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1、命题人:陆继成 难易程度:适中学 校班 级姓 名 2015-2016学年度上学期期末质量监测二年级英语试卷题号一二三四五六七八九总分得分一、写出相邻的字母,注意区分大写和小写哦!(10分)1._B_ 2. _S_ 3. _V_ 4. _F_ 5. _Y_6._e_ 7. _h_ 8. _m_ 9. _p_ 10._ _t_二、找出下列不同类的一项,将序号填写在括号里。(10分)( ) 1.A. banana B. apple C. orange D. moon( ) 2.A. warm B. cool C. swim D. cold( ) 3.A. coat B. trousers C. ni

2、ce D. dress( ) 4.A. fly B. class C. listen D. eat( ) 5.A. meat B. milk C. rice D. dumpling三、请将下列单词及词组与对应的中文意思连线。(10分)song 正餐 on holiday 乘公共汽车dinner 歌曲 by bus 度假weekend 居住 walk to school 走路上学live 周末 read books 看电视park 公园 watch TV 读书四、请为下列问句找出对应的答句,并把序号写在括号里。(16分) A.I play football at the park. B.I li

3、ve in Dalian.C.I go to Shanghai by plane. D.I like jigsaws. E. I listen to CDs at the weekend. F. No, he doesnt.H.Its one oclock. I.Yes, we do.( )1. What do you like? ( )2. Do we have Music? ( )3. Whats the time? ( )4. What do you do at the weekend? ( )5. Does he play the flute?( )6. Where do you li

4、ve? ( )7. How do you go to Shanghai?( )8. Where do you play football?五、将正确的短语序号写在相应图片下面的括号里。(6分)1. read books 2. watch TV 3. have lunch4. go to bed 5. go swimming 6. go home六、选择填空,把序号写在前面的括号里。(20分) ( )1. Do you like doll? _A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I dont.( )2. We get up _. A. at 6:30 B. in 6:30( )3. Sh

5、e _ to work by bike. A. go B. goes( )4. He _ this T-shirt. A. likes B. like学 校班 级姓 名( )5. _ Tom go to school by car? A. Does B. Do( )6. What do you do at the weekend? _A. At the park. B. I play football.( )7. I _ the ABC song. A. like B. likes( )8. How do you go to Beijing?A. By plane. B. Thank you.

6、 ( )9. Does your mother go swimming _ Sundays?A. on B. at ( )10. He goes by bus _ his mother. A. and B. with 七、圈出正确的单词组成句子。(12分) 1. What do / does he do in summer? 2. She goes swim / swimming . 3. Heres a I-shirt for / of you.4. We do / dont wear sweaters in summer.5. Are these for my hair / hairs ?

7、6. Come and play with / of us tomorrow. 八、判断图片与句子是否相符,相符在括号里写(T),不相符在括号里写(F)。(6分)( )( )( )( )九、阅读短文,判断正误,对的打“”,错的打“”。(10分)Hi, Im Panpan. Im 9. I get up at 6 oclock. Then I go to school at 7 oclock. I go to school by bus. I have Maths at school. I like Maths.I have lunch at 12 oclock. I go home at 5 oclock. I play football at the weekend. I play football at the park. ( )1. Im Tingting. ( ) 2. I get up at 7 oclock. ( ) 3. I go to school by car. ( ) 4. I have Maths at school. ( ) 5. I play football at the weekend. - 5 -


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