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1、 2017 年 专升 本 入学测试模拟题 一、单选 1. This motorcycle is very good, but I dont think I can _ it. ( 2 分) A.pay B.spend C.afford D.cost .标准答案: C 2. InChina, every boy and girl _ a right to education. ( 2 分) A.have B.has C.will have D.had .标准答案: B 3. The situation is quite serious and will become even worse unl

2、ess some measures _. ( 2 分) A.had been taken B.will be taken C.were taken D.are taken .标准答案: D 4. This street is usually quiet, but it will get very busy _ Sunday mornings. ( 2 分) A.on B.in C.at D.during .标准答案: A 5. Dont forget the fact _ he was not at home that night. ( 2 分) A.why B.which C.that D.

3、whether .标准答案: C 6. The two players had been warned of the danger, but _ of them seemed to take it seriously. ( 2 分) A.both B.neither C.any D.either .标准答案: B 7. We went to see the play last night and got a lot of _ from it. ( 2 分) A.content B.interest C.spirit D.fun .标准答案: D 8. The new railway is pl

4、anned _ by the end of 2005. ( 2 分) A.to have completed B.to be completed C.to be completing D.to complete .标准答案: B 9. Its so noisy upstairs. What are they doing? They _ be having a party. ( 2 分) A.could B.should C.would D.must .标准答案: D 10. Dr Wilmot _ the newspaper before he leaves for work every da

5、y. ( 2 分) A.looks into B.stares at C.watches for D.glances through .标准答案: D 11. It was on August 15, 1945 _ the Chinese people won the final victory in the Anti-Japanese War. ( 2 分) A.that B.which C.until D.while .标准答案: A 12. For a long time after the operation, Linda found _ difficult to fall aslee

6、p. ( 2 分) A.this B.one C.that D.it .标准答案: D 13. Tom has worked so hard this year that he will earn _ he did last year. ( 2 分) A.twice as much money as B.as much money as twice C.twice money as much as D.as twice much money as .标准答案: A 14. Who is the person _ with our monitor over there? Our new math

7、s teacher. ( 2 分) A.talked B.to talk C.talking D.talks .标准答案: C 15. Although he _ those days, Mr Black never gave up hope. ( 2 分) A.treated unfairly B.was unfairly treated C.has unfairly treated D.has been unfairly treated .标准答案: B 16. So little _ about European history that the lecture was quite be

8、yond me. ( 2 分) A.did I know B.I knew C.do I know D.I know .标准答案: A 17. On our way to Washington D. C. we visited the Browns, _ used to be our neighbor. ( 2 分) A.whom B.which C.who D.that .标准答案: C 18. My roommate said that he didnt mind _ the window open at right. ( 1 分) A.keep B.keeping C.to keep D

9、.having kept .标准答案: B 19. Father is busy writing postcards this morning and _ ten so far. ( 2 分) A.wrote B.was writing C.has written D.has been writing .标准答案: C 20. Have you been to the little village _ your father spent his childhood? ( 2 分) A.that B.where C.which D.when .标准答案: B 21. Hello, can I s

10、peak to George? Hold on, please. George, _. ( 2 分) A.your friends call B.someone is looking for you C.a message for you D.you are wanted on the phone .标准答案: D 22. Speak louder, _ you wont make yourself heard in such a big room. ( 2 分) A.but B.and C.or D.for .标准答案: C 23. With all his homework _, the

11、boy was allowed to watch TV. ( 2 分) A.to finish B.finished C.to be finished D.having finished .标准答案: B 24. Shall we go to the cinema tonight? _, but my hands are full. ( 2 分) A.Id love to B.Id love the idea C.Id love it D.Id love to do .标准答案: A 25. _ will he finish writing his new novel? In a couple

12、 of weeks, I think. ( 2 分) A.How fast B.How soon C.How often D.How long .标准答案: B 26. If the doctor had come at once, the child _. ( 2 分) A.would not die B.could not die C.would have not died D.would not have died .标准答案: D 27. I cant understand why Mrs Smith avoids _ the party. ( 2 分) A.to attend B.t

