1、中国内地版权法规对电子书发展的影响The Copyright Law and Related Regulations and their Impacts on the Development of E-books in Chinas Mainland,浙江大学图书馆 赵继海by Zhao Jihai, Professor and Deputy Director,Zhejiang University Libraries, Hangzhou, China,提纲 Outline,中文电子书发展概况 Current situations of Chinese e-book development.
2、中国的版权法规 Copyright law and regulations in China数字图书馆解决版权问题的主要挑战 Challenges in copyright clearance in digital library development网络传播权的基本解决方案 How to get permissions 结束语 Conclusion,中文电子书发展概况Current situations of Chinese e-book development,商业性中文电子书. Commercial e-book collections超星电子书:130万册中文电子书,其中供销售的约1
3、00万册,以1950年以后出版图书为主。Super-Star E-books: 1.3 Million items, mainly scanned from the books published after the year 1950. 书生之家电子书:近20万册中文电子书,以1999年以后出版图书为主。Shusheng E-books: 200 thousand items, mainly published after 1999.Apabi电子书:21万册中文电子书,以2002年以后出版图书为主。Apabi E-books: 210 thousand items, mainly publ
4、ished after 2002.,中文电子书发展概况(续)Current situations of Chinese e-books (Cont.),公益性中文电子书:百万册项目(CADAL). Not-for-profit e-book collections: Million Books Digital Library Project CADAL项目是中国教育部“十五”时期“211工程”支持的公共服务体系项目之一,其目标是扫描加工100万册中英文图书并向高校教学、科研提供公益性服务。三年来已扫描中英文图书102万册,其中,中文电子书69.2万册. 1.02 Million books h
5、ave been scanned for the past 3 years, in which 692 thousand are Chinese books, including:古籍 Ancient books:156 thousand;民国文献 Books and journals published during Minguo period (1912-1949): 237 thousand;1950年之后出版图书 Books published after 1950: 299 thousand.,中国的版权法规The copyright law and regulations in C
6、hina,与数字图书馆密切相关的中国版权法律法规有 There are three copyright law and regulations which are closely related with e-book development:中华人民共和国著作权法 Copyright Law of the Peoples Republic of China信息网络传播权保护条例Regulations on Protection of Rights of Communication Via the Information Network 著作权集体管理条例Regulations on Coll
7、ective Administration of Copyright,中华人民共和国著作权法 The Copyright Law of China,中华人民共和国著作权法由全国人大常委会1990年9月首次通过立法,2001年10月修正。 The Copyright Law of the Peoples Republic of China, adopted at the Fifteenth Session of the Standing Committee of the Seventh National Peoples Congress on 7 September 1990, and revi
8、sed at the 24th Session of the Standing Committee of the Ninth National Peoples Congress on 27 October 2001.,中华人民共和国著作权法(续) The Copyright Law (Cont.),著作权即版权,包括了17项人身权和财产权。其中,复制权和信息网络传播权与数字图书馆的关系最大。 The term copyright shall include the following 17 personality rights and property rights: (一)发表权 The r
9、ight of publication ;(二)署名权 The right of authorship ;(三)修改权 The right of alteration; (四)保护作品完整权 The right of integrity;,中华人民共和国著作权法(续) The Copyright Law (Cont.),(五)复制权,即以印刷、复印、拓印、录音、录像、翻录、翻拍等方式将作品制作一份或者多份的权利; The right of reproduction, that is, the right to produce one or more copies of a work by pr
10、inting, photocopying, lithographing, making a sound recording or video recording, duplicating a recording, or duplicating a photographic work or by any other means; (六)发行权 The right of distribution;(七)出租权 The right of rental; (八)展览权 The right of exhibition ;,(九)表演权 The right of performance;(十)放映权 Th
11、e right of showing;(十一)广播权 The right of broadcasting;(十二)信息网络传播权,即以有线或者无线方式向公众提供作品,使公众可以在其个人选定的时间和地点获得作品的权利 The right of communication of information on networks, that is, the right to communicate to the public a work, by wire or wireless means in such a way that members of the public may access the
12、se works from a place and at a time individually chosen by them;,中华人民共和国著作权法(续) The Copyright Law (Cont.),中华人民共和国著作权法(续) The Copyright Law (Cont.),(十三)摄制权 The right of making cinematographic work;(十四)改编权 The right of adaptation;(十五)翻译权 The right of translation;(十六)汇编权 The right of compilation;(十七)应当
