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1、Module3 Unit 1 Has it arrived?第一课时一、根据首字母或中文提示完成单词。1. Have you heard the l_ news ?2. The man traveled to the moon in a s_ shuttle.3. Have you finished your homework a_?4. - How many m_ are there in a year? - 12.5. Are you busy _(最近)?6. There are _(几本)books here.二、用方框内所给单词的正确形式填空。take travel go caref

2、ul see return1. Ive just _ a great TV program about space.2. It _ us five hours to get to Nanning.3. I hear they _ to Shanghai on business.4. The space shuttle hasnt _ from a visit to the space station yet.5. People can _ in space by spacecraft.6. You must listen to the teacher _.三、句型转换。1. We have j

3、ust watched a football match. (对画线部分提问)_ _ you just _ ?2. They havent come back because they are too busy . (对划线部分提问)_ _ they _ back ?3. Astronauts went to the Moon by spacecraft. (对画线部分提问) _ _ astronauts _ to the moon?4. They have found something. (改为否定句) They _ _ _.5. I havent heard about the stor

4、y yet. (改为肯定句) I_ _ heard about the story.6. Have they gone to Shanghai? (作否定回答)_, they_.Unit 2 We havent found life on other planets yet.第二课时一、根据首字母或中文提示完成单词。1. We havent found life on other P .2. The Sun and its planets are called the s system3. The u is so large, and it is hard to understand how

5、large it is4. I want to get into, the building, but I cant find the _(人口).5.We must keep our _(环境) clean all the time. 二、用方框内所给单词的正确形式填空。 be billion find hear discover go1. A spacecraft _ to Mars. Its coming back to the Earth next year.2. Some American astronauts _ to the Moon several times.3. _ sci

6、entists _ water on Mars yet?4. Scientists _ already _ theres no life on the Moon.5. There are _ of stars in the universe.6. I have just_ about the news.三、句型转换。1. She wanted to talk with you. (对画线部分提问) _ _ to talk with you?2. I think there is life out there in space. (改为否定句) I _ _ life out there in s

7、pace.3. To understand this story is difficult. (改为用it作形式主语的句子) _ _ difficult _ understand this story.4. Mike has already finished his homework. (改为一般疑问句) _ Mike already _ his homework?5. Astronauts have been to the Moon several times . (对画线部分提问) _ _ times _ astronauts been to the Moon?Unit 3 Languag

8、e in use第三课时一、单项选择。( ) 1. Ive finished _ the book.A. read B. to read C. to reading D. reading( ) 2. - What have you done? - Ive just _ the floor.A. cleaned B. clean C. to clean D. wash( ) 3._ visitors come to visit Guilin. A. 20 thousands B. Two thousands C. Million of D. Millions of( ) 4. - Some sp

9、acecrafts have gone _ the solar system. - But man hasnt. A. with B. without C. around D. beyond( ) 5. - Where is Darning? - He _ home. A. has been B. has gone C. has been toD. has gone to( ) 6. I have _ finished my homework, but I havent cleaned my room. A. already; already B. yet; yetC. just; alrea

10、dy D. already; yet( ) 7. This room is as _ as that one. A. big B. biggerC. biggestD. smaller( ) 8. No one has _ there is life on the Moon. A. find B. discoveredC. looked forD. checked( ) 9. - _you ever _ to Italy? - No, I_. A. Have; visited; hasnt B. Have; gone; havent C. Have; been; havent D. Have;

11、 fly; havent( ) 10._ Jack _ this book before? A. Have; seenB. Has; seenC. Has; readD. Has; watched二、填入has / have been或has / have gone。1. A: Can I speak to Li Lei, please? B: Hes out, Im afraid. He _ to the cinema.2. A: I saw you in Sunny Restaurant last night. B: No, it wasnt me. I _ never there.3.