13、hat she attends C.attending D.being attended .标准答案: C 28. Her answer is not acceptable, and _. ( 2 分) A.neither am I B.neither is mine C.either is mine D.mine is either .标准答案: B 29. The more we looked at the picture, _. ( 2 分) A.the less we liked it B.better we liked it C.we liked it less D.it looke

14、d better .标准答案: A 30. We grow all our fruit and vegetables, _ saves money, of course. ( 2 分) A.what B.as C.that D.which .标准答案: D 31. The population of the world is growing _ a dangerous rate. ( 2 分) A.on B.in C.at D.above .标准答案: C 32. What he did was _ with what he said. ( 2 分) A.consistent B.releva

15、nt C.constant D.continuous .标准答案: A 33. She has nothing to do with the murder case. She is not _it. ( 2 分) A.content with B.involved in C.engaged in D.combined with .标准答案: B 34. The wordtyphoon_ from Chinese. ( 2 分) A.derives B.benefits C.generates D.differs .标准答案: A 35. If you dont give up smoking,

16、 youll _ your health. ( 2 分) A.minimize B.protect C.harm D.emphasize .标准答案: C 36. I still cant _ why he has chosen that university to continue his study. ( 2 分) A.reason with B.figure out C.stick with D.turn out .标准答案: B 37. I would like to take this opportunity to express my _ for your help. ( 2 分)

17、 A.emotion B.hospitality C.appreciation D.sentiment .标准答案: C 38. Sometimes you have to stand _ what you believe to be right. ( 2 分) A.out for B.up for C.up to D.by for .标准答案: B 39. It was a very _ argument and they were shouting at each other. ( 2 分) A.roaring B.boiling C.warmed D.heated .标准答案: D 40

18、. _ the growing fears about home security, more people are arranging for someone to stay in their home when theyre away. ( 2 分) A.In accordance with B.As a result of C.For the sake of D.In terms of .标准答案: B 41. Physics is the present-day equivalent of _ used to be called natural philosophy, from whi

19、ch most of present-day science arose. ( 2 分) A.what B.all C.that D.which .标准答案: A 42. The family intended to visit the new museum _ the weather got worse. ( 2 分) A.lest B.provided C.unless D.until .标准答案: C 43. Can you imagine _ last Sunday when we had a picnic? ( 2 分) A.what did we have awful weathe

20、r B.what awful weather did we have C.what awful weather had we had D.what awful weather we had .标准答案: D 44. _ is known to most teachers, learning can take place only when someone has a motivation. ( 2 分) A.As B.That C.Which D.It .标准答案: A 45. _ with whom we have come into contact in various contexts.

21、 ( 2 分) A.Here comes the professor B.Here the professor comes C.The professor comes here D.The professor here comes .标准答案: A 46. Under no circumstances _ betray our friends for personal benefit. ( 2 分) A.did we B.we should C.should we D.we could .标准答案: C 47. It is said that no city _New Yorkattracts

22、 so many people of different cultures. ( 2 分) A.other than B.better than C.more than D.rather than .标准答案: A 48. With such a poor score in the entrance exam, its _ impossible for him to be admitted to this university. ( 2 分) A.roughly B.absolutely C.fully D.exclusively .标准答案: B 49. A formal dress is

23、_ to a casual one for such an occasion. ( 2 分) A.suitable B.favorable C.fashionable D.preferable .标准答案: D 50. The book is reserved to _ comes first. ( 2 分) A.whoever B.whomever C.whom D.who .标准答案: A 51. He is not so much _ help as I thought he would be. ( 1 分) A.of B.in C.like D.as .标准答案: A 52. As t

24、hey havent a child of their own, theyre going to _ a little girl. ( 1 分) A.accept B.receive C.adapt D.adopt .标准答案: D 53. It is a great surprise to me _ father changed his mind so soon. ( 1 分) A.why B.when C.that D.as .标准答案: C 54. He sent her a letter _ he said that he was sorry for what he had done

25、to her. ( 1 分) A.which B.that C.in which D.whom .标准答案: C 55. Culture and art are added _ our teaching to develop the childrens imagination. ( 1 分) A.to B.by C.for D.against .标准答案: A 56. Some English proverbs are native _Britain, for example, It never rains but it pours, a reference to the joys of th

26、e British weather! ( 1 分) A.in B.of C.to D.for .标准答案: C 57. The student has seen being physically fit as an end _ the means we know it to be. ( 1 分) A.rather than B.other than C.not D.but .标准答案: A 58. Sociable people, _ like to be with others, like red. ( 1 分) A.who B.those C.those who D.who those .