13、由著作权人享有的其他权利 Any other rights a copyright owner is entitled to enjoy.,权利的保护期Duration of copyright protection,作者的署名权、修改权、保护作品完整权的保护期不受限制。 The rights of authorship, alteration and integrity of an author shall be unlimited in time. 公民的作品,其发表权、第(五)项至第(十七)项权利的保护期为作者终生及其死亡后五十年。 The duration of protection
14、for the right of publication and the rights referred to in Article l0, paragraphs (5) to (17), of this Law in respect of a work of a citizen shall be the lifetime of the author and fifty years after his death.,权利的保护期(续)Duration of copyright protection (Cont.),法人或者其他组织的作品,其版权保护期为首次发表后五十年。The duration
15、 of protection for the right of publication if the copyright of a work belongs to a legal entity or other organization shall be fifty years. 出版者有权许可或者禁止他人使用其出版的图书、期刊的版式设计。版式设计的权利保护期为十年。A publisher has the right to license or prohibit any other person to use the typographical arrangement of books or
16、periodicals he has published. The duration of protection for the right shall be ten years after the first publication of the books or periodicals using the typographical arrangement.,权利的限制 Limitations on Rights,图书馆、档案馆、纪念馆、博物馆、美术馆等为陈列或者保存版本的需要,复制本馆收藏的作品,可以不经著作权人许可,不向其支付报酬,但应当指明作者姓名、作品名称,并且不得侵犯著作权人享有
17、的其他权利。 In 12 cases, a work may be exploited without permission from, and without payment of remuneration to, the copyright owner, provided that the name of the author and the title of the work shall be mentioned and the other rights enjoyed by the copyright owner by virtue of this Law shall not be p
18、rejudiced, and one of them is related with the library circle: Reproduction of a work in its collections by a library, archive, memorial hall, museum, art gallery or any similar institution, for the purposes of the display, or preservation of a copy, of the work.,信息网络传播权保护条例 The Regulations on Prote
19、ction of Rights of Communication Via the Information Network,信息网络传播权保护条例由国务院颁布,于2006年7月1日起施行。有三条对数字图书馆的关系较为密切。 The State Council of China issued the Regulations on Protection of Rights of Communication Via the Information Network, and it came into effect on July 1, 2006.,信息网络传播权保护条例(续) Regulations o
20、n Protection of Rights of Communication Via Network (Cont.),权利人享有的信息网络传播权受著作权法和本条例保护。除法律、行政法规另有规定的外,任何组织或者个人将他人的作品、表演、录音录像制品通过信息网络向公众提供,应当取得权利人许可,并支付报酬。 According to the Regulations, an individual or entity that makes Works publicly available on or over an information network must obtain prior autho
21、rization from, and pay remuneration to, the copyright holder(s) of such Works.,信息网络传播权保护条例(续) Regulations on Protection of Rights of Communication Via Network (Cont.),图书馆、档案馆、纪念馆、博物馆、美术馆等可以不经著作权人许可,通过信息网络向本馆馆舍内服务对象提供本馆收藏的合法出版的数字作品和依法为陈列或者保存版本的需要以数字化形式复制的作品,不向其支付报酬,但不得直接或者间接获得经济利益。 The library, archi
22、ve and museum may digitize a published work in its collection for display or archiving, and provide the digital work with its own network for public reading to its readers within its premises, without permission from the copyright owner, and no remuneration is paid according to the regulations, but
23、it should not get any economic benefits from the process.,信息网络传播权保护条例(续) Regulations on Protection of Rights of Communication Via Network (Cont.),通过信息网络向农村地区的公众免费提供中国公民、法人或者其他组织已经发表的种植养殖、防病治病、防灾减灾等与扶助贫困有关的作品和适应基本文化需求的作品,网络服务提供者应当在提供前公告拟提供的作品及其作者、拟支付报酬的标准。自公告之日起满30日,著作权人没有异议的,网络服务提供者可以提供其作品,并按照公告的标准向
24、著作权人支付报酬。 The Regulations further stipulate that online service providers will be exempt from liability for infringement of the right of communication provided that they meet certain preconditions, such as providing rural areas with technical and literacy books via Web if some remuneration is paid t
25、o the right holder.,著作权集体管理条例Regulations on Collective Administration of Copyright,根据著作权法第八条规定,国务院颁布了著作权集体管理条例,2005年3月1日起施行。 The State Council of China issued the Regulations on Collective Administration of Copyright, and it came into effect on March 1, 2005, based on Article 8 of the Copyright Law,
