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1、“UCP600 和 ISP98 在进出口交易中的 具体运用 ” 附件 1: CIF合同样本 CONTRACT 合 同 Contract No.: 合同号: Date: 日期: 年 月 日 Place: 地点: The Buyer: SINOCHEM International Tendering Co., Ltd. 买方 :中化国际招标有限责任公司 Legal Address: SINOCHEM Tower, A2, Fuxingmenwai Dajie, Beijing 100045, P.R.China 法定地址: 中国北京复兴门外大街 A2 号中化大厦。 Post Code: 10004

2、5 邮政编码: 100045 Tel: 0086-10- Fax: 0086-10-88079738 电话: 0086-10- 传真: 0086-10-88079738 E-mail: 电子信箱: The Seller: 卖方: Legal Address: 法定地址: Tel: Fax: 电话: 传真: E-mail: 电子信箱: This Contract is made by and between the Buyers and Sellers; whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to sell the under

3、 mentioned commodity (hereinafter referred to as “Goods”) according to the following terms and conditions: 本合同由买方和卖方订立,根据下述条款和条件,买方同意购买并且卖方同意出售下列商品(以下简称 “ 货物 ” ): 1. No. Commodity and Specification Unit 单位 Quantity Unit Price 单价 Total Amount 总价 货物名称及规格 数量 (Detail as per appendix) (详见附件) Set 台 Total

4、Amount CIF (Packing Charges Included) . 合同总价 CIF 中国 港口(含包装费用) Total Value: say only. 合同总价 : 2. COUNTRY OF ORIGIN AND MANUFACTURERS: 制造商与产地: 3. PACKING: 包装: The Goods shall be packed in strong wooden cases, and/or put in the container(s) (FCL) and shall be packed to prevent damage from dampness, rust

5、, corrosion, moisture and shock etc., and shall be suitable for: 货物将用坚固的木箱包装 ,和 /或放入集装箱(整箱)的货物须防损、防锈、防腐、防潮、防 震,适合于: Ocean transportation. 海运。 Air transportation. 空运。 In case of the wooden case packaging, the cortex shall have been removed and the Seller is obliged to submit to the Buyer together wit

6、h the shipping documents, a plant quarantine certificate issued by (the competent government quarantine authority of the export country) proving that heat treatment or fumigation treatment has been carried out. 如使用木质包装箱,不得带树皮。卖方在向买方提供运输单据时有责任向买方同时提供一 份由出口国官方检疫部门出具的植物检疫证书证明 已经经过热处理或熏蒸处理。 In case of t

7、he wooden case packaging, the package shall be conspicuously marked with the treatment measure, place, and name or code of the institution that carried out the treatment. 如使用木质包装箱,在明显处须有标记,在标记上须注明除害处理的方法、地点和实施除 害处理的机构名 称或其机构信息代码。 In case of the non-wooden case packaging, the Seller is obliged to sub

8、mit to the Buyer a written statement proving that non-wooden materials were used. 如使用非木质包装箱,卖方应向买方出具无木质包装声明。 The above-mentioned certificate or statement shall be submitted by the Seller to the Buyer immediately after the goods have been delivered on board of the vessel/flight. If the Seller fails t

9、o present or presents the said certificate or statement in delay, the Seller shall compensate all the costs, expenses and losses of the Buyer thus incurred. 上述植物检疫证书或无木质包装声明须在货物装上船只或飞机上后,由卖方立即向买方提 供。如果由于卖方不能提供或延迟提供这些文件,卖方将承担买方因此负担的所有费用及 损失。 The Seller shall be liable for any damage and loss of the G

10、oods attributable to inadequate of improper packing. One full set of service and operation instructions concerned and relevant detailed pocking lists shall be enclosed in the case(s). 卖方将负担由于包装不良而造成的损失。一套完整的维护和操作手册及相关的详细装箱单将 应置于箱中。 4. SHIPPING MARK: 唛头: (1) The Seller shall mark on each package with

11、 fadeless paint in English the package number, gross weight, net weight, measurement ( L x W x H ), and the wording: ”HANDLE WITH CARE”, “THIS SIDE UP”, etc., when necessary, and the shipping mark: 卖方应在每件包装上,用不褪色油墨以英文标刷件号、毛重、净重、尺码 (长 宽 高 )以及 “ 小心轻放 ” 、 “此端向上 ” 等字样,并刷有下列唛头: contract number (port of d

