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1、Unit 1Conversation 1Porter: Good afternoon. Janet: Good afternoon. Porter: New student? Janet: Yes. Porter: Welcome to Hertford College. Janet: Thank you. Porter: Can I have your family name, please? Janet: Yes, its Li. Porter: Er, L-double E? Janet: No, L-I. Porter: And whats your first name, Ms Li

2、? Janet: Janet. Porter: Janet Li . ah yes, there you are. Here are your keys. Janet: Wheres my room? Porter: Youre in staircase 6 room 5. Janet: Who am I sharing with? Porter: Nobody. You have your own room. Er . theres a Ms Santos in the room next to you. Janet: Oh. My own room? In China we usually

3、 have several people in a dormitory. Porter: Well, here you dont have to share with anyone. Janet: Thank you sir. Porter: No need to call me sir, Ms Li. Everyone calls me Stewart. Janet: Please call me Janet! Porter: OK, Janet, um, can you just sign for your keys, please?Conversation 2Kate: Hi, have

4、 you just arrived too?Janet: Yes!Kate: I guess were neighbors. My names Kate Santos.Janet: Im Janet Li. Where are you from?Kate: From New York. How about you?Janet: Im from Anshan in China.Kate: Is Janet your real name?Janet: No, its my English name. My Chinese name is Li Hui. Is Kate your full name

5、?Kate: No, its short for Catherine.Janet: So do I call you Catherine or Kate?Kate: Everyone calls me Kate.Conversation 3Unit 2Conversation 1Kate: Oh, this looks nice. Mark: Cool. Waitress: Good afternoon, table for three? Come this way. Mark: Lets have a look at the menu. Mark: Thank you. Janet: Tha

6、nk you. Waitress: The specials are on the board. Kate: So, what sorts of food do you like, Janet? Janet: Well, I like spicy food. And Im not very fond of raw food! What would you recommend? Mark: Why dont you try the chicken curry? Thats nice and spicy. Janet: Whats in it? Mark: Chicken cooked in to

7、matoes and onions with Indian spices. Janet: Ill try it. Do we all choose a selection of dishes to share or only one dish per person? Mark: Usually one dish per person. Kate: Or the moussaka looks good. Janet: Whats it made with? Kate: Its made with lamb and eggplant. Its a Greek dish. Janet: How is

8、 it cooked? Kate: Its baked in the oven. Janet: Mm, that sounds good too. Kate: And as a starter? Janet: Whats minestrone soup? Mark: Its an Italian soup with vegetables and pasta. Its delicious! Janet: OK, Ill have that. Kate: Waitress? Waitress: What can I get for you? Kate: Well, for the starter,

9、 can we have two minestrone soups, and for the main course, one moussaka and one curry, please. What about you, Mark? Mark: Ill have the prawns with garlic and the chilli con carne. And could you bring us some water, please? Waitress: OK. Mark: Thank you. Waitress: Thanks. Janet: Whats chilli con ca

10、rne? Mark: Its a spicy Mexican dish with beef and beans. Its very hot!Conversation 2Janet: That was great! Except I dont like cold water. I usually drink hot water. Kate: Hot water? We never drink hot water except with tea. Lets have a dessert. What would you like, Janet? Janet: Any suggestions? Kat

11、e: Well, why dont you try the apple strudel? Its an Austrian dish. Its made with apple, pastry and spices. Janet: No, Im not so keen on pastry. .Whats a chocolate brownie? Mark: Its a kind of chocolate cake. Janet: How is it made? Kate: Its made with flour, eggs and butter. Mark: And lots of chocola

12、te! Kate: Youll love it. Janet: What kind of ice cream is there? Kate: Ill ask . Excuse me . What flavor ice cream do you have? Waitress: Strawberry, vanilla and chocolate. Janet: Ill just have a fruit salad, I think. Mark: And Kate, what are you going to have? Kate: Same for me. Mark: Could you bri

13、ng us two fruit salads, and a chocolate brownie? Waitress: Sure.Unit 3Conversation 1Mark: Hi, whatre you doing? Janet: Oh, nothing much . Well, Im just doing this quiz here in the newspaper. Mark: Lets have a look then. Janet: Here. Its called, How much do you know about memory? Ive just done it. Do

14、 you want to have a go? Mark: OK, might as well. Im not busy. Janet: Right. Look, Ill read the statements. Then you have to answer true or false. Ready? Mark: Yea. Janet: OK. Physical exercise improves your memory. True or false? Mark: True, I suppose. It sounds like the right answer. Janet: Youre r

15、ight; exercise does improve your memory. Next statement: 30 per cent of people have a visual memory. Mark: That sounds about right. True? Janet: No, wrong, Im afraid. In fact, 60 per cent of people have a visual memory. Mark: Really? Actually, Ive got a pretty good memory. Janet: Have you? OK . Next

