.论应用科密混凝土强效剂带给混凝土企业显著的经济效益(中建科密添加剂有限公司 株洲 512000)摘 要:本文介绍了BTL混凝土强效剂用于混凝土后可以降低企业的生产成本,能改善混凝土的 工作性能,后期抗压强度高于基准混凝土强度。证明了BTL混凝土强效剂具有十分可观 的经济效益。关键词:BTL混凝土强效剂;混凝土;成本;效益Summary: This article introduces the BTL strong concrete agent that used in the concrete can reduce the production costs, can improve the performance of concrete work, and the compressive strength afterwards of it is higher than the reference concrete strength. It proves that the BTL strong conc