12、A: _ you _ to Hong Kong? B: Yes, I _ there twice.4. A: Where _ Jim _? B: To the library.5. A: Is your aunt in? B: No, she to Shenzhen. A: _ she ever there before?B: Yes, she _ there several times.三、句型转换。1. They found the space ship interesting. (对画线部分提问) _ _ they _ interesting?2. The astronaut will

13、come back in January. (对画线部分提问) _ _ the astronaut _ _ ?3. The spacecraft is coming back to Earth next year. (对画线部分提问) _ _ the spacecraft_ _to Earth?4. There isnt any air on the moon. (改为同义句) There_ _ air on the moon.5. Please bring it back to me tomorrow. (改为同义句) Please _ _ _ _ tomorrow.6. To learn

14、Chinese is very difficult. (改为同义句)_ _ difficult _ _ Chinese.7. We want to travel around the world. (改为否定句) _ _ _ wants to travel around the world.8. They heard a message from a spacecraft. (改为现在完成时) They _ just _ a message from a spacecraft.9. Has he ever played the game? (作否定回答)_ ,_ _.10. I have al

15、ready finished reading the book at school. (改为一般疑问句) _ you _ _ _ _ at school?Module3 热身自测一、单项选择( ) 1. My parents and I _ Shanghai several times.A. have gone toB. have been to C. has been toD. have gone to( ) 2. Do you feel _ when you are at home _?A. alone; aloneB. lonely; lonely C. alone; lonelyD.

16、lonely; alone( ) 3. I havent got a letter from my friend _.A. already B. never C. everD. yet( ) 4. The astronauts have already _ to the Moon, and they _ yesterday.A. been; returned B. been; have returnedC. gone; returned D. gone; have returned( ) 5. What is your brother _?A. do B. down to C. up to D

17、. up of( ) 6. _ people have been to China since 1978. A. Four millions B. Several millions C. Four millions of D. Four million( ) 7. _ can live without the Sun.A. None of B. No one C. Not everyone D. Not anyone( ) 8. _ 2oo hundred students have been to England in our school. A. More than B. Over C.

18、More D. Both A and B( ) 9. I cant _ my key anywhere. A. discover B. find C. cook for D. look at( ) 10. - Tom, you didnt hand in your exercise book. - Sorry, Ill _ this afternoon. A. bring it to you B. bring it you C. get it to you D. carry it to you 二、从方框中选择适当的词语。并用其正确的形式填空。(每小题I.5分,共I5分)as well as,

19、 go around, bring it back, be up to, the latest news, go to, land at, part of, more than, so many1. Whats _ about the weather there?2. The plane will _ the airport in five minutes.3. - What _ you _ ? - Im doing my homework.4. Which _ China have you been to?5. Mary plays the piano _ her friend.6. The

20、 journey to Sichuan takes _ three days from here.7. The Earth _ the Sun.8. - Is your father at home? - No, he has _ Beijing.9. There are _ beautiful places to see in Guilin.10. - Excuse me, can you lend your MP3 to me? - OK, but can you _ tomorrow.三、根据要求改写下列句子。(每空l分,共10分)1. I like going shopping bet

21、ter than washing clothes. (改为同义句)I _ going shopping _ washing clothes.2. He swims twice a week. (对画线部分提问)_ _does he swim?3. He has been studying at the school for three years. (对画线部分提问)_ _ has he been studying at the school?4. She hasnt been to that small city yet. (改为肯定句)She _ _ been to that small

22、city.5. None of the buildings there is new. (改为肯定句)_ _ the buildings there _ new.四、从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话。(每空2分,共10分)A: Hi, Zhang Hai. 1. I havent seen you all day.B: Ive been to the zoo. I went there with David and Gu Ming at eight oclock this morning.A: Oh.2. B: By bike.A: By bike? Its very far from here

23、.B: Yes. 3. Its good for riding.A: 4. B: We saw the two new pandas and other animals. Theyre lovely.A: 5. Ill go to the zoo one day.A. How did you go there?B. I love pandas, too.C. The weather is cool and the air is clear.D. Where have you been?E. What did you see?F. Who did you go with?五、完形填空。(每小题1

24、分,共10分)Scientists think that there has l life on Earth for 2 years. However, we havent found life on other planets yet. Why not?The Earth is a planet and it goes around the Sun. Eight other planets also go 3 the Sun. 4 them has an environment 5 air, So people and things cannot grow. The Sun and its

25、planets are called the solar system. The solar system is a small part of our galaxy.The stars we see at night are the Suns in other solar systems. There are more than 200 6 stars in our galaxy, called the Milky Way, and our Sun is only one of them.But scientists have discovered many other galaxies i

26、n the universe. They are a long way away and their light has traveled for many years to 7 us. It is hard to understand how large the universe is.Scientists have sent lots of spacecraft to look for other planets in our solar system, and some spacecraft have gone 8 the solar system. However, no one ha