16、 one . When youre tired, its more difficult to remember things. Mark: Thats true, obviously. I cant remember a thing when Im tired. Janet: Correct! If you do one activity for a long time, your memory will improve. Mark: Im not sure . True? Janet: Actually, its false. Mark: Oh! Janet: Eating fruit an

17、d vegetables can improve your memory. Mark: I read something in The Times about that. True. Janet: True, it says here. Mark: Oh, no! Ive got a lecture. Id forgotten. Id better get going! Janet: Oh, Mark! What a good memory you have!Conversation 2Kate: Youre looking a bit down, Janet. Whats up? Janet

18、: Well . Im finding studying at Oxford quite hard. Kate: Youre telling me! Theres so much work! Janet: Its not the amount of work, but everythings so different. In China, generally we have large classes, we dont have tutorials. And mostly, our teacher tells us what we should do. So Im not used to as

19、king questions or discussing things. I find it difficult. Kate: You have to memorize a lot, dont you? Janet: Yes, but Im good at that. Kate: Youre lucky. Theres so much to remember studying law! I have difficulty sometimes, I really do. Janet: Yes, well, weve been trained to do that. But we dont hav

20、e so much training in critical thinking. Kate: What do you mean by critical thinking? Janet: Let me think . I think its giving your opinion and then justifying it. Kate: Yes, I suppose thats what our teachers have always encouraged us to do. Janet: I am getting better at it, I suppose. Kate: Hey! Ho

21、w about this? Lets pretend Im your tutor. Ill make a statement. Your task is to examine it and then ask questions. Janet: OK. Kate: Everyone is capable of learning a second language. Go on, ask a question! Janet: Why do you say that? Kate: Thats what the research tells us. Now ask another one. Janet

22、: Can you give an example of some research? Kate: Um . No! Look, Im starving and I cant think at all when Im hungry.Unit 4Conversation 1Kate: Oh, I must make a quick call. . Jacky: Hello, Jacky Gordon speaking. Kate: Hello, can I speak to Abbie, please? Jacky: Ill see if shes in, can you hold on? Ka

23、te: Sure. . Jacky: Hello? Shes out, Im afraid. Can I give her a message er . or I can ask her to call you back? Kate: Could you ask her to call me back? Jacky: Sure. Whos calling? Kate: Kate Santos. Jacky: Kate Santos, OK. Does Abbie have your number? Kate: Yes, she does. Jacky: Ill tell her you cal

24、led. Kate: Thanks. Janet: Abbie? I know a girl called Abbie. She reads English, doesnt she? Kate: Yes, how do you know her? Janet: She has a tutorial just after me so we chat a bit. We get on really well. Kate: Yes, everyone likes Abbie. I think its because shes really interested in people shes a ve

25、ry good listener. She should be, she works for Nightline. Janet: Nightline? Kate: Oh, I havent told you, Ive joined it. Janet: What is it? Ive never heard of it. Kate: Look, Ive got a leaflet about it. Janet: So. Kate: Its a university helpline for students who are having problems. Im training to be

26、 one of the people they can call to talk to. Janet: You mean, youre a volunteer? Kate: Yes. Janet: Oh, thats great, Kate Conversation 2Abbie: Hi, Abbie speaking. Kate: Hi, Abbie, its Kate Santos. Abbie: Hi! Im sorry not to have called you back. Ive got a lot on at the moment. Hows things? Kate: Fine

27、. I just wanted to let you know I wont be able to come to the next training session. Abbie: Um . Its quite an important session. Oh, can you hold on a moment. Theres someone at the door. . Abbie: Hi, Im sorry, look, can I call you back later? Kate: Sure. What time? Abbie: Is three oclock OK? Kate: T

28、hrees fine. Abbie: OK, Ill call you then. Speak soon. Kate: Bye. Abbie: Bye. . Kate: Abbies my Nightline trainer. Janet: Youre saying shes your Nightline trainer! But shes still a student. Kate: Well, experienced students train new students, thats the way it works. Janet: Oh, I see. Kate: Its great!

29、 At the moment, shes training us in listening skills. Janet: Listening skills? What do you mean, listening skills? Kate: Um . The ability to really listen to someone and make them feel youre listening. Its very important. Janet: Ive never thought about that before. Kate: Yes, for example, one thing

30、you can do is listen carefully and then repeat what someone says but maybe a little differently. Janet: So what youre saying is, repeat what someone says but maybe not the exact same words. Kate: Yes. You see, when you do that, you check youve understood and you show them youre really listening. Jan

31、et: So they know youve really heard them. Kate: Very good, Janet. I can see youve got it already! Hi . hows it going? Unit 5 Conversation 1Kate: Hi, Becky, hows it going? Becky: Good! Mark: Guys, look, can you help me with a problem? Janet: Yes, of course. Mark: The thing is, theres this girl I real

