意为“微小的”,例:A tiny fishing boat was drifting slowly

25、 along一只小小的渔船在缓缓地漂去。(4) :B译文:这本书对读者有很大的影响。划线词的意思是“影响”,B项意为“影响”,例:Listening to the music has a calming influence on her听音乐对她起了一种镇静的作用。A项意为“军队;暴力;强迫;用力推动”,例:The moral force is on our side道义的力量在我们一边。C项意为“惊奇”,例:What a surprise! 真是出人意料的事!D项意为“力量,能力”例:She lost her power of speech她失去了说话的能力。(5) :A译文:我们伴随着欢乐

26、的乐曲跳起舞来。划线词的意思是“高兴的;使人感到愉快的”,A项意为“令人愉快的”,例:The walk was very pleasant那次散步很愉快。B项意为“多姿多彩的”,例:He gave a colorful account of life in Samoa他生动地叙述了萨摩亚群岛上的生活。C项意为“时尚的”,例:It became fashionable for the rich to winter in the sun在阳光充足的地方过冬成了富人的时尚。D项意为“不同的”,例:My husband has several shirts of different colors我丈夫

27、有好几件颜色不同的衬衫。(6) :C译文:他不够参加考试资格,因他已超龄。划线词的意思为“符合条件的,合格的”,C项意为“有资格的”,与划线词意思相近,例:He is a qualified scientist他是个合格的科学家。故选C。A项意为“有竞争力的”,例:A competitive person loves to win and hates to lose竞争心强的人喜欢赢讨厌输。B项意为“勤奋的”,例:John is more diligent than anyone else in his class约翰比班上其他的同学用功。D项意为“能胜任的”,例:He is competen

28、t enough to fill that position他足以胜任那职位。(7) :C译文:她的小说描写了一个有抱负的中国人。划线词的意思是“描绘,描述”,C项意为“描写,描述”,例:The police asked me to describe exactly how it happened警察让我描述一下这事是怎样发生的。A项意为“写”,例:I have to write an essay for next weeks seminar我要为下周的讨论会写一篇文章。B项意为“写生;速写;为绘草图”,例:He sketched the coal miner in a few minutes

29、他几分钟就画了一幅那位煤矿工人的素描。D项意为“表明”,例:Research indicates that men find it easier to give up smoking than women研究表明,男人比女人更容易戒烟。(8) :C译文:别惹她,她今天动不动就发火。划线词的意思是“使恼怒”,C项意为“使恼怒”,例:His mother was annoyed with him for being so rude to their neighbors他母亲因为他对邻居如此粗暴无礼而生他的气。A项意为“戏弄”,例:Dont take it seriouslyhes only tea

30、sing别把它当真,他只不过是在开玩笑。B项意为“吸引”,例:The flower show attracted large crowds this year今年的花展吸引了大批观众。D项意为“保护”,例:These rare tigers are protected by special laws这些珍贵的老虎受到专门法律的保护。(9) :A译文:在这么恶劣的天气里出去太荒唐。划线词的意思是“荒谬的”。A项意为“荒谬的,可笑的”,例:Who made this ridiculous rule? 这条荒唐的规则是谁定的? B项意为“滑稽的”,例:The story was very funny

31、这个故事非常可笑。C项意为“古怪的”,例:Hes an odd old man他是个古怪的老头儿。D项意为“有趣的”,例:There is ail interesting program on television tonight今天晚上的电视有一个有趣的节目。(10) :A译文:我通知他我的地址变了。划线词的意思是“通知”,A项意为“通知”,与划线词意思一致,例:Please inform me by letter of your plans请来信把你的计划告诉我。B项意为“观察”,例:The police have been observing his movements警方一直监视着他的

32、一举一动。C项意为“嘲笑”例:we should not mock at other peoples religious beliefs我们不应该嘲笑别人的宗教信仰。D项意为“误导”例:We were misled by the guide向导给我们引错了路。(11) :A译文:经理为店员分配工作。划线词的意思是“分配,分派,把拨给”,A项意为“指派;分配”,例:Jack was assigned to the assembly shop of the factory杰克被分配到厂里的装配间工作。B项意为“说服”例:The salesman persuaded us to buy his pr

33、oduct那个推销员说服了我们买他的产品。C项意为“询问;请求”,例:I have asked some friends for tea,我请了一些朋友来喝茶。D项意为“命令”,例:The chairman ordered silence主席要大家安静。(12) :B译文:昔日荒坡,今日良田。划线词的意思是“贫瘠的”,B项意为“光秃的”,与划线词意思相近,例:The fierce sun parched the bare earth灼热的阳光炙烤着光秃秃的大地。A项意为“无毛发的”,例:His face is smooth and hair-less他的脸光滑无毛。C项意为“空的”,例:His

34、 room is empty他的房间是空的。D项意为“秃头的”,例:He shaved his head bald他剃了个光头。(13) :B译文:据推测,到2000年能研究出治愈该病的方法。划线词的意思是“假定”,B项意为“假定,设想”,例:I assumed you can speak French fluently我以为你能讲流利的法语。A项意为“挑战”,例:They had challenged and beaten the best team in the world他们曾向世界上最强的球队挑战并将他们打败。C项意为“扣除,减去”,例:Nowadays income tax is n