26、 which reads as follows: “The copyright owners and copyright-related right holders may authorize an organization for collective administration of copyright to exercise the copyright or any copyright-related right.”,著作权集体管理条例(续)Regulations on Collective Administration of Copyright (Cont.),著作权集体管理,是指著
27、作权集体管理组织经权利人授权,集中行使权利人的有关权利并以自己的名义进行的下列活动: The Regulations defines collective administration of copyright as the collective exercise of relevant rights of owners by an organization for collective administration of copyright in its own name, with the owners authorization for the following activities:
28、,与使用者订立著作权或者与著作权有关的权利许可使用合同 To conclude licensing contracts concerning copyright or rights related to copyright with users; 向使用者收取使用费 To collect licensing fees from users; 向权利人转付使用费 To distribute licensing fees among the owners; and进行涉及著作权或与著作权有关的权利的诉讼、仲裁等 To participate as a party in legal or arbit
29、ration proceedings concerning copyright or rights related to copyright .,著作权集体管理条例(续)Regulations on Collective Administration of Copyright (Cont.),著作权集体管理组织,是指为权利人的利益依法设立,根据权利人授权、对权利人的著作权或者与著作权有关的权利进行集体管理的社会团体。 According to Article 3 of the Regulations, “organization for collective administration of
30、 copyright (OCAC)” means a mass organization which is legally established for the benefit of right owners and which, with the owners authorization, collectively administers their copyright or rights related to copyright.,著作权集体管理条例(续)Regulations on Collective Administration of Copyright (Cont.),著作权法规
31、定的表演权、放映权、广播权、出租权、信息网络传播权、复制权等权利人自己难以有效行使的权利,可以由著作权集体管理组织进行集体管理。 Scope of Management: According to Article 4 of the Regulations, rights which are difficult for owners to effectively exercise on their own, such as those of performance, presentation, broadcasting, rental, communication through informa
32、tion networks, and reproduction, may be collectively administered by an OCAC.,著作权集体管理条例(续)Regulations on Collective Administration of Copyright (Cont.),著作权集体管理组织不得与使用者订立专有许可使用合同。 Licenses granted to users by OCACs are non-exclusive . This provision is directly related to the principle that OCACs sho
33、uld not discriminate users when granting licenses to them. 使用者以合理的条件要求与著作权集体管理组织订立许可使用合同,著作权集体管理组织不得拒绝。 An OCAC shall not refuse to conclude a licensing contract with a user.,著作权集体管理条例(续)Regulations on Collective Administration of Copyright (Cont.),著作权集体管理组织应当根据国务院著作权管理部门公告的使用费收取标准,与使用者约定收取使用费的具体数额。
34、 An OCAC shall, pursuant to the rates for collecting licensing fees published by National Copyright Administration of China (NCAC), agree with the user the exact amount of licensing fees.著作权集体管理组织可以从收取的使用费中提取一定比例作为管理费,用于维持其正常的业务活动。 著作权集体管理组织收取的使用费,在提取管理费后,应当全部转付给权利人,不得挪作他用。 OCAC shall distribute the
35、 remuneration collected to the copyright owners after a proportion of the administrative fee is used to maintain its normal operation.,著作权集体管理条例(续)Regulations on Collective Administration of Copyright (Cont.),中国大陆现有正式著作权集体管理组织只有一家(中国音乐著作权协会,1992年成立),目前正在筹备中国音像著作权协会、中国文字作品著作权协会两家集体管理组织,分别从事音乐作品、音像制品、
36、文字作品的著作权集体管理业务。 Since 1992 one organization for collective administration of copyright (OCAC) has been established in China, namely the Music Copyright Society of China (MCSC) dealing with collective administration of copyrights in musical works; two other organizations, the China Literary Works Cop
37、yright Society for collective administration of copyrights in literary works and the China Audio-Visual Products Copyright Society for collective administration of copyrights in audio-visual products are actually in the phase of preparation.,著作权集体管理条例(续)Regulations on Collective Administration of Co