32、ly like called Jenny Sparks. Shes a Fresher, really stunning, reads history. I know her name because someone pointed her out to me, but Ive never actually spoken to her. Do either of you know her? Kate: No. Janet: No, I dont know her. Mark, how can you like her if you havent met her? Kate: Its becau

33、se shes absolutely gorgeous, Janet. Mark: Thats right! I want to ask her out, but first Ive got to meet her. Got any suggestions? Becky: Guys! You want to order? Mark: Sorry. Kate: Three cappuccinos? Becky: Sure. Janet: Do you know anyone who knows her? You could ask them to introduce you. Mark: No,

34、 I dont, thats the problem. Kate: Are you matchmaking, Janet? Janet: Whats matchmaking? Kate: Making introductions between people who might like each other. We dont do that here. How about just walking up to her and saying Hi? Why dont you do that? Mark: No. Kate: Why not? Mark: Im not usually shy,

35、but shes so . you know .! Janet: Oh, Mark! Kate: Just believe in yourself, Mark. Youre a great guy! Janet: I understand Mark completely. Kate: Well, its the only way hes going to get to talk to her. Mark: OK, Ill give it a try. Becky: Solved the Jenny problem yet? Girls: Thank you. Janet: Youll be f

36、ine. Mark. Shell like him, wont she, Becky? Becky: Of course she will! Conversation 2Mark: Hey, guess what, guys, Ive got a date with Jenny. Kate: You did it, you asked her out? Janet: When are you seeing her? Mark: Saturday. Were going to The Eagle and Child. Janet: Sounds great. Mark: Yeah! The th

37、ing is, Im a bit nervous. Janet: Are you? Mark: Yes, Im afraid Ill make a fool of myself. I could do with some more advice. Kate: Any ideas? Janet: Um . Im thinking. Kate: Well . One thing is . if youre nervous, its easy to talk too much, so remember not to do that. Mark: Good point. Ill remember th

38、at. Janet: You should make her feel special. Show her youre really interested in her. Mark: I am really interested in her. Janet: Well, you should show her you are. Mark: Thatll be easy! What else? Kate: Its a good idea to look good. Mark: Thats pretty obvious! Kate: I mean clean clothes, Mark! Mark

39、: Oh . thanks, Kate! Any more advice? Kate: Yes, the most important thing is, just be yourself. Becky: Hows it going, Mark? Kate: Hes worried this girl wont like him. Becky: Shell love you! Ready to order? Unit 6 Conversation 1Janet: So, are you looking for anything in particular? Mark: Maybe a T-sh

40、irt or a polo shirt. Janet: We could go into the covered market and have a look at the shops in there. Kate: And what about you? Janet: I need some cosmetics from the Body Shop on Corn market Street. Kate: And Im looking for something to wear to Jennys party tonight. But nothing too expensive. Anywa

41、y, look, lets go in here. Assistant: Can I help you? Kate: Were just looking. Mark: What do you think of this one? Kate: Hmm, its OK, but Im not sure green suits you. Do they have it in other colors? Janet: What size do you take? Mark: Medium, I guess. Oh, heres a nice polo shirt. I like the color.

42、Its a bit small,though. Janet: Do they have it in a larger size? Mark: Yes, here we go. Thats great. Janet: How much is it? Mark: Twelve pounds. Thats not too bad. Ill buy it. Mark: Ill have this, please. Assistant: Thatll be 12 pounds please. . Thank you. . And heres your shirt, and heres your rece

43、ipt. Mark: Thanks. Mark: Look, Ive really got to go. Ill see you at the party tonight. Kate: OK. Janet: Bye. Conversation 2Janet: OK, Kate. Now it is time to find something for you. What about this dress? Kate: Hey, thats lovely. Janet: Would you like to try it on? Kate: Yes, OK. Where are the chang

44、ing rooms? Assistant: Just behind you. Kate: Thank you. . What do you think? Janet: Well, it really suits you, but . Kate: . its a bit big. Excuse me, do you have this in a smaller size? Assistant: What size do you take? Kate: Size 8, I think. Assistant: No, Im afraid we dont. Thats the last one. Ka

45、te: No, it doesnt really fit. OK, Ill leave it. Janet: Actually, I really like it. Kate: Why dont you try it on, then? Janet: OK. . What do you think? Kate: Perfect. It really suits you. Janet: Its a bit expensive. Kate: Go on! You deserve it! Janet: OK, Ill have it. But I dont have enough cash. . Can I pay by credit card? Assistant: Sure. Janet: Thank you. Assistant: Please enter your PIN. . And heres your receipt. Janet: Thank you. Assistant: Thanks a lot. Kate: That was painless, wasnt it? But I still dont have a dress for the party. Lets try somewhere else. Assistant: Bye. Girls: Bye.


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