27、s discovered any other life in space yet.But why has no one from other planets sent us a message? Have they 9 to send information to us? With so many stars in the universe, are we 10 , or is there life out there in space? We dont know yet.( ) 1. A. beB. beenC. noneD. had( ) 2. A. million. B. million

28、s C. millions of D. several millions( ) 3. A. along B. around C. over D. near( ) 4. A. No one B. None C. None of D. nothing( ) 5. A. has B. with C. by D. on( ) 6. A. billions B. billions ofC. billion D. billion of( ) 7. A. arrive B. reach C. get D. go to( ) 8. A. around B. near C. beyond D. into( )

29、9. A. tired B. tried C. try D. tries( ) 10. A. along B. allow C. alone D. lonely六、阅读理解。(每小题2分,共Io分)Jack London was a famous American writer. He was born on January l2th , 1876, in San Francisco, California. He liked studying very much, but his family was very poor, so Jack had to leave school to mak

30、e money. He worked hard in many different jobs.In l897, he went to Alaska to find gold. Instead(相反), he found ideas there for his books and stories. He returned home and started to write. His writings were successful(成功的), and he became rich and famous in his twenties.Jack London was not a happy man

31、, however. In poor health, he took his own life(自杀) in l9I6.He was only 4o years old.阅读短文,选择正确的答案。( ) 1.Jack London was _.A. a musicianB. a writer C. a basketball player D. a teacher( ) 2.He went to Alaska _. A. for holidays B. because his wife lived there C. to find gold D. to meet his parents( ) 3

32、.Jack London became rich and famous _. A. when he was thirty B. when he was over twenty C. in his thirties D. when he was a child( ) 4.Which of the following sentences is true? A. Jack died in Alaska.B. Jack was born in London. C. Jack found gold in Alaska. D. Jack was a successful writer, but he di

33、dnt live happily.( ) 5.Which of the following sentences is not true? A. Jack didnt find gold in Aiaska, instead he found ideas for writing. B. Jack didnt like to go to school. C. Jack died in l9I6. D. Jack had a little education(教育) when he was young.七、书面表达o(共Io分)根据中文提示和英文提示词语,写一篇词数为6070意思连贯、符合逻辑的短文

34、。内容提示:上周星期六,阳光明媚,你和你的家人开车到了一个小村庄。上午你们进行了徒步旅行,并在山顶吃了中午饭(面包、水果等)。下午的时候,你和你妹妹去河里游泳,爸爸钓鱼,妈妈摘鲜花。你们玩得很开心,下午六点钟回家。 提示词语: village, go hiking, at the top of, mountain, pick flowers, have a good time注意:正确运用时态.参考答案:Module 3Unit l、I. latest 2.space 3.already 4.months 5.recently 6.several二、l. seen 2.takes 3.have

35、 gone 4.returned 5.travel 6.carefully三、l. What have; watched 2. Why havent come 3. How did; go 4. havent found anything 5. have already 6. No; haventUnit 2、1. planets 2. solar 3. universe 4. Entrance 5. environment二、l. has gone 2. have been 3. Have; discovered 4. have; found 5. billions 6. heard三、l.

36、 Who wanted 2. dont think theres 3. It is; to 4.Has; finished 5.How many; haveUnit 3一、l5 DADDB 610 DABCC二、l. has gone 2. have; been 3. Have; been; have been 4. has; gone 5. has gone; Has; been; has been三、l. What did; find 2.When will; come back 3.When is; coming back 4. is no 5. return it to me 6. I

37、t is; to learn 7. None of us 8. have, heard 9. No, he hasnt 10.Have; finished reading the book Module 3 热身自测一、l5 BDDAC 610 DBDBA二、1. the latest news 2.Iand at 3. are; up to 4. part of 5. as well as 6. more than 7. goes around 8. gone to 9. So many 10. bring it back三、l. prefer; to 2. How often 3. How

38、 long 4. has ever 5. All of; are四、l5 DACEB五、l5 BCBCB 610 CBCBC六、l5 BCBDB七、It was sunny last Saturday. The sun was shining. My father, mother, sister and I went to a village by car. We went hiking in the morning, and we had bread and fruit for our lunch at the top of the mountain. My sister and l went swimming in the river in the afternoon. My father went fishing and my mother picked some beautiful flowers. We had a good time that day. We went home at 6:00 in the afternoon.


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