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1、 1 TEACHINF NOTES TEACHER: 杨 华 华 _ CLASS: Class 4 country, color, content, character End rhyme: 尾韵 ring, sing, song, 2. Make students enjoy a famous poem. Meanwhile, ask them to find out the alliteration and end rhyme in this poem. O, my love is like a red, red rose 啊 , 我的爱人,你就像一朵红红的玫瑰, Thats newly

2、sprung in June; 在六月里新近绽放; O, my love is like the melody, 啊 , 我的爱人,你就像一支美妙的乐曲, Thats sweetly played in tune. 甜美的曲调婉转悠扬。 STAGE 3 IMITATION (10MIN) 1. (Imitation) Listen to the speech “I Have A Dream” and imitate the speaker. After the speech, several of students will be invited to give the whole class

3、 performances. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.“ 我梦想有一天,这个国家将会奋起,实现其立国信条的真谛: “我们认为这些真理不言而喻:人人生而平等。 ” I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the

4、sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood. 我梦想有一天,在佐治亚州的红色山岗上,昔日 奴隶的儿子能够同昔日奴隶主的儿子同席而坐,亲如手足。 I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin

5、 but by the content of their character. I have a dream today ! 我梦想有一天,我的四个孩子将生活在一个不是以皮肤的颜色,而是以品格的 优劣作为评判标准的国家里。 我今天怀有一个梦。 STAGE 4 ENJOYING THE SONG “HERO” (5MIN) 1. Enjoy the song “ Hero” and pay our respect to all the freedom fighters in the world. Ask students to remember that everyone can be a he

6、ro if they arent afraid of troubles and always believe in themselves, just like the song says “You dont have to be afraid of what you are. Look inside you and be strong. And youll finally see the truth that a hero lies in you.” 3 PERIOD TWO forbidden) vt. 禁止;不准 禁止或不准某人(进入或使用) His wife forbids him wi

7、ne. He didnt like his daughters boyfriend, and forbade him the house. He forbade me his car. (=He forbade me to use his car.) . + 动名词 (可以有逻辑主语) The manager forbids smoking during office hours. My father forbade my watching TV. . + sb to do sth 禁止某人做某事 We forbid people to smoke here. (People are forb

8、idden to smoke here.) 18.vote . vote for/against sb/sth 投票赞成或反对 Did you vote for/against her? . vote on sth 就投票表决 We will vote on this question. . vote to do sth 投票去做 They vote to accept the proposal yesterday.(投票后的结果 ) . vote that should 建议 19. fight for They are fighting for freedom. fight against

9、 /with He fought against cancer and lived to be eighty years old. 20. set an example to 树立榜样 I rely on you to set a good example to the workers. He arrived at the office early, to set an example to the others. . follow /copy the example of 学习 的榜样;照的样子 His politeness is a good example for others to f

10、ollow. Ill show you how to hit the ball and then you must follow/copy my example. 21.the same + n + as-clause He made the same mistake as I made yesterday. I live in the same flat as Tom does. 22 as sb wish /like/please 23. demand . 可数或不可数名词 对 的需求 + for There is a great / much demand for teachers in

11、 this town. The workers demand for higher wages seems reasonable. . vt. + to do sth (不接动名词 ) She demanded to see the manager. . + that-clause (用 should 加动词原形的虚拟语气,其中 should 可以省略 ) I demand that you (should) go there at once. 9 He demanded that we (should) tell him everything. . demand of sb to do st

12、h 要求某人做某事(不用 demand sb to do sth) He demanded of us to tell him everything. in demand (具有形容词性质,主要用作表语,有时用作后置定语 ) Newly-published novels are always in great demand. Special attention should be paid to the things always in demand by the public. 24. arrest vt. arrest sb for sth A man was arrested for r