27、标准答案: A 59. People say it is a cheerful and _ color. ( 1 分) A.lively B.alive C.live D.lived .标准答案: A 60. When someone is saying _ which he agrees, the average European will smile and nod approval. ( 1 分) A.something B.anything C.with D.in .标准答案: A 61. Our time is _. ( 1 分) A.taking up B.sorting out

28、C.carrying out D.running out .标准答案: A 62. In the light _ what you told me I shall act in a different way. ( 1 分) A.with B.of C.for D.on .标准答案: C 63. She came up _ a new idea for increasing sales. ( 1 分) A.with B.out C.to D.of .标准答案: B 64. Our efforts resulted _ success. ( 1 分) A.from B.on C.in D.by

29、.标准答案: D 65. Hard work can _ for a lack of intelligence. ( 1 分) A.build up B.come up C.make up D.split up .标准答案: A 66. She was born and _ inEngland. ( 1 分) A.gave up B.looked up C.brought up D.got up .标准答案: C 67. _ the light rain, he football match will begin in ten minutes. ( 1 分) A.In spite B.Beca

30、use C.Provided D.Despite .标准答案: D 68. There are several characteristics of the book _ attention. ( 1 分) A.worth while B.worth of C.worthy D.worthy of .标准答案: D 69. I suggested _ once again. ( 1 分) A.her to tried B.she try C.her try D.her trying .标准答案: D 70. Only when you have acquired a good knowledg

31、e of grammar _ write correctly. ( 1 分) A.you will B.you can C.can you D.you cant .标准答案: C 71. Simple language and clear style are _ his writing. ( 1 分) A.character with B.characteristic with C.characteristic of D.characterized .标准答案: C 72. Much _ I like you. I will not marry you. ( 1 分) A.as B.that

32、C.which D.since .标准答案: A 73. He insisted that his daughter _. ( 1 分) A.comes B.come C.came D.must come .标准答案: B 74. Were I to meet him tomorrow, I _ him about it. ( 1 分) A.will ask B.should have asked C.ask D.asked .标准答案: C 75. Not until he finished his article _ that he hadnt had his supper. ( 1 分)

33、 A.did he realize B.realized he C.he realized D.he did realize .标准答案: A 76. His speech, _ bored everyone, went on and on. ( 1 分) A.that B.what C.which D.when .标准答案: B 77. Small _ they are, atoms are made of still smaller units. ( 1 分) A.as B.while C.what D.where .标准 答案: A 78. His suggestion was that

34、 everyone _ a map. ( 1 分) A.has B.had C.having D.have .标准答案: A 79. It was on a rainy day _ I first went toNew York. ( 1 分) A.that B.when C.which D.while .标准答案: A 80. The girl as well as the boys _ to drive a car. ( 1 分) A.have learned B.has learned C.had learned D.learned .标准答案: B 81. We loved_LakeG

35、enevaespecially in the fall. ( 1 分) A.a B.an C.the D. .标准答案: D 82. There is truth in the old saying _ necessity is the mother of invention. ( 1 分) A.that B.when C.what D.as .标准答案: A 83. It was at Christmas _ John gave Mary a handbag. ( 1 分) A.which B.when C.that D.who .标准答案: C 84. People often ident

36、ify an advertisement _ the product. ( 1 分) A.with B.of C.from D.up .标准答案: A 85. Your composition is good _ a few spelling mistakes. ( 1 分) A.except B.except for C.beside D.besides .标准答案: B 86. There are _ twelve months in a year. ( 1 分) A.wholly B.completely C.exactly D.partly .标准答案: C 87. Hes not my friend. Hes _ but a stranger. ( 1 分) A.anything B.nothing C.exactly D.partly .标


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