35、ormally deducted from a persons wages现在,所得税通常是在发工资前就已经扣除了。D项意为“判决,裁定”,例:The committee decreed the movie unsuitable for children委员会裁定这部影片为儿童不宜片。(14) :A译文:我们必须遵守规则。划线词的意思是“遵守(坚持)”,A项意为“坚持”,例:We must stick to the principle我们必须坚持原则。B项意为“坚持”,in表示“在方面”,一般指坚持做某件事,后面不跟表示“原则”、“规则”、“合同”等词,例:He will persist in

36、 riding that dreadful bicycle他执意要骑那辆破自行车。C项意为“保护,维护”,例:We must safeguard our national interests我们必须保卫国家的利益。D项意为“申请”,例:He has applied for a post in England他已申请在英国供职。(15) :B译文:从我的观点看,你知道,这件事太滑稽了。划线词为合成词,stand(站立)+point(点)standpoint(立场,观点)。B项也有“观点”的意思,可以与划线词替换,例:From my point of view,teachers are not w

37、ell paid依我看,教师们薪水不高。A项意为“位置”,例:The runners got into position on the starting line赛跑运动员已进入起跑线上的位置。C项意为“知识”,例:Knowledge is power知识就是力量。D项意为“观点”,但常用搭配为“in ones opinion”,例:In my opinion,it is a very sound investment照我的看法,这是很可靠的投资。第2部分:阅读判断(第1622题,每题1分,共7分)阅读下面这篇短文,短文后列出了7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断。(1) :B句意:在

38、印度的婚姻广告中,只用相貌如何、是否可成为贤妻,来介绍女性。关键词是marriage advertisements和appearance and their skill,依据此关键词,可在文中第一段找到相关叙述:although women are still described in terms of appearance,or skill in “the wifely arts,”information about her earning power is entering more and more of the advertisements(尽管仍用相貌如何、是否可为贤妻等方面来介绍女

39、性,但是关于她们的赚钱能力的信息越来越多地进入广告中。)显然与题干不符,故此题为“错误”的。(2) :A句意:印度社会正在发生变化。关键词是is changing,依据此关键词,可在文章第一段倒数第三句中找到相关叙述:The thousands of advertisements published each week increasingly reflect social changes that coming to this traditional society该句说“每周公布的数以千计的广告反映出这个传统的社会正发生着变化”,故此题为“正确”的。(3) :A句意:第三段中的单词“dow

40、ry”的意思是彩礼钱。关键词为dowry,依据此关键词可在文章中找到答案相关句:Because the custom of the dowry(marriage payment)is now illegal,some advertisements say “no dowry”,or “simple marriage”,which means the same thing答案相关句中marriage payment放在括号中出现在dowry,充当其同位语结构,对其进行解释,因此dowry的含义就是“marriage payment(彩礼钱)”,故此题为“正确”的。(4) :C句意:在印度,人们喜

41、欢皮肤颜色浅亮,相貌好的人。关键词light skin和good feature,依据此关键词,在文章中找到答案相关句:In a land(国家,指印度)where light skin is often regarded as socially preferable,many also require that a woman have a “wheat-color” complexion or that a man be “tall,fair and handsome”答案相关句说“在印度,人们喜好浅亮肤色”,但并没有说“喜欢美丽的容貌”,因此问题句中有部分信息没有在文章中出现,故此题为“

42、未提及”的。(5) :B句意:“one”在“A person who has one can get what he wants”这个句子中指的是好的相貌关键词“A person who has one can get what he wants”,依据此话所在的上下文:Because of high unemployment and a generally poor standard of living here,one of the best attractions a marriage advertisement can offer is a permit to live abroad,

43、especially in Canada or the United StatesA person who has one can get what he wants划线句说“有了一个_的人能得到他想要的”,结合前句话的内容,one应该指前句中的permit to 1ive abroad(在国外居住地许可证),故此题为“错误”的。(6) :B句意:社会身份高的一小部分人才看报纸。关键词people of high social status,依据此关键词作为答案线索,在第五段中找到答案相关句:Advertisements are placed and eagerly read by a wid

44、e range of people in the upper classes(与people of high social status呼应),mostly in cities答案相关句说“上层社会中很多人都会急切地读这些广告”,因此问题句的内容与答案相关句的内容不一致,故此题为“错误”的。(7) :C句意:在印度,离婚率很高。关键词为divorce rate,在文中没有找到相关词汇,故此题为“未提及”的。第3部分:概括大意与完成句子(第2330题,每题1分,共8分)(1) :Etalk这个词也在段落中多次出现,而且几乎贯穿整个段落,因此是段落主题词,所以E或F可能是答案。段首句及段尾句均与E相关,意义一致,因此,E是答案。从段落具体内容上看:第二段的第一个句子说“英国人的特长是有说话的天赋”。接下来就是具体说明说话天赋在经济中的一些表现。当然,作者最后对说话能否保持英国经济的运转提出了质疑。但是其主题思想仍然是在讲说话天赋,故选E。(2) :C段尾句是该段主题句。该段说:英国是著名作家莎士比亚和华兹华斯的故乡,他们以及


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