12、estination), China (2) Label(s) containing the contents of Article 4(1) shall be attached to a conspicuous place of the unpacked Goods. 对于未包装货物,包含 4(1)条款中内容的标签应置于货物的显著位置。 5. TERMS OF DELIVERY: 交货条款: (1) Time of Shipment:. 装运时间: (2) Port of Shipment: 装运口岸: (3) Port of Destination: 到货口岸: (4) The Selle

13、r shall within the time specified in Article 5(1) hereof effect the shipment of the Goods at the port of shipment. Transshipment and partial shipment are not allowed. The Goods shall not be carried by a vessel flying the flag of the country which the Buyer can not accept and the age of vessel should

14、 not exceed 15 years. 卖方将按 5(1)条款规定的时间在装运港装运。不允许转运及分批交货。合同货物不能装在悬挂买方不能接受的国旗的船只上。船龄不能超过 15 年。 (5) The issuing date of Bill of Lading (or the issuing date of Airway Bill as the case may be) shall be taken as the actual date of delivery of the Goods. 提单签发日 (或空运单签发日 )将作为货物的交付日期。 6. INSURANCE: 保险: To be

15、effected by the Seller for 110% of the invoice value against All Risks and War Risk showing claims payable in China in currency of the draft. 由卖方投保为发票金额 110%的一切险及战争险,在中国赔付。 7. TERMS OF PAYMENT: 付款条件: A 10% of the total Contract value as the advance payment shall be paid by the Buyer to the Seller af

16、ter the Contract come into force and after the Buyer receives the following documents from the seller through the advising bank: 买方在合同生效后并通过通知银行收到如下预付款单据后向卖方支付合同总额 10的预付款: 1) Commercial Invoice in 3 original and 3 copies indicating the shipping marks and Contract number; 标明合同号和唛头的发票正本 3 份、副本 3 份; 2)

17、 An Irrevocable Letter of Guarantee for advance payment issued by the Sellers first calss bank acceptable to the Buyer (as per specimen form in Appendix A) in 1 original and 1 copy. 由买方可接受的卖方一流银行出具的不可撤消预付款保函正本 1 份、副本 1 份(格式详见附件 A); 3) Export Certificate in 1 original and 1 copy issued by Sellers gov

18、ernmental authorities; 卖方政府部门出具的允许出口证明正本 1 份、副本 1 份; 4) Draft drawn at sight in 1 original and 2 copies. 即期汇票正本 1 份、副本 2 份。 B 90% of the total Contract value shall be paid by the Irrevocable Letter of Credit which shall be opened 60 days prior to the date of shipment, in favour of the Seller. The Se

19、ller shall submit the following documents to the negotiating bank for 80% of the total Contract value: 90的合同款通过信用证向卖方支付。该信用证在交货前 60 天开出收益人为卖方。买方在卖方交货后在信用证下支付合同价的 80 。卖方须向议付行提供下列单据: 1) Full set (3 originals and 3 non-negotiable copies) of clean on board ocean Bills of Lading made out to order and bla

20、nk endorsed marked “Freight Prepaid” notifying SINOCHEN International Tendering Co., Ltd. 全套标明 “ 运费已付 ” 的空白背书的清洁海运提单正本 3 份、副本 3份,通知方为中化国际招标有限责任公司; 2) Manually signed commercial Invoice in 3 originals and 3 copies indicating shipping mark, the L/C No. and Contract No. 商业发票正本 3 份、副本 3 份,并应根据合同规定注明唛头、信

21、用证号和合同号等内容; 3) Packing List in 3 original and 3 copies. 装箱单正本 3 份、副本 3 份; 4) Certificate of quality and Quantity Certificate in 2 originals and 2 copies issued by manufacturers and manually signed. 制造商出具的数量和质量证明,正本 2 份、副本 2 份; 5) Detailed workshop inspection certificate in 1 original and 4 copies is

22、sued by the manufacturer or stipulated inspection authorities. 制造厂家或指定的检验机构出具的详细的工厂检验报告,正本 1 份、副本 4 份; 6) Insurance Policy or Certificate in 1 original and 2 copies covering 110% of the Invoice Value against All Risks and War Risk with the Buyer as the beneficiary showing claims payable in China in

23、currency of the draft. 投保一切险及战争险的金额为发票金额 110%的以买方为收益人的保险单,正本 1 份、副本 2 份 , 在中 国赔付; 7) The copy of fax to the Buyer advising particulars of shipment immediately after shipment is made. 装船后卖方立即通知买方的传真的复印件; 8) Certificate of country of origin in 1 original and 4 copies. 原产地证明书,正本 1 份、副本 2 份; 9) 1 origin