13、obbery. 25. boycott n. (refuse to buy, use, or take part in sth as a way of protacting) a boycott of Japanese goods v. We are asking people to boycott goods from Japanese companies. boycott classes 罢课 26. non-violent demonstrations nonsense 胡说 nonstop adj. 不停的 27 inspire Vt. inspires sb to do sth 鼓励

14、某人做某事 They inspired me to try again. The father inspired the son to be brave. 28 receive & accept Kate received an expensive gift from Tom, but she didnt accept it. 29 regardless . adj. 不留心的;不注意的;不关心的 He crashed my pen with regardless tread.(他不留心踩坏了我的钢笔) . adv. 不顾一切地;无论如何 Everything has been done re

15、gardless. . regardless of 不注意;不关心;不顾 He walked to school regardless of wind or rain. You shouldnt have done it regardless of consequences. PART TWO 1.获得诺贝尔和平奖 receive the Nobel Peace Price 2.把 投入监狱 put into prison 3.自由战士 freedom fighter 4.动摇国家的基 shake the foundations of the nation 5.根据肤色判断 judge by

16、the color of their skin 6. 根据 性格 的 内涵 by the content of their character 7.像兄弟姐妹般一起散步 walk together as brothers and sisters 8.当农民 work as a farmer 9.与 交朋友 make friends with 10.禁止人们帮助逃跑的奴隶 forbid people to help run away slaves 11.加入行动小组 join an action group 12.在内战中参战 fight in the Civil War 13.积极从事女权运动

17、 be active in the womens rights movement 14.黑人女孩不能嫁给白人男孩 black girls could not marry white boys 15.民权法案 the Civil Rights Act 16.给 发表演说 give a speech to sb 17.向华盛顿特区进军 march on Washington D.C. 18.使他们闻名全世界 make him famous all over the world 19.黑人受到不平等的待遇 blacks are not treated as equal citizens 20.奴隶制

18、在美国结 slavery ended in the USA 10 21.为黑人的政治权利而战 fight for political rights for black people 22.为 树立榜样 set an example to sb 23.应当像其他人一样受到尊敬 be treated with respect in the same way as other people 24.获得奖学金 win a scholarship 25.给他以 机会 give him the chance to do 26.可以如愿的自由生活 be free to live, and work as t

19、hey wished 27.要求社会改革 demand changes in society 28.通过和 平手段达到目的 achieve that goal by peaceful actions 29.在白人区坐下来 sit down in the White-only section 30.拒绝为白人让座 refuse to stand up for a white man 31. 领导公交公司进行联合抵制 lead a boycott of the bus company 32.把黑人和白人分开是错误的 it was wrong to separate blacks from whit

20、es 33.金打赢了 这场官司使他受到全国人民的重视 Winning this case gave King national attention 34.领导反种族歧视的非暴力游行 lead many non-violent demonstrations against racial discrimination 35.黑人就粘机会很少 few jobs for blacks 36.激励各种族人为平等而战 inspire people of all races to fight for equality 37.有选举权 have the right to vote 38.随意表达我们想说的 b

21、e free to say whatever we want 39.任何的时候 of all times 40.选择自由信仰的权利 in their choice of which god to believe in 41.法国大革命 the French Revolution 42.美独立战争 the American War of Independence 43.国际女权运动 the international movements for the rights of women 44.在现代 in modern times 45.同偏见作斗争 fight against prejudice

22、 46.有共同之处 have in common 47.老百姓 he common people 48.要求受尊重 ask to be treated with respect 49.不理会种族、宗教和性别 regardless of race , religion or sex 50.为他们自己代言 have a voice to speak for themselves 51.要求黑人有更好的居住条件 want better housing conditions for black people 52.不止一个家庭 more than one family 53.提出新观点的好方法 a good way to come up with new ideas 54.使读者吃惊 surprise your readers 55.较开放地谈论话题 approach every topic with an open mind 56.作为平等公民对待 treat as equal citizens 57.被警察逮捕 be arrested by the police 58.生来就是奴隶 be born as a slave 59.携手 join hands 60.乍一看 at first sight


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