38、pyright (Cont.),中国文字作品著作权协会(筹) 于2000年5月成立,但尚未经民政部批准。该协会的筹备工作由中国版权保护中心和中国作家协会权益保障委员会共同负责。协会管理的权利主要包括文字作品的法定许可报酬收转权、信息网络传播权、数字化复制权等。 The China Literary Works Copyright Society was set up in May 2000, but it has not yet been approved by the Ministry of Civil Affairs. The China Copyright Protection Cent
39、er and the Interests Protection Commission of the Literary Society of China are jointly responsible for preparing its establishment. Its administration field mainly covers the collection and distribution of remuneration for use of literary works under statutory licenses, as well as for the communica
40、tion through information networks, digital reproduction etc.,著作权集体管理条例(续)Regulations on Collective Administration of Copyright (Cont.),版权集体管理是把诸多作者和权利人不便行使的权利集中到一起行使,这不仅有利于权利人行使权利,也有利于使用者使用作品,更有利于公众获接触到作品,使全社会都从优秀的创作作品中获得好处。可以说,版权集体管理是版权市场机制中的重要一环。 Concretely speaking, the new legislation primarily
41、aims at three aspects: First, to facilitate copyright owners and owners of rights related to copyright to exercise their rights. That was one of the primary focuses when the provisions were concretely formulated. Second, to facilitate the use of works by users. That element specifically characterize
42、s collective management of copyright, generally known as one-stop-shop service.,数字图书馆解决版权问题的主要挑战 Challenges in copyright clearance in digital library development,中文图书资料的版权问题 Copyright status of Chinese literature:海内外公私收藏的中文古籍逾1000万册(有大量重复收藏情况)。另有大量的古代金石拓片、舆图、家谱、少数民族古籍。已过版权保护期。 The estimated total co
43、llections of Chinese ancient books in the libraries in China and other nations may be over 10 Million volumes with duplicates. There are large collections of ancient rubbings, pictures, atlas, stemmata, and minority literatures. These materials are out of copyright. 民国时期(1912年至1949年)文献,图书估计15万种、20万册
44、以上;期刊1万余种,约20万期。少部分还处于版权保护期。 During Minguo period (1912-1949), over 150 thousand titles of books and 10 thousand titles (over 200 thousand issues) of periodicals were published in China. Part of the literature may still be in the copyright protection duration.,数字图书馆解决版权问题的主要挑战(续) Challenges in copyr
45、ight clearance (Cont.),1950年至2002年,中国大陆出版图书约170万种,200余万册;出版期刊2万余种(现期期刊9600余种)。多数处于版权保护期。 During 1950-2002, over 1.7 million titles of books and 20 thousand titles of periodicals were published in Chinas Mainland. Most of the publications are in the copyright protection period.2003年之后,每年新出版图书10-13万种。
46、不少出版社在出版合同中包含信息网络传播权条款,因而在出版纸书的同时,可出版电子书。 Since 2003, 100-130 thousand titles of new books have been published yearly, and the newly published books may have both paper and electronic formats (born-digital).,数字图书馆解决版权问题的主要挑战(续) Challenges in copyright clearance (Cont.),1949年之前出版的大多数图书可以进行数字化并提供网络服务。
47、Most of the books published before 1949 are in the public domain and may be scanned and provided Web service. 2003年之后新出版的图书,出版社可同时出版纸书和电子书,因而无须再进行数字化转换。 Books published after 2003 may have both paper and electronic formats (born digital) , and need not be scanned.数字化解决版权问题的重点放在1950年至2002年之间出版的170余万种
48、图书。The priority of copyright clearance for digitization of Chinese books is focus on the 1.7 million of books published during 1950-2002.,数字图书馆解决版权问题的主要挑战(续) Challenges in copyright clearance (Cont.),按照现有的版权法规,图书馆可以对尚处于版权保护期的馆藏图书进行扫描和数字化,并可以在不获取经济利益的条件下,在馆舍内提供网络服务。According to the copyright law and
49、regulations, libraries in Chinas Mainland can scan and digitize their copyrighted collections, and put the digital items on the networks within their premises.对馆舍外的用户提供尚处于版权保护期的电子书的网络传播,需要获得权利人的许可授权。The libraries have to get the permission from the copyright holders if these digital materials may be accessed via networks outside their premises.,