24、al and 2 copies of plant quarantine certificate issued by the competent government quarantine authority of the export country proving that heat treatment or fumigation treatment has been carried out on the wooden case package; or 1 original and 2 copied of written statement issued by the Seller prov

25、ing that the non-wooden materials were used. 由出口国官方检疫部门出具的植物检疫证明书正本 1 份,副本 2 份,证明已对木质包装箱进行过热处理或熏蒸处理;或 由卖方出具的 “ 无木质包装声明 ” 正本一份,副本 2 份。 10) Pre-Acceptance Certificate in 1 original signed by the End-user and Seller. 由最终用户和卖方签署的预验收证明 1 份; 11) Draft drawn at sight in 1 original and 2 copies. 卖方出具的即期汇票正本

26、 1 份、副本 2 份。 C 10% of the total Contract value shall be paid after the acceptance of the goods. The Seller shall submit the following documents to the negotiating bank for 10% of the total Contract value: 买方在货物验收后在信用证下支付合同价的 10。卖方须向议付行提供下列单据: 1) Manually signed commercial Invoice in 3 originals and

27、3 copies indicating shipping mark, the L/C No. and Contract No.; 标明唛头、信用证号和合同号的发票正本 3 份、副本 3 份; 2) Acceptance Certificate of the goods in 1 original and 2 copies signed by the End-user and the Seller. 由最终用户和卖方出具的货物验收证明正本 1 份、副本 2 份 ; 3) An Irrevocable Letter of Guarantee for Warranty Obligations iss

28、ued by the Sellers first class bank acceptable to the Buyer.(as per specimen form in Appendix B ) in 1 original an 1 copy. 由买方可接受的卖方一流银行出具的不可撤消的质量期保函正本 1份、副本 1 份(格式详见附件 B); 4) Draft drawn at sight in 1 original and 2 copies. 即期汇票正本 1 份、副本 2 份。 Banking Charges: 银行费用 : The Buyer shall bear all banking

29、 charges incurred in China, and all banking charges incurred outside China shall be borne by the Seller, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties. 除非买卖双方协商同意,买方将负担在中国境内发生的费用,中国以外发生的银行费用将由 卖方负担。 8. DOCUMENTS: 单据: The documents of shipping are stipulated in sub-clause B of Clause 7 of this Contract. 运输单

30、据在本合同第 7 款 B 条中列明。 In case the commodity delivered from Asian seaport (e.g. Japanese seaport, Korean seaport, HongKong seaport etc.,) the Seller shall within 2 days after shipment, send by express mail 1/3 of full set of negotiable shipping documents stipulated in sub-clause B of Clause 7 of this Co

31、ntract to the Buyer. Should the Seller fail to do so, the Seller shall bear all the expenses and the penalty incurred from delay of the Customs declaration due to that the aforesaid documents are not available at the time the goods arrive at the port of destination. 如货物启运港为亚洲港口(如:日本的港口、韩国的港口或香港等)卖方须

32、在发运后 2 天内 ,以快递的方式将本合同第 7 款 B 条中列明的议付单据三套中的一整套寄给买方。如卖方未按 此办理,则卖方将承担由于货到港而单据未到所造成的买方付给海关的滞报金。 9. SHIPPING ADVICE: 装运通知: In case of ocean transportation: 海运的情况下: Within 48 (forty eight) hours after each shipment the Seller shall advise the Buyer by fax of the contract number, name of commodity, quantit

33、y, invoice value, number of packages, total weight and volume, date and number of bill of lading, name of the carrying vessel and date of sailing, etc. 卖方在每次发货后 48 小时内,将以传真方式通知买方合同号 、品名、数量、发票金额、包装箱数量、总重量、总体积、提单日、提单号、船只及启航日期等。 In case of air transportation: 空运的情况下: Within 48 (forty eight) hours after

34、 each shipment the Seller shall advise the Buyer by fax of the contract number, name of commodity, quantity, invoice value, number of packages, total weight and volume, date and number of Airway Bill. 卖方在每次发货后 48 小时内,将以传真方式通知买方合同号、品名、数量、发票金额、包装箱数量、总重量、总体积、空运单日期及号码。 10. WARRANTY: 保证: The Seller guara

35、ntees that the Goods hereof are made of the best material with first class workmanship, brand new and unused, and comply in all respects with the quality, specification and performance stipulated in this Contract. The warranty period shall be 12 months counting from the date on which the final accep

36、tance certificate signed by the End- user and the Seller, but not later than 18 months after the date of bill of lading if the final acceptance delayed only due to the End-users reason. 卖方保证合同货物为采用一流的工艺由最好的材料制成。合同商品是全新的、未使用的,并 在各方面均符合合同规定的质量标准及规格。质量保证期为最终用户与卖方签订合同货物最 终验收协议日后的 12 个月,但最迟不迟于提单日后的 18 个月

