鲜的每日C夏季促销策划内容摘要:本策划通过对饮料市场、果汁饮料市场以及每日C销售状况的分析,制定了每日C在重庆市场的促销目标。为达到这一目的,我们举行了重庆首届维C健康小姐大赛以扩大知名度;与经销商结成命运共同体以及认真耕作终端。以此同时,还运用广告、人员推销、公共关系以及成立会员俱乐部等手段来配合。最终达到进一步宣传每日C的“健康、时尚”定位和培育顾客品牌忠诚度的目的。关键词:每日C、健康时尚、经销商、终端Content summary: This plan that analyses the beverage market, the fruit drink market and the condition of sales of Meiri C, have made promotion goal on the market in Chong Qing of Meiri. C For achieving this purpose, we hold the first Chong Qing young lady of vitamin C he