37、(如果仅由于最终用户的原因 导致最终验收推迟)。 11. DISCREPANCY AND CLAIMS: 差异与索赔: (1) Discrepancy on Quantity and Specification 在数量及规格上的差异 A. In case of quantity and specification discrepancy, claims should be lodged by the Buyer within 90 days after the arrival of the Goods at the port of destination supported by an Ins

38、pection Certificate issued by The Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau of the Peoples Republic of China. 如果在数量及规格方面出现差异,买方将在货到目的港后 90 天内以中华人民共和国出入境检验检疫局出具的检验证书提出索赔。 B. Should the Seller be liable for the aforesaid discrepancy, the Seller shall supplement the short-delivered Goods to the End-u

39、sers work site or make replacement within the period agreed upon by the Seller and the Buyer, and bear all expenses (before short-delivered goods and replaced goods arrival at End-users work site) for making such supplement or replacement. 如果卖方对以上差异负有责任,卖方将在买卖双方商定的期限内负责补发短缺货物或进行更换并承担补发或更换的费用 (在补发短缺货

40、物或更换货物到达最终用户工厂前发生的 )。 (2) Discrepancy on Quality 在质量上的差异 A. If the Goods are found defective within the warranty period as specified in Article 10 of this Contract, the Buyer shall notify the Seller in writing of such defects supported by an Inspection Report issued by The Entry-Exit Inspection and

41、Quarantine Bureau of the Peoples Republic of China or its branch in Jiangsu Province. 如果发现货物在本合同条款 10 规定的质量保证期内有缺陷,买方将以中华人民共和国出入境检验检疫局或其在江苏的机构出具的检验报告向卖方提出书面通知。 B. Should the Seller be liable for the defects according to the provisions of the warranty, the Seller shall, within the period agreed upon

42、by the Seller and the Buyer, at the buyers option, settle the claim in one or a combination of the following ways: 如果根据保证条款的规定卖方对出现的缺陷负有责任,卖方将在买卖双方商定的期限内 ,依买方的选择,以以下一种或几种联合的方式解决问题: a. The Seller shall, at its own cost and expenses, repair the defective Goods. 卖方将自行负责费用修理有缺陷的货物。 b. The Seller shall,

43、at its own cost and expenses, replace the defective Goods with new ones which conform to the quality, specification and performance as specified in this Contract. The warranty stipulated in Article 10 shall be applicable to the replaced Goods. 卖方将自行负担费用并根据合同规定的质量、规格和性能以新的更换有缺陷的货 物。条款 10 规定的保证条款将适用于更

44、换的货物。 c. The Seller shall devalue the Goods according to the degree of inferiority or extent of damage as agreed between the Seller and the Buyer. After the devaluation the Seller shall be released from its liabilities under the aforesaid warranty. 卖方将根据买卖双方同意认定的货物损坏的状况、程度、降低货物价值 .降价后,卖方将被解除保证责任。 (3

45、) In case the Seller fails to reply within 7 days after the receipt of notice of the Buyers claim, the said claim shall be regarded as having been accepted by the Seller. 如果卖方未能在收到买方的索赔通知后 7 日之内予以答复,该索赔将已被视为被卖方接受。 (4) In the event that the Buyer does not make such a claim within the time limit set f

46、orth in Article 11(1)A and Article 11(2)A, the Buyer shall forfeit its right to make any claim with respect to discrepancy on quantity, specification or quality. 如果买方未能在条款 11(1)A 和 11(2)A 规定的期限内提出索赔,买方将丧失对数量、规格及质量方面的差异的索赔权。 12. LATE DELIVERY AND PENALTY: 货物迟交及罚款: Should the Seller fail to make deliv

47、ery on time as stipulated in the Contract, with the exception of Force Majeure causes specified in Article 13 of this Contract, the Buyer shall agree to postpone the delivery on condition that the Seller agrees to pay a penalty which shall be deducted by the paying bank from the payment. The penalty

48、, however, shall not exceed 5% of the total value of the goods involved in the late delivery. The rate of penalty is charged at 0.5% for every seven days, odd days less than seven days should be counted as seven days. In case the Seller fails to make delivery ten weeks after the time of shipment stipulated in the Contract, the Buyer shall have the right to terminate the Contract and the Seller, in spite of the termination, shall still pay the aforesaid penalty to the Buyer without delay. 若卖方未能按合同规定的